Just had a looky look @ the poly site & read some of the claims made by polycraft
Well what can I say guys except
At least now I know where that browny guy was getting all his ill informed info from back @ SF to throw back @ me
Onw thing ewe guys need to know about me is that I tell it as I see it I just dont have many years expirience in boating what I have that alot of those claiming to have is the amount of hrs behind the wheel as well as fishing out of many different types of boats.
I dont echo what someone has told me nor what I've read when talking boats I speak from expirience or logic & I'm not shy to criticise that which I own if need be which are the alloy boats & have done so on many a occasion when I've seen people talking out of their arseholes.
Dont want to turn this thread all about poly's & I've done well so far by keeping my remarks to such which explain why the ride is softer/smoother aft on any boat which is what kk originally stated about tiller steer.
Now my little goat generally handles very well untill 2day when I took SUMO out for a fish, I was all over the place in relatively good conditions & had to keep him aft & I say this with no disrespect to SUMO either.
Both poly & sqizzy drive your boat from the aft so naturally you will get a softer ride & I really cant see how the softer ride claim can be warranted esp you poly considering you've stated that your boat is under powered lets see what you've got to say about the boat once you've re-powered.
Better still lets hear what possum or someone who's a passenger up forward has to say & be fair about it give the thoatle some stick in unfavourable conditions.
I said that I got a laugh readind some of the polycraft claims I wont answer all just a few
The unique hull design features pronounced reverse chines which contribute to unmatched stability at rest. The reverse chines also promote lift when accelerating onto the plane and allow for tighter cornering at high speed.
Obviously these guys have never been in a cat to make such claims nor have they had somebody as big as SUMO in their boats, promoting lift has nothing to do with the r/c's & everything to do with torque as mentioned in poly's thread about his new motor.
Polycraft boats feature a unique, soft ride. Polycraft boats flex to absorb the impact of the sea, just like the shock absorbers on your car absorb and deflect the jarring from potholes in the road.
poly's are made from bloody plastic of all things of coarse they are going to flex shock absorbers my arse
Polycraft's dual wall hull absorbs both engine noise and the noise of the sea. This result is a quieter ride and a more enjoyable day on the water. If fishing is your passion you may benefit from quietly approaching you favourite fishing spot.
Who do these guys get to write the script ????
Engine noise gets dispersed through the exhaust & wind as far as stealth goes approahing you favourite fishing spot goes well

most will scare the crap out of the fish when they drop the anchor
OK one more cant help myself
Polyethylene has natural buoyancy and will float unaided when placed in water. The unique dual wall construction traps
air in the cavities between the walls and contributes positive buoyancy.
If the air wasn't there then the walls would suck in like a big vacum chamber, & I'll tell ewes what I'd rather have whats in my boats in day of the week than air it's called flotation air can escape & when it dose water will get in flotation will limit how much water enters the hull
Of course I'm refering to wet decks not a open boat either way I feel alot safer knowing there's flotation in my boats than air pockets.
I also noticed that the polys have bung plugs in the transom ! nothing wrong with that but do you guys get any water in between the skins ??? I'm assuming there would be such bung plugs.
ps] you poly guys might think I'm making fun out of your boats but dont blame me I'm not the one making such over the top claims blame polycraft it's called marketing to sell their product & you've got to admit some of those claims are over the top & I only touched on the 1st 4