Coming together very nicely, JG. I like it - I like it a lot.....
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 5 2009, 11:44 PM
Wait till ewe see it in about a weeks time
Jul 12 2009, 12:11 AM
QUOTE (kkw @ Jul 6 2009, 09:00 AM)

Coming together very nicely, JG. I like it - I like it a lot.....
time for a update J.G. OR SHOULD I SAY,time for a looky look
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 12 2009, 12:39 AM
Yeah was going to take sum pics today but didn't called it a early day just after lunch.
Pulled a muscle in my back last week & have been taking it easy.
Even cancelled yesterday's fushing trip didn't want to aggrevate the muscle, so looks like wednesday is the next decent day out there
All because I opted it was to risky trying to flip her upsy downsy in the confined space that I have & had to work bent over virtually all day long for a few days that's wot pulled the muscle.
Having said that boat has progressed heeps all the welding has been done console/centre cab is virtually complete another 1/2 day & it's all doneall that's left after that is fiddly stuff like rod holders, bolards rails etc & she's ready for paint.
If the axles arrive in the meantime I'll put a hold on the boat & finish off the trailer so it can get registered that way I can slip it under the boat out of the way
Jul 12 2009, 03:00 AM
The pics so far look terrific and you certainly should be proud with your handywork.
I cannot wait to see the next lot of pics and the best part will be to see the proud owner launch his pride and joy.
How does one man have so much talent
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 12 2009, 04:27 AM
Like I said just wasn't in the mood to take pics 2day opted to come home & lay in the spa instead seems to relax the back
Centre cab is nearly completeso it'll be out with the vacume cleaner 2morro a tidy up then I'll take some pics,
Layout on this boat is a bit unusual & will differ a bit on my wun but each is layed out to suit the owner, surprisingly there's a heap of room in these boats with a bit of thought gone into storage as well.
I've come up with quite a few new design options as well & can see myself using my wittle goaty alot more than the 7 odd meter wun.
Templates have been made for all the hole cutouts re gauges binacles etc all the components have been cut for the next 2 goaty's so if ewe blink you'll miss their builds
Jul 12 2009, 08:00 AM
What's with this boat building nonsense? Wasn't the whole point of building a new goat to get into the fishies?
Jul 12 2009, 11:18 PM
He's lost his fishing MOJO Catch.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 13 2009, 02:31 AM
QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Jul 13 2009, 02:00 AM)

What's with this boat building nonsense? Wasn't the whole point of building a new goat to get into the fishies?

Well wun may ask the same Q of ewe !
How many outfits do ewe have now ???????
We all know ewe started with the Borat
I've been told you've upgraded to the latest fad & got yourself a Bruno
Wot Gives ???????
Jul 14 2009, 01:50 AM
The boat's really taking shape now Jumpy, did you make the fuel tank condensation proof?
Looks to be plenty of space to walk around the consol, a little bit wider and it could be a centre cab.
Finalised out a motor for this one yet?
Jul 14 2009, 03:06 AM
Had a look at the new pics mate and now I cant get my stiffy down,.........Might have to go and cuddle the wife.....I mean beg the wife.
Top workmanship as always.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 15 2009, 12:18 AM
QUOTE (bafoo @ Jul 14 2009, 09:06 PM)

Top workmanship as always.
Well Marcel I owe it all to a velly velly good friend of mine called Mal McLassie, dosen't catch to many wittle fishy's but knows a thing or 2 about boat building
ps] you'll have to ask Jedsta wot that means
a little bit wider and it could be a centre cab.
Pics tell lies Federick it is a centre cab & you've no idea how much room is in these goaty's they boast a 2.2 meter beam
Bees Knees
Jul 15 2009, 01:48 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 15 2009, 06:18 PM)

Well Marcel I owe it all to a velly velly good friend of mine called Mal McLassie, dosen't catch to many wittle fishy's but knows a thing or 2 about boat building
Didn't think you would ever resort to this jumpus... Very disappointed..

Bloody name dropper
Mr Al McGlashon will be horrified
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 16 2009, 01:45 AM
Well I tried getting a price check 1st Bees
But ewe can never find a good CHECK OUT CHICK when ewe need wun
Jul 16 2009, 02:58 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 16 2009, 02:45 AM)

Well I tried getting a price check 1st Bees
But ewe can never find a good CHECK OUT CHICK when ewe need wun
Hey I have heard of this alison MGLASSY GUY........... WHERE DOES HE FIT INTO THE SCHEME OF THINGS??????? and what secrets does the Jedsta keep close to his ginja ninja chest hairs.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 16 2009, 03:13 AM
Buggered if I know wot Bees is on about !
Think my Boofy Woofy poo'd in his shoe & Bees got high on it
My mate is called Mal McLassie & I dont know who this Mr Al McGlashon ewe guys are talking about is ??????????????????
I was quite pleased 2day just the rails to go & boat is ready for prep work & paint, axles arrived 2day so now I can finish off the trailer
Prob get sum more pics up by the weekend
Jul 16 2009, 03:10 PM
Pics tell lies Federick it is a centre cab
Is it an imaginary centrecab, I just can't see it so I guess I'm lacking in imagination.
Looking forward to future pics.
What's in front of the vertical rod holders?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 17 2009, 12:53 AM
Pic even gave me a wrong impression as well pics are velly decieving , it's a very roomy boat for it's size
What's in front of the vertical rod holders?
Guess you'll have to wait for some decent pics if it's possioble to take any I'm limited for space & angles to take them from unlike the other project
Centre cab runs virtually all the way to the anchor well I allowed 300 mm walk around space there nowthe remaining cab drops down in hight [front of rod rack] think 400 mm high.
2 storage compartments built in with hinged doors, this serves dual purpose both as seating & casting platforn when SP'n
Jul 21 2009, 01:15 AM
Jumpy. Just check to ensure the spare wheel on the new trailer does not interfere with the release paul on the winch, unless you are putting electric winches on them.
Not trying to be smart or critical or anything like that, just trying to offer some advise.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 21 2009, 01:22 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Jul 21 2009, 07:15 PM)

Jumpy. Just check to ensure the spare wheel on the new trailer does not interfere with the release paul on the winch, unless you are putting electric winches on them.
All done & all sweet frank.
That's why I wanted the trailer back under the boat 1st to check everything out properly, cause on the big boat there was no place wotsoever to mount a spare wheel bracket,
This time I learnt not to make the winch post till boat was positioned correctly on the trailer
Jul 22 2009, 01:45 AM
Looking very nice.
The boat and trailer not you jumpy.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 22 2009, 02:04 AM
Have to admit Christos !
You've inspired the 1st goaty's name
Bees Knees
Jul 22 2009, 02:22 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 23 2009, 01:27 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Jul 23 2009, 08:22 AM)

Awsome trailer Jumpus. I'm going to call it Wings...
Is that your poor way of deflecting wot ewe really want to call it ????????
LibraWith added side protection WATTO more could wun want
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 23 2009, 01:35 AM
Oh yeah !
Hull all painted up went overtime into the darkness
Gunna have to wait till the morn to see if I got any title waves
Then it's the day off cause I'm going fushing
Amate popped around 2day they fushed browns on mun day the day after sun day brurry irriots bottom bounce 4 blue eye only got wun 15 kg model cause they couldn't get baits past gemfishy's.
Had to laugh cause they tripped the circuit breaker twice on the electric reel
A mako of about 150 kg et the hooked gemmy's the reel was spinning in reversing mode @ 100 mph
Jul 23 2009, 10:23 PM
Will he have made it out to sea today....or will he have gotten side tracked again...?
If he went out, will he have found is MOJO again? (It was last seen swimming 150nm off the central coast)
thanks for the troll post before this one...I had almost forgotten about world of warcraft.
PS: Anyone know a good bathroom renovation outfit in the sutherland shire area? Bought a house and need the bathroom freshened up.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 24 2009, 02:30 AM
QUOTE (jack @ Jul 24 2009, 04:23 PM)

