QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Sep 6 2008, 08:42 AM)

All he is doing at the moment is giving free information .
That's the problem Bees this guy has given me absolutely nothing, I 1st rang & left a message last tuesday, same day I sent an email niether the ph call was returned nor email replied to.
Finally got him on the phone thursday, told me he'd email me some pics , cost etc
Heard nothing back, rang again yesterday, said he was doing it right away
I cant handle Porky's
W.A. time may not be Sydney time....
I know this very well 3 hr difference & another reason I'm piss'd off with him cause I've been hanging around in the morns waiting for time difference so as I could ring him instead of doing some work.
Allready ahead of you poly
Had a look @ this one
http://www.bodenboatplans.com/power/detail...=135&page=0Looks OK, I even asked a Q in the members section on the boats specs
I haven't been able to find any specs on this boat by that I mean thickness of Alloy used for hull & sides.
Plating is 5mm bottom and sides. frames 80 x 6mm at 500 crs on bottom and 1000 at sides. Keel is 80 x 6mm. Stringers 50 x 6 mm at 300crs.
It's those 80 x 6mm frames I'm not that raped about, you prob wont understand what I'm on about but I reckon the boat would be a pain in the ass to put together here's a pic of the frames