Here you go Frank,I knew I'd seen it somewhere, straight from the RTA.
To be exempt from brakes....
Where a boat trailer or similar skeleton trailer weighs between 150kg and 250kg it must be
hauled by a vehicle with a tare weight of at least six times the tare weight of the trailer.
Any car under 1500Kg isn't a real car anyway.
It all goes out the window when you put any boat on it aside from a tinny.
Nov 6 2009, 02:12 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 7 2009, 08:07 AM)

Here you go Frank,I knew I'd seen it somewhere, straight from the RTA.
To be exempt from brakes....
Any car under 1500Kg isn't a real car anyway.
It all goes out the window when you put any boat on it aside from a tinny.
I wish I could find the MEMO I reciaved from RTA regarding this matter, but it was a while ago so probably have thrown it out.
anyway if you google RTA NSW and then through the search " trailer requirements " a page will come up showing the weights requiring brakes etc.
It would be good if any of these regulations were cleared up and not have as many loop holes and controdictions attatched to them, no doubt somewhere on their site there will be a different version to what they say here.
I think 250kg's is a much more realistic minimum requirement before brakes are needed. But I don't make the laws.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 9 2009, 01:04 AM
Well I'm taking this opertunity to BRAG
Talk about a SpoofyLaCockaSenn paint job on my goaty
Wont be long now just the centre cab to finish off now & it's fitup stage
Nov 11 2009, 12:50 PM
How about some updates inc. pics from Bees & Jumpy.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 11 2009, 11:29 PM
Odd ewe should ask Fed
Just a coincidence I took the camera with me 2day & took sum pics
pics from Bees
I was out woop woop on tuesday out @ Bees Shop & I feel confident his will be ready by
Bees Knees
Nov 12 2009, 01:22 AM
Love it Jumpy... The decals look great..
How did the mask and peel work? Was it easier?
And for the record lads, mine isn't far behind.

It's been painted once and the skins ready for the final paint now. I have "Beck" to thank for this, as i have been a busy boy
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 12 2009, 02:34 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Nov 12 2009, 08:22 PM)

How did the mask and peel work? Was it easier?
Yeah they were good prob saved a day & a 1/2 of masking up & doing it all by templates.
Would've liked the marlins that 100 mm bigger though it would've looked alot better.
Ewe can go to school on wot I did.
Lay the stensils flat till ready for use they kink easy & will leave air gaps, I got a few & will have to buff them out
When ready use masking tape on corners to hold stensil in possy just on top so ewe can flip it cause it's velly easy to prep exist paint with sum 1200 wet/dry b4 applying paint, dont be scared to scrath outside the stencil profile it's only 1000 & will buff out very nicely.
Haven't buffed my wun yet best leave paint to dry as long as possible
For best results wait till
2028 B4 buffing
Nov 12 2009, 08:17 PM
Looking very nice! Soon you'll be the proud owner of two custom built fishing weapons! Also, if you ever need a helping hand......

I just hope you have an internet connection so I can access Google.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 13 2009, 01:58 AM
Didn't really do any ting 2day wasn't feeling the best so all I did was go out & bend up the tube work for the hard tops on the cabs didn't have the die for larger size tube so had to go out & borrow wun.
As seen in pic I'd bolted up the Anchor yesterday now I've got to learn a few tings about these Mine is Bigger than yours blackys
Know the Yammy's inside out & to be honest much prefer to work on them
1st ting I noticed on the Black anchor was the cowls, they are Super light cause the Bloody things are made of plastic that was a piss off right away cause if ewe ever damage it they're not repairable like the fibreglass wuns, not just the main cowl is made of plastic either.
Reading through all the tags attached to the motor wun really caught my eye the wun that said not to use a Primer bulb on the fuel line cause it may damage the electric fuel pump.
Wot a load of 
My Q is does Mercury think they are the only wuns to use electric fuel pumps ??
Or have they taken into consideration that sum boats run long fuel lines & water seperators/fuel filters ???
Plug on the main elec harness was giant & was a bitch to get through the under floor chanel so were the contol cables being alot bigger than the yammy wuns but on a good note those control cables were smooth as silk in their travel mind ewes I did get the platinum wuns which I thought odd cause of all the new motors I've purchased over the years this is the 1st time control cables have been supplied
Oh did get around to hooking up the hydraulic steering today but that was about it
Nov 14 2009, 03:31 PM
looking good J.G., you should post it up on the iboats forum and show the yanks how to build a real tin boat
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 15 2009, 01:02 AM
If I get it finished by 2morrow I'll put sum pics up of the Centre cab
It's turned out a work of art.
Pic I'd posted of it was in it's rough stage it's now all welded up & prep'd for paint.
All that's left on it now is the top
I'm going hardtop after mulling wot I really wanted
Like staying dry when I'm out fushing
My goaty has a completely different floor layout to the other 2
Nov 15 2009, 10:56 PM
youll have to change the piccie in your signature as it has them rubbish yammies on there

Nov 16 2009, 12:44 PM
I'm going hardtop after mulling wot I really wanted
Like staying dry when I'm out fushing
Don't forget the guttering, "Rain drops keep falling on my head......"
Bees Knees
Nov 18 2009, 02:30 PM
The boat finally got the final coat for the base colout last night. Because work has been hectic, it has been a slow process. The people that supplied us with the Marlin's and Jumpy's lettering have offered to do all the pinstriping in the 'mask and peel' and set out in the factory for me tomorrow. I think i'll take them up on the offer. What i could do in 4hrs, these lads will do in half an hour.
Here's a few photos of the finish. Pretty happy with the results.
Click to view attachmentClick to view attachmentIt should be ready for the fit out soon....
Nov 18 2009, 02:57 PM
Nice and shiny. Looks like the set out of 'Dexter'. Everything is wrapped in plastic......
Bees Knees
Nov 18 2009, 04:37 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Nov 19 2009, 09:57 AM)

Nice and shiny. Looks like the set out of 'Dexter'. Everything is wrapped in plastic......
Half the plastic was pulled off.. I had to have a look at the two paint jobs..
Nov 19 2009, 03:04 AM
Very nice Bees,
The boat looks the goods mate........ talk about things being hectic- not enough time to do any thing this time of year.
Thanks for the pics.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 20 2009, 01:35 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 17 2009, 07:44 AM)

Don't forget the guttering, "Rain drops keep falling on my head......"
Yes we all know that !
Rain drops keep falling on the Fed
They've given Fed a Shiny Head
Those raindrops are fallin' Fed, they keep fallin'
The boat finally got the final coat for the base colout last night.
Bees you've inspired me to write a poem
There was a Chappy called Bees Knees
He named his new goaty with 2
The bitch answered to
YO DUCK FLUCKAHis Choockens gave her the Clappa
2028 she'll be out sailing the Sea's
Bees Knees
Nov 20 2009, 03:38 AM
Some of your best work there Jumpus

But as of tomorrow, my portion of the build will be done.

Just a day or 3 in front of yours... This makes me a very happy chappy

Bees Knees
Nov 21 2009, 12:31 AM
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 21 2009, 01:24 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Nov 21 2009, 07:31 PM)

I will sneak into the factory in the morning and peel of all the masking....
Could've done that 1/2 hr after paint went on in this heat saved ewe a trip
This heat is killing me
Bees Knees
Nov 21 2009, 01:41 AM
Had to peel a bit before i left and it was tacky... Had the kids there today, so i had to fly... I'l do it in the morning... Cant wait
Bees Knees
Nov 21 2009, 11:37 PM
I have a bunch of photos of the finish lads... I'll keep downloading them and when Jumpus gives me the go-ahead, I'll put them in the build thread... I am happy as with the result
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 22 2009, 12:59 AM
Bees is on the Dog & Bone as I type this !
Let me tell ewes
He's as PISSED as a FARTHe cant even Slur his words properly buggered if I know WATTO language he's Speaking
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 22 2009, 09:42 PM
Think Bees was pissed when it twas time to spell his boat name
Tooheys is spelt
Tooheys Not twoeyesea
Big thankyou to "Beck". He has been working hard on this for me
Onya Paul if it wasn't for ewe no way he'd have it on the water by
Nov 23 2009, 12:06 PM
I see I see I see.
Going by the name selection at least he knows his position in the family pecking order
Very impressive so far, the decal looks great.
Nice one Bees.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 24 2009, 01:18 AM
QUOTE (bafoo @ Nov 24 2009, 07:06 AM)

I see I see I see.
Going by the name selection at least he knows his position in the family pecking order
Dont ewe mean the family Beck ing order ??
Bees Knees
Nov 24 2009, 09:50 PM
Mate the cabin looks awsome

Super effort there...
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 25 2009, 02:03 AM
Should see it fitted up on the goat if ewe reckon it looks awesum on it's own.
I got evlly ting right on it nice walkaround space etc etc
To bad I had 300 & 1 visitors today none o9f whom showed up when Runus & I were lifting it into the goat
Nov 25 2009, 12:23 PM
When do the speed trials begin, I suppose we'll have to wait until after the run in period.
I predict Bees will pull 35 Knots and Jumpy should top 40 Knots, with the right prop and lightly loaded Jumpy may even get close to 45 Knots.
Let the porpoising begin Jumpy.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 25 2009, 12:30 PM
Bees will be very lucky to pull 35 Knots
He's gone with an 18 P prop & wont get the motor to rev out correctly
Merc have an odd pitch rating & dont make a 17 P so I've gone with the 16 P see how it goes
Nov 25 2009, 12:46 PM
I predict Jumpy and Bees will be swapping props very soon.
Can you borrow a few to try when the time comes Jumpy?
Bees Knees
Nov 25 2009, 01:25 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 26 2009, 07:30 AM)

Bees will be very lucky to pull 35 Knots
He's gone with an 18 P prop & wont get the motor to rev out correctly
Merc have an odd pitch rating & dont make a 17 P so I've gone with the 16 P see how it goes
Not only is mine smaller, it's poorly pitched

.. As long as it's floating, I'll be happy...
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 26 2009, 01:26 AM
That's why I told ewe not to pull it out of the box yet
I can hold of a couple to try out B4 I pull my wun out of the box
Bees Knees
Nov 26 2009, 01:48 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 26 2009, 08:26 PM)

That's why I told ewe not to pull it out of the box yet
I can hold of a couple to try out B4 I pull my wun out of the box
No worries... It's all there..
Nov 26 2009, 11:30 AM
Very impressive Jumpy,
Funny how all turn up once the hard yards are done.
Looks the goods as always and the colour and design looks great.
You have know set the bench mark.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 27 2009, 01:33 AM
QUOTE (bafoo @ Nov 27 2009, 06:30 AM)

Funny how all turn up once the hard yards are done.
Looks the goods as always and the colour and design looks great.
Unfortunately bafoo I'm all worn out & struggling @ present had a lazy visiting day today
As far as the goat goat goes ??
Evllybloody knows Jumpus dosen't tell Porky's
Well only wittle wuns sum times
The Goat ???????
The best was saved for last, Maybe it's just my tastes but the boat really looks hot, I wont put up any more pics till it's all cleaned up, messy job doing the wiring
Nov 27 2009, 06:41 PM
All jokes aside im impressed with both builds.
Thumbs up to you both.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 27 2009, 11:34 PM
Did bugger all again today sore as
I did manage to complete the electricals, after I fitted in the instrument & overhead panels I just stood there 4 ages admiring the layout, I'm very pleased with it glass went in yesterday.
See how I feel 2morro cause there's not much left to do @ all
Just the seats to be fitted & plug in the motors elect harness & I'm finished
All that'll be left after that is to get the clears made up for the sides
Nov 29 2009, 01:47 AM
I just checked out the latest pics Jumpy, you had better start sharpening your hooks up mate.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 29 2009, 01:52 AM
Wasn't going to put any pics up till she was all cleaned up Fed but wasn't in the mood to do any work today so I snapped of a few pics
you had better start sharpening your hooks up mate
Prob got a weeks worth of work just to sort out my fushing gear me tinks
Rods & reels everywhere alot of the new reels haven't been married to their rods yet nor spooled up
Gonna have to design a new storage system cause I'm running out of space
Nov 29 2009, 02:28 AM
just saw the new pics of the console layout...............BRILLANT MATE.[/size]
Bees Knees
Nov 29 2009, 02:37 PM
Looks great Jumpy.. A credit to the hard work put in.. Good stuff
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 30 2009, 12:25 AM
Got P'eed off 2day
Was looking 4ward to have taken the goat out for her 1st run tommorro.
Down @ sea sea's today for final checkup & starting of motor which she did no probs
Had to shut it down quick smart when the alarm went off after around 5 seconds.
Tis a design factor for the alarm to go off if motor revs over 2000 rpm in neutral
Left Brenno to tend to adjustments on the throatle cable 5 minutes later out came the binacle control box cause brenno was scrating his head the same way I was when I installed evlly ting.
F'n mercs dont like their cable setup @ all & I even took the whole binacle in b4 I fitted it to get a run down cause it didn't look right
Turns out wrong cables were sent out by merc they're the new style cables not designed for the binacle box they'd sent out with the motor.
Wot a waste of aday & now I wont get the new binacle box till thursday
Nov 30 2009, 02:09 AM
That's a bummer mate, could you shave a day off it by picking up from Mercury direct or something?
Thursday looks like being the best day this week, I'm thinking of wetting a line myself.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 30 2009, 03:10 AM
If ewe have a GooDarus look @ the last lot of pics I put up ewe'll notice no cover on the binacle nor did I screw it down
Just didn't feel right to me
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 1 2009, 10:34 PM
I finally got through that thick head belonging to that Bees chappy
So his goat is getting a new name .
Told the Bees I'll spray the mural in 4 him
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 4 2009, 03:11 AM
Cant wait to see the launch pictures and hear how it handles the sea.
Im gettin a [/color][/size]STIFFY SPOOFY LA COCKASUN[color="#000000"][size="1"] in anticipation of the report and photos to cum cum
Woopsy Doopsy 4got to lock the other thread so I moved your reply here bafoo
Was pretty sore today so dropped the goat off & got the controls done
Mind ewe twas blowing it's arse off all day & I wouldn't have enjoyed being on the water
It's all complete now & 2morro looks like the wind is droping so I'll sneak it out
I did take a few pics when I droped it off I'll post them in the other thread
Dec 4 2009, 06:50 PM
The boat looks awesome ange well done !
I love the cabin, makes the boat look really good
Dec 4 2009, 10:50 PM
Very impressive Ange,
Looks neat and tidy and sits well on the trailor.
Do us a favour - next time you have a chance stand beside the boat and get some one else to take a happy snap.
This will give us some perspective of the overall size of the project.
What ever you do make sure you do not get out those special budgee smugglers out of the closet for the photo shoot .
The goat looks friken awsome mate.
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