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Jumpus GooDarus
It allows you to use electricity to control this charge on your downriggers.

Evlly now then i get 2 read stupid claims made by idiots hu have nothing better to du than spread stupidity
They'll du anything in a bid to sell sumting
Surprised no wun has suggested rubbing scent on bombs to attract more girly fish to the boat

John your goat is plastic only place it earth's out anywhere is through the motor's earth straps

PAy no attention to thse utterly stupid claims about enticing fish using electoticity
Sir Reel
sort of the answer i was expecting.
I asked an electrician friend and he was scratching his head too.
Sir Reel
Found a download for my Cannon mag20 downrigger
And found some more info on

The Short Stop System
The Short Stop system is composed of three
critical components: the electronic unit, the reel set
screw, and the trolling weight insulator.
While the downrigger cable is in the water, there
is a minute electrical current that flows between the
cable and the grounded metal boat components in
the water. When the cable clears the water, this
current flow will stop. The Short Stop system senses
this interruption and turns off the motor. The trolling
weight insulator is used to break the cable contact to
the water while the weight is still in the water. The
reel set screw allows the circuit path to be made
through the structure of the downrigger.

But wait there is more hope the pic is clear enofgh.

Measuring the Natural Electrolysis and PIC
Voltage on Your Boat
A voltmeter with a scale of zero to one volt will
measure the natural electrolysis. Place the ground
lead of the meter on the motor or the battery
ground. Place the positive lead on the stainless
steel downrigger cable while it is in the water. The
downrigger must be unplugged. The voltage you
measure on the volt meter is your boat’s natural
electrolysis voltage. Use the same set up to
measure the PIC voltage; just plug in the Mag 20
DT and adjust the PIC knob to the voltage
Using Positive Ion Control
Positive Ion Control is very effective when
trolling. The zone of attraction created at the
downrigger wire will attract the fish. It is best to
use a short drop back between the downrigger
release and the lure. Drop backs of 10 to 20 ft. are
typical. A drop back of 50 to 100 ft. will entirely
negate the effects of the PIC circuit. Fishing
depths greater than 125 ft. may require a slightly
higher PIC voltage. If you return to shallow water
fishing remember to turn the PIC voltage down
The correct PIC setting for your best fishing
advantage varies, depending on fish type and
location. For example, the proper setting for Puget
Sound Steelhead may not be effective for Great
Lakes Steelhead. To fully benefit from PIC
technology, it is important that you experiment
with the PIC setting to find the proper voltage for
the gamefish in your area. For more information
on this subject, refer to “Secrets of Fishing with
Electricity” by Ollie Rode.

Somehow I dont think it work as good as this video,

and some of it is probably dribble but it seems important for the auto stop feature.
Jumpas you would have a electric current on your downrigger wire i would think. May not be ajustable but would be intresting to measure it with a vault meter.
Closest ramp for you would be either murrays beach or huskison (Wollamia) .. Both are good ramps, easy for your boat anyway.. murrays, make sure ya lock the car.. its prob not as bad now but years ago used to be a prob with theives but now it costs $10 to use and the cops patrol it fairly regularly..
Sir Reel
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Oct 18 2010, 06:29 PM) *
Closest ramp for you would be either murrays beach or huskison (Wollamia) .. Both are good ramps, easy for your boat anyway.. murrays, make sure ya lock the car.. its prob not as bad now but years ago used to be a prob with theives but now it costs $10 to use and the cops patrol it fairly regularly..

Looks good,
Maybe next time your heading that way Give a call and I might come and follow you out there.
Im a woose when it comes to new bars.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sir Reel

Send those people @ connon a email telling them they'd make alot more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ selling their bullshit to Arabia.

@ least the arabs can put it to ggod use fertilising the sararah dessert hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Only time a circuit is made on an eletric downrigger is when ewe push the butto to retrieve bomb

So where do these guys dig up this crap ?????????????????
Sir Reel
So when you come down next, bring you volt meter & we will check it out.
Then we can have them for false advertising.
Jumpus GooDarus
Like I said john they're talking utter bullshit

Current can only flow when + & - run through a circuit & that will only happen when the circuit is activated via the switch button & ewe only engage that button when you're retrieving the bomb.

Your goat being plastic & glass boats are an insulator to the water unlike Alloy goats

BUT all boats have their donks in the water & all donks have earth straps which in turn do relay current back into the water cant be helped
Jumpy's running his PIC on a full 12 Volts, his engine anodes only last a year and then his skegs take over. hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Yes Fed & once a year I get to look @ my Shinus Headarus both of them hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
No bars in JB mate... Huskison there is a small one but nothing like baitmans as its very protected.. Murrys beach just launch and go, mst of jb is fairly deep.. Only a few reefs on the edges (plantation point, Huskison, Callala and long beach but they very obvious.. rest of bay is sweet!
Sir Reel
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Oct 19 2010, 04:21 PM) *
Yes Fed & once a year I get to look @ my Shinus Headarus both of them hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Only once a year hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
must b along time between drinks
Jumpus GooDarus
Unlike Sum
I get good milage hysterical.gif
Is it even legal for Jumpy to electrocute fish, I think not.
Aspro Yamahahas
Jumpus GooDarus
Hmmmmmmmmmmm !

It's evident ewe spent the day polishing your Hed , Fed

Bright Sparks are flying evllywhere hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Sir Reel @ Oct 16 2010, 04:52 PM) *
Looks like a great location, might have to plan a trip up that way.
We plan on going to Monagaue when the kingies come on. Bar seems better than the Bay here.
Whats the ramps & bar like at JB

Was nearly down there last Saturday
A mate who lives down the gong way rang late flyday apparantly there's sum big girly fush on the Banks @ present
Quick looky @ seabreeze was all thumbs up
I'd been out fushing last fliday & was pretty stuffed & didn't relish the idea of an early start so said no
Sir Reel
gr8 to hear there on,
looking forward to having my arms stretched
shame i have to work this weekend
Aparently it pissed down there most of last weekend
and more rain due this weekend too
always crapy weather when the kings come on
While the downrigger cable is in the water, there
is a minute electrical current that flows between the
cable and the grounded metal boat components in
the water. When the cable clears the water, this
current flow will stop. The Short Stop system senses
this interruption and turns off the motor.

The trolling
weight insulator is used to break the cable contact to
the water while the weight is still in the water. The
reel set screw allows the circuit path to be made
through the structure of the downrigger.

See that Jumpy?
Jumpus GooDarus
So wot ?????

Tell me this where is the current cuming from ?????

Pay attention next time ewe ninkompoopy, only time current can flow to the downrigger unit is when ewe push the retrive button

So where the hell are ewe finding this so called current ??????????????

Just like I told ewe Wi Yu No Risten hysterical.gif
It comes from the Positive Ion Control Voltage, everyone knows that.
Jumpus GooDarus
For a bloke hu made his living being an ElectoPatricia ewe dont know much du Yu hysterical.gif

Do ewe agree the switch/button on the rigger is insulated ???

If so how does the current pass through that switch & make it's way to the rigger itself if the contactors in the switch/button are not engaged ??????????
It's in the PIC Mate!
Jumpus GooDarus
Fed hysterical.gif Fed hysterical.gif Fed hysterical.gif

You're clasping @ straws @ least Bees got to grab sum Pt Jackson Clasps hysterical.gif

Pic shows conection back to your sounder data in, data out

If ewe'd been following the thread ewe'd have known we discussed not using the sounder as a plug in source for depth measurement

Answer my Q where is the current comming from ???

Also bear in mind Sir Reel has wun of those goats made from plastic similar to that of a wheely bin
It's in the PIC you goose, PIC = Positive Ion Control.
Jumpus GooDarus
So Seys the man with the SHINNY EGG hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Jumpus GooDarus
Hey Sir Reel

Was @ the club last night & they had CreamOfSumOldGuy from sum place called the downrigger shop giving a demo & talk on downrigging & he was pushing the cannon.

Well I did well to keep my north & south shut hysterical.gif but a few of us were up the back having a GooDarus hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

B4 I go any further I'll point out wun ting, there's many ways of ketching fishys & there's right or wrong way as long as ewe're succeeding.

BUT I just couldn't stop laughing all night @ the comments this guy was making Arty fron fish theorapy kept looking @ us & came over to see what we were laughing @ hysterical.gif

Personally just my opinion I dont like the cannon just a manual model on show & I did well not to ask about that PIC = Positive Ion Control thingy on their electric models esp when this guy kept narking on how dacron is better than wire cable, last I heard dacron wont transfer electricity so it cant power up & turn the fishys into a feeding fiasco hysterical.gif

Then he started ramping on about the leather jackets taking jigs & biting anything they can get their teeth into, thank goodness he's recomending dacron cause leather jackets surely cant bite that stuff off hysterical.gif

I was in stich's by the end of the night esp when he said hooking up a live squiddy was velly complicated & it was much easier to bridal up a yakka hysterical.gif
Sir Reel
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 4 2010, 07:02 PM) *
Hey Sir Reel

Was @ the club last night & they had CreamOfSumOldGuy from sum place called the downrigger shop giving a demo & talk on downrigging & he was pushing the cannon.

Should of asked him apout the PIC and will it work in a plastic boat.
How much was he asking for the manual downrigger, prob as much as a electric one from the states.

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 4 2010, 07:02 PM) *
Personally just my opinion I dont like the cannon

I wont hold that against you.
The reason for this model is I can connect it to my fishfinder and make adjustment to the downrigger from the helm.
Will still need to adjust the reel to take up slack line though.

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 4 2010, 07:02 PM) *
Then he started ramping on about the leather jackets taking jigs & biting anything they can get their teeth into, thank goodness he's recomending dacron cause leather jackets surely cant bite that stuff off hysterical.gif

Did this fella have any idea what he was talking bout
Hope those Leather jacket dont eat my bomb lol.

I got mine last week and fitted over the weekend. If this rain ever stops I might get to test it out.
Have you tried trawling lures down deep and what style of lure worked for you?
Jumpus GooDarus
How much was he asking for the manual downrigger, prob as much as a electric one from the states

Really wasn't interested besides I was to busy laughing all night was in wun of my hysterical moods my ribs were hurting

I wont hold that against you.
The reason for this model is I can connect it to my fishfinder and make adjustment to the downrigger from the helm.

Like I said tis just my personal view, been using the Scotty2Hottys & prob a wee bit bias towards them

Did this fella have any idea what he was talking bout
Hope those Leather jacket dont eat my bomb lol.

He started going on about fushng back in the 70's & he must not have been that good cause he failed to decribe how good it really was back then or he didn't get out very often to really know wot it was all about back then.

Mr Shinny Head knows wot it was all about I used to fush on his boat back then

Prob with guys like CreamOfSumOldGuy they're here 4 only wun reason
That's fine if they keep it fair dinkum but they do alot of bullashitta & peeps hu dont know any better start spreading that same bullashitta & that's wot pee's me off.

He was the guy hu gave Al McLashan that dooberlacky line counter on that show they got the big eye tuna tis same dooberlacky line counter they use on the canon rigger prob the reason they recomend dacron cause wire would chew out the counter.

On the Scotty2Hottys counter works off a gear if i'm corect built into the spool

Your cannon will just fine alot of peeps rave about them, I'm not bagging the unit itself just sum of the bullashitta i've heard

Have you tried trawling lures down deep and what style of lure worked for you?

Just a wee bit back when I was using both Scotty2Hottys I'd run a squid on wun & a BIG plastic on the other think only wun hit on the plastic but really putting a live/fresh squid in front of a girly fish is like offering chocolate to a choco holic cant resist & will take even if not feeding.

Ewe wont get that same success using live yakka's
Bees Knees
QUOTE (Sir Reel @ Nov 4 2010, 07:44 PM) *
Have you tried trawling lures down deep and what style of lure worked for you?

Im 1 for 1 on the plastics downrigged. Only did it cause I only caught 1 squid in 2hrs and it got hit hysterical.gif so it works. (only a rat though)

Im enjoying this thread for a couple of reasons...
1. Im not an experienced fisho, but try and learn everytime i fish.
2. Downrigging gives me a chance to fish properly... I procure my own bait...explore fishy spots that hold bait... And most times get a hit...

Anyone that can catch bait will have success i believe...

Jumpy, you don't suffer fools lightly mate, but let that bloke sell his spool bud, he has kids to feed!! hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Sir Reel, after your first trip, comeback and re-read the thread.. Jumpy has given some great advice IMO... Dont listen to the hype rolleyes.gif Have a read of this blokes site. (remove the link if you have to Jumpus) Between his and Jumpy's advise.. You will smash it emot108.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Im 1 for 1 on the plastics downrigged.

I tink there's a time for lures & a different time for live baits realistically ewe cant or shouldn't do both @ he same time.
1stly ewe really should be aware of the area ewe are fushing if ewe know the fish are there then live bit is definately the go with squid as a preference.
With live bait you're trolling @ very low speed which realistically makes it impossible to pull lures big SP's are the exception, wot ewe look for is large schools of baitfush & ewe work them may lose school after only traveling 20 meters no probs just turn the boat around & find them again wot ewe are trying to do is just hover over them.
If kungs are about they'll come to the baitfishys.

