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After years of driving boats with forward steering, I have just come to a conclusion regarding tiller steer outboards.
I fitted a 40hp to my 4.2m tinny and it goes really well. I get from one side of Botany Bay to the other, in no time. Went out yesterday and tried a different tilt setting. (it is a manula tilt model) Got some cavitation and got a fair bit of air over chop. No good - went back to the original setting.
The conclusion I have come to, regarding medium sized HP outboards, is that they are for young, strong drivers. :( My neck and shoulders are aching this morning. Also my Gluteous Maximus is bruised. Old farts need soft seats in their tinnies as well.
yes crim as you get older you want it to get easyer , plus you relax and enjoy yourself . last thin you need is batling to get to were you want.

and them soft cushions for your arss would help you KKW espeacially with hemroids laugh.gif
Also my Gluteous Maximus is bruised. Old farts need soft seats in their tinnies as well.

that's why i got my self a poly a nice soft ride biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
I don't think I could drive a tiller boat, I'm sure I'd be turning left instead of right.
I used to use an occie strap on the steering wheel to let me wander around before I got the auto pilot.
Suprising how comfortable it is sitting behind a console, I removed the swivel seat and replaced it with a cushion topped esky, I think that the esky is more comfortable than the boat seat, except that it doesn't have a backrest.
It does give more room and makes it easy to sit or stand.
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (poly @ Aug 31 2007, 03:24 PM) *
that's why i got my self a poly a nice soft ride biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

poly it has nothing to do with the polycraft being a softer ride & everything to do with you being aft when driving the boat.

The softest ride on any boat is as aft as possible you go put somebody up forward on a poly & ask them how soft the ride is it's no different on any boat.

Further more no matter what boat you are in steering with tiller will subject you to alot more spray if the wind is up than if you had forward controls
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Sep 2 2007, 12:16 PM) *
poly it has nothing to do with the polycraft being a softer ride & everything to do with you being aft when driving the boat.

The softest ride on any boat is as aft as possible you go put somebody up forward on a poly & ask them how soft the ride is it's no different on any boat.

Further more no matter what boat you are in steering with tiller will subject you to alot more spray if the wind is up than if you had forward controls

I beg to differ on this point JG, the polys do actually have inherrant flex in the outer hull skin which does "cushion" the ride considerably they also carry a massive reverse chine which all but totally eliminates the "thud" experienced by most boats in similar sizes when hitting a trough and or sizeable wave. I have personally owned over 8 boats from 4metre to 8 metre and my current boat which is a poly 4.55 has by far the softest ride for its size (I say this with caution as in fairness I am not gonna compare the poly to the likes of my old Sharkcat or Flybridge).
Having said that yes the helm position does play a critical factor in ride which is why I chose to get the side console with its extreme rear seating position.
I dont talk poly a lot cos as owners we tend to cop a bit of a flogging, but the ride they offer from my experience is outstanding and directly related to the poly construction of the hull. The first trip I had outside on a poly was on a 4.55 CC and I was stuck up the front, it was balanced like a pig due to the crap the owner had loaded on to it and it blew me away.

Jumpus GooDarus
I knew you had a polycraft squizzy !

And I think my comments were very fair as I said all boats not just the poly's, I've owned quite a few boats myself up to 11 meter game boat & all boats thud irrelevant of what people claim.

In poly's case I picked on his comment only cause of his claim & no offence intended I look @ it this way it was a bold claim considering the boat from what I read is underpowered used in estuary's.

Put a decent motor behind it & give me the controls & I'll show you how hard it will bang !

Most of my fishing is done offshore & ask those who fish with me how hard I drive boats ?? to their max & I've never claimed my boats dont bang or have the softest ride BUT I DRIVE THEM I dont pussyfoot around.

I've never ridden in a poly therefore I choose my words carefully when replying to soebody making claims but I have owned glass boats & get sick & tired of peeps raving on how they ride better than a Alloy boat like I said put me behind the wheel & I'll show you how good glass boats bangs.

Each boat has a purpose Alloy boats are a fishing platform not a LaDeDa girly boat most glass boats are multi purpose.

As far as the poly's go ? Well when I'm not throwing jokes @ them & do get serious I saw them @ the show includind one which was cut in 1/2 to show a cross section & having a bit of engineering knowledge in my view the double skin is there for strength not for flex & a softer ride.

Now if a softer ride is also achieved that's a different story as I already stated I've never been in one.

This thread was about tiller steer & my original reply was aimed as such poly knows very well if I wanted to put the polycraft down I'm more than capable of doing so, my main aim was to show that the further aft you ride the smoother the ride will be.
J G i thank u for that reply, at least it is an honest one not like a lot of the peeps that just nock polys for the sake of it.
i would love to take u for a run one day so u can see the difference, i don't think i have ever said that they don't bang in a chop they do, it is the amount of shock that is transferred back to the peeps on board that is different, as for spray driven back by the wind it takes a fair breeze to bring it over, with the breeze over 15nts i do get wet but under that it's ok. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
i know what squizzy is saying about geting crap throne at us by peeps ho no nothing about them at least u have had a look at the construction of the hull wicth alows u to make an informed coment on that side of the argument i to was luck enogh to get a ride in one before i bought mine i had been looking at alloy boats but the poly was far superior in all aspect's it was much quiter and softer riding than the hornet i was in only 1hr brfore + the wind had got up to about 10nts and still the poly was softer
No worries JG as I also said I do attribute a percentage of the ride to the reverse chines as well. I had a deposit down on a Bluefin barracuda and withdrew from the sale after what was a chance offer to go fishing in a poly and was impressed enough to forego part of my deposit on the Bluefin to get one. Funnily enough if someone asked me 12 months ago what I thought of Polys I would have replied "nothing" as I honestly had no opinion on them and to some degree thought them to be a bit of an oddity.

Anyway KKW, sorry to hijack the thread mate, