QUOTE (poly @ May 8 2008, 08:02 PM)

with this thread i was trying to generate a discussion about future boating,one of the things i see happening is the demise of the poly boat industry due to the rise and rise of oil prises this may also affect the glass boats as well after all the resin is also oil based not to sure about the cloth used in them, alloy on the other hand should suffer less of the affects from the high prices, one of the possible out comes would be for a co building glass boats is to build the hull from alloy and use a glass molding on the in side to give a better finish i do know that u can buy some boats already built this way, but they are in limited numbers at this point of time,not so much in the fishing type of boat they will be aimed at the family type all rounder.
what do u all think

poly the cheapest thing about getting a boat is actually buying it.
From then on it's who bloody knows how much you're going to spend on it.
I'm a bad case cause every so often I come up with some brain explosion which costs me a small fortune
& dont you fret about plastic being expensive raw alloy has gone through the roof in the past few years
I went to a very interesting talk the other night in regards to artificial reefs proposed off sydney by the DPI & they're planning to copy the very successfull reefs used in korea & japan & the comment was made that ordinary steel prices here in oz have soared which is making it hard to cost the project cause every month or so there's a price rise.
There's a big building/contruction boom in the asian countries @ present which is sjy rocketed metal prices over here