If ewe aim to troll lures 4get about your downrigger it'll be a hinderence more thn an asset with lures like the deeper diving bombers F12's F18's they'll still get down to the depth range or close enough as to where ewe would've had the bomb set difference is ewe can know run a good spread of 3 - 4 lures & they'll allow ewe to increase boat speed which in turn allows ewe to cover alot more area in search of the girlys.

Personaaly i can can only cop a few hrs of girly fushing get bored after that even if they're thick get more of a kick ketching the squiddy's 2b be honest
I can sit behind the wheel all day pulling skirted lures chasing gamefish & dont mind that @ all but i dot war high heels doing that & am alot more comfortable hysterical.gif
Sir Reel
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Nov 5 2010, 05:58 AM) *
Have a read of this blokes site. You will smash it emot108.gif

Hey Bees I tried that site but didnt see anything helpful
Does the forum work as it says
The guestbook is deactivated

Please come back later !

If I need to regester, how do i do it?
Sir Reel
Catching squid is a bit hit and miss for me. The water coming out of the river always seems to make the water murkey, when we do get them they are huge. I have some areas outside of the heads but then the wind and swell generally mucks it up. I know fresh is way better than frozzen. There are some squid you can buy in a blue and white box, its called Californian squid. The kings love strips & whole pieces of that. Will probaby take some as back up.

Whats those F12's F18's you talk about. Got a picy or link?

I have some rapalas that dive deep & a big blade lure, some sps with long tails & some skirted lures I might give a go. Heard there are som bonitos about.
Jumpus GooDarus
I dont have any probs ketching kungs on frozen squid on days squiddy's are thick I stock up & freeze them in individual bags thaw out as I need need if live wuns get ellusive to ketch.

Have even caught up to 3 kungs on wun squid last wun got nailed just on the squids hook previous girly must've liked Head hysterical.gif

Smaller squid have started arriving allready in close, you'll start to notice a decline of the bigger squids as time goes by

Whats those F12's F18's you talk about. Got a picy or link?

I have some rapalas that dive deep & a big blade lure,

Rapalla's will work just fine, Bombers are just a different brand
Bees Knees
QUOTE (Sir Reel @ Nov 5 2010, 05:36 PM) *
Hey Bees I tried that site but didnt see anything helpful
Does the forum work as it says

If I need to regester, how do i do it?

No need to register... His site is as free as Oz's hysterical.gif

There are tabs on the main page... (left hand side)
The guestbook is deactivated

Please come back later !
Bees Knees
I dont want to come around and click on the tabs for you 1. left hand side of page. 2. click downrigger club. 3. feel free to read at your own risk. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 6 2010, 09:15 AM) *
The guestbook is deactivated

Please come back later !

Pete does not want ewe there Fed & gave ewe the hint hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Sir Reel
cool thanks Beez
Will def give it a read.
Bit brain dead with an early start this morning
Had a play with the downrigger
Trawled up Salmon, Tailor & Bonito
none of which were on the downrigger
still need some practice to master the controls on that one
Water temp was only 15.5 deg
still a while till the kings come
Bees Knees
QUOTE (Sir Reel @ Nov 6 2010, 07:48 PM) *
Had a play with the downrigger
Trawled up Salmon, Tailor & Bonito
none of which were on the downrigger

All about finding the bait balls on the sounder mate.. A few big arches around them and ..Whacko.. hysterical.gif
2. click downrigger club.

Downriggers Club
Welcome To The Downriggers Club

Welcome to The Downriggers Club any I hope you will join our new fishing club.

It has taken quite a bit of planning, many, many phone calls and emails but the groundwork has been done and now everyone can enjoy the results over the coming years.

We are going to organise downrigging competitions in the coming months and these comps will be held in Pittwater and Broken Bay. Other areas will become involved in the near future including offshore.

All you have to do to enter or join our club is to contact us via our booking page. In the comments section, provide us with your postal address, contact details and email address and we will join you up.

The idea of this club is not to only run competitions but to provide you all with a website that is full of information on products, locations, tips and formulas to catch fish. I will endeavor to put up new product information for you all once a month at least.

I must stress that this club is aimed at all friendly people that love to have a great time and freely share information. Our competitions are aimed at having fun and getting out on the water not necessarily catching the most or biggest fish.

Classes of competitions are yet to be confirmed but all the usual – Largest Fish – Mystery Species- Lucky Size and – Angler Of The Year (most species not biggest fish) and finally Clubman Of The Year. This last category is for those wonderful people that spend more time organizing and helping people than they get to fish.