If he went out, will he have found is MOJO again? (It was last seen swimming 150nm off the central coast)
Yep went for a fush
Caught Jack sugar as well
Not worth a report can verify the MOJO is still on walkabout
Did have a school of Alblies hit all baits on dusk & missed every wun of them
Bitch of a trip out with sum huge swells, it calm down on the way in & could sit on 25 knots all the way home
Water looked great, not a bad drift either just no fishys
Jul 24 2009, 03:32 AM
If he went out, will he have found is MOJO again? (It was last seen swimming 150nm off the central coast)
Someone must have fished it out because I saw it for sale on ebay, I thought about it for a couple of hours then went back to make an offer and it was withdrawn from sale.
The "buy it now" price was $29.95, overpriced but I still could have made a tidy profit selling back to Jumpy.
The missing Jumpy MOJO is still at large.
Jul 24 2009, 04:29 AM
last year you build rods like a man possessed and caught heaps of fish...
this year you are building boats like a man possessed and we all know how that is affecting your MOJO.....
Now go back to your rod building gear and start rolling us some spin sticks, that'll help you catch some fish.
Jul 24 2009, 06:32 AM
I got word that there were small BFT of around 30-40kg crawling around Brown's, but that was before those few days of sh*t weather. Don't know whether they've moved on by now or not.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 24 2009, 02:10 PM
QUOTE (jack @ Jul 24 2009, 10:29 PM)

last year you build rods like a man possessed and caught heaps of fish...
this year you are building boats like a man possessed and we all know how that is affecting your MOJO.....
Now go back to your rod building gear and start rolling us some spin sticks, that'll help you catch some fish.
Yeah seems the new boat has got a curse on it dosen't it

only wun YFT to hit the deck all yeah.
But I'll tell ewe wot it's a hell of a boat to be out there in cracked my head yesterday coming off a swell around 4 meters we were airbourne no such prob for salty he still had 5 foot of head space
Salty hasn't been able to get on the site so I'll let ewes know the wittle Jelly Bean has been doing quite well fushing for snapper with fush to 4 kg
As far as the MOJO goes ???
Well there has not been a trip out where I haven't found the fush every trip has seen sum action of sorts different story hooking & landing them having said that cant say I've put the effort in this season & I've spent way to much time with that bloody Stella reel thingy trying to pop a fushy up I've decided it's not coming out again.
Like I said water looked great out there yesterday nicest colour I'd seen for a while 18 .3 degrees fush should've been there only thing against us was a east to west drift
I got word that there were small BFT of around 30-40kg crawling around Brown's
Very rare I'll fush Browns, but I can verify 3 SBT were taken on the canyons last monday biggest going 75 kg
Jul 24 2009, 02:44 PM
QUOTE (jack @ Jul 24 2009, 04:23 PM)

PS: Anyone know a good bathroom renovation outfit in the sutherland shire area? Bought a house and need the bathroom freshened up.
Fred Rose bathroom renos did mine and did a great job. Prices were amongst the best I got at the time, as well.
salty fil
Jul 25 2009, 03:17 AM
This has got to be one of the better tinnys ive seen fellas.
A decent looking rig that does look much bigger than what it is.
Basically a mini-me of the big one.
Are you going to go with traditional colours with these boats Jumpy, or you sticking with the head-turning theme?
I hope you make these little fellas stand out like the big fella!
Jul 25 2009, 04:40 PM
QUOTE (jack @ Jul 24 2009, 05:23 PM)

