Pics Poly, I'v got a few early ones from last trip to yamba, was fishing for mangrove jacks in the creeck across the other side of the river and a good k and a bit downstream-was hard going coming home a couple of times against the outgoing tide and southerly wind.
Sounder wise I'v only got a base model eagle-nice and compact, I'm mainly fishing in the fresh so it shows the bottom structure in the max 50ft water just fine for me. Transducer is mounted with cable ties to the bottom of my motor.
GPS-yes I do use one to mark spots along the nepean and when I go away its helpful to mark the spots where bass are caught, its a garmin handheld-very compact, good battery life and very accurate.
Engine mount-I made it myself from some old bits I had in my garage- a couple of satellite mount bits, a bit of wood and another sat mount bit as a brace.
Yak is from BCF-called a angler-3m, cathederal hull, very stable-can stand and cast.
Engine has been upgraded to minn kota-the one on there did the job fine but was lacking in power-ebay cheapie cost under $150 quoted @ 40lb-more like 20lb.

Its all trial and error-when you're on the water fishing you soon work out what you use a lot and where is a good place to get your hands on it quickly-rods, paddle are the 2 biggies, net next then tackle, if you're going outside fishing a small sea anchor is a bit of kit a few fellas I know use, do a search on the net theres some great set-ups to pinch some ideas from.