Other benefits.

If you are a club member and join us for a charter you will get to fish for up to an extra 2 hours (weekdays only) just because you are a club member.

We are talking with Flybridge Performance Fishing Tackle (importers of Walker Products) and they are willing to support our club and our members. The benefits are being talked over and shortly we may be able to announce a deal regarding their fine, robust, inexpensive equipment.

If you are going to buy a downrigger talk to me first and we can organise so your local tackle shop can supply you with their wonderful products at a fraction of their competitors. Buy Walker Downriggers and you wont be disappointed.

I hope you enjoy the articles and upcoming stories.

Best Wishes.

Peter Le Blang

Well there goes another 15 minutes of life I'll never get back, I put you in my ignore box Bees.
Sir Reel
did u click here, some advice on different species

Sir Reel
something i read on that site that makes sence
trawl with the current not against it.
All the fish caught were when travilling with the current

would you drown a squid going against the current as he suggests
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 7 2010, 08:31 AM) *
Well there goes another 15 minutes of life I'll never get back, I put you in my ignore box Bees.

Now ewe know how I feel have been trying to hide from him 4 ages hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Plick ling ling me this morn 2 go fushing, I looked out the window & the sky's were black as

Told him ewe've got to be yoking Duck Flakka it's pissing down over here in civilasation land plick then said no it's not it's fog

Turned out the Wally had the wet the bed & had the hide to wake me b4 the bloody Sun was up.
Bees Knees
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 7 2010, 08:31 AM) *
Well there goes another 15 minutes of life I'll never get back, I put you in my ignore box Bees.

Fed, are you taking the piss out of me mate?? It's pretty simple... hysterical.gif

Jumpy, it sounds like your grumpy about going fishing mate??? Don't worry, next time I'll let you catch the most squid (I know you will pay me back in spades for that... I have broad shoulders though).
Bees Knees
QUOTE (Sir Reel @ Nov 7 2010, 07:13 PM) *
something i read on that site that makes sence
trawl with the current not against it.
All the fish caught were when travilling with the current

would you drown a squid going against the current as he suggests

It just because fish run with the tide i guess... It's new to me.. dry.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Nov 7 2010, 08:48 PM) *
Don't worry, next time I'll let you catch the most squid (I know you will pay me back in spades for that... I have broad shoulders though).

Keep dreaming about the squid hysterical.gif

Must be your lucky day, main computor went down on me whilst I was doing true & accurate chain of events for the day & ewe were going to cop it hysterical.gif

Hope I haven't lost the pics cause i do erase them from camera after D/L'ing them

ps] Jelly Bean just ling linged & gave me his condolences putting up with ewe 4 the day, also said he's got a new dancing partner hu doesn't step on his feet like ewe du hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Sir Reel @ Nov 7 2010, 07:13 PM) *
something i read on that site that makes sence
trawl with the current not against it.
All the fish caught were when travilling with the current

would you drown a squid going against the current as he suggests

Wouldn't call it gospell & dont really agree with the claim
Do agree that fish wont waste their energy swiming into a current but still gives no merit to the claim simple because the initial attraction for the fush is the boat itself [your boat is the best FAD you've got] prop wash also gets them curious after which they see the bait/lure.

Have seen species like marlin/tuna zoom in on lures up to 100 meters away port & starboard off the boat.

When this happens they have no probs directing their attention to the bait, also bear in mind we only witness surface current 5 meters below chances are there's no current @ all.

Admittingly on marlin/tuna troll days have had all the strikes going in only wun direction & 2b honest against the current

ps] squid/live bait wont drown trolling them against the current
Sir Reel
didnt think you could drown a squid
speaking of squid, the fish i caught on the weekend had spat out a lot of baby sqidies as well as some white bait.

Cannon have another acsesory for the down rigger
its a speed and temp gage you can send down on the bomb
it also measures % of light
works on batteries and wireless transmits info back to the unit
not recamended for salt water use though
Jumpus GooDarus
Speed sensor is a total waste of time no different than those paddle types used on sounders, varying current speeds [running with & against] gives ewe inacurate speed readings unlike GPS which will allways give ewe true speed.

Temp gauge would be very nifty, if ewe've ever been down on scuba or just plain old snorkel'd temp changed are noticed right away as ewe decend
Darn I had to take Bees out of my ignore box, I was afraid he was talking about me. dry.gif
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