PS: Anyone know a good bathroom renovation outfit in the sutherland shire area? Bought a house and need the bathroom freshened up.
That is great news Jack.
Sorry I am not able to recommend any one to help in the bathroom, if it is not major you might be able to do it your self?
Jul 25 2009, 10:18 PM
a question if i may, J.G. when building the next two boats will there any changes to the design, no sorry wrong word, more like in the way you lay out the the boat, plus will you be adding a T top or even a hard top.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 26 2009, 01:47 PM
Not really in the mood to answer any Q's poly
Been as crook as a dog all weekend bad case of fever & I forced myself out of bedthis morn cause my body is sore from lying down
Bees Knees
Jul 28 2009, 05:44 PM
Hurry up and get better then... the rest of aren't fishing atm, so we have nothing to talk about
Jul 29 2009, 01:31 AM
Rubbish we are guys.
Always something to chat about. Try this one
Jul 31 2009, 12:31 AM
I do hope you are feeling better soon J.G. as I watch this build, sometimes I think perhaps it is time to return to the dark side, the only thing is the center cab leaves me cold, i have seen it on a lot of u.s. made boats and it looks like a great big wast of space to me, the old fashion 1/4 cab would make a lot more room for the stowing ones gear, now I do know that you have though this throw and have decided on this design for a reason, I would think the main one being all round access while fishing are there any others ?????????
Jul 31 2009, 02:25 PM
I have a quarter cab or cuddy cab Poly and the usable storage space up front is pretty limited.
I spent a lot of years fishing from a boat with no canopy or side curtains and I can tell you it's no fun whatsoever.
Upgrade mate, think of the money you could save in toupe glue.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 31 2009, 03:24 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Jul 31 2009, 06:31 PM)

I do hope you are feeling better soon J.G.
Geting there poly think as ewe get older the brurry flu gets ewe worse every year
I have been getting an hour or 2 work in daily but dont want to push it soon as I feel rundown I call it a day
the only thing is the center cab leaves me cold,
Think you're forgetting wun thing ???????
This boat is only a secondary vessel to play around in the bays etc, ewe cant toss lures around from a hardtop as effectively nor can ewe mount a lecky & operate it effectively.
The way I've designed these centre cabs ewe can do all that with the front portion of rhe cab acting as a casting platform with alot of good storage space underneath, not in my case cause I dont like overcrowding boats but the front section is a walkabout with the platform also acting as seating
Bees Knees
Aug 4 2009, 12:33 AM
Someone delivered this little baby to work yesterday

I just need somewhere to mount it...
Click to view attachment
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 4 2009, 12:44 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Aug 4 2009, 06:33 PM)

I just need somewhere to mount it...

Paul was supposed to have delivered it here THAT's my new BLACK ANCHOR for my BIB GOAT
BLOODY MERCURY CRAP that's all they're GooDarus 4
Nearly ready to give the 1st goaty colour, mounted fuel tank in toaday finished the console, pre mounted just about everything else to make sure it all fits [ lights, pumps ect]
Just need a bit of prep work & the inside can get sprayed
Bees Knees
Aug 4 2009, 01:46 AM
Trailer will be done this week Jumpy
How about some details on the Merc Bees?
And some trailer pics on whatever you're doing to it.
(BTW, Mercs are so good that Yamahaha copied them. LOL!)
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 4 2009, 01:39 PM
Get your facts right Fed
Mercs are made from infirior Yammy parts the 2 Co's are in court cause Yammy gave them an infirior motor
Bees Knees
Aug 4 2009, 02:32 PM
It's a 90hp 4 stroke. Super seeded model, but still brand new. So i got it at a reduced rate.
Now that i have bought a motor, i have an opinion on the subject...
I think this industry is full of propaganda... They all give you flashy books, giving you percentages on different types of performances, noise, emissions etc, but they all claim to be the best
Buying a brand new anything, with warrantee, at a price I'm happy with, will give me years of comfortable boating with reliability.. Plus black is much bigger than the other colours
Fed, I'm just sandblasting and putting a little paint on the trailer for Jumpy...
The man is running out of room out his way and the council keep trying to perform a Citizen's arrest on his Arse Just giving him a bit of a hand, but it's like extracting teeth.... He dont like help

i might have to change the word to
assistance??? That may confuse Jumpy for a while
Black is faster than the other colours too.
Bees Knees
Aug 4 2009, 05:11 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Aug 5 2009, 09:19 AM)

Black is faster than the other colours too.
Thought red was the fastest, I might paint it...
How big is the fuel tank Jumpy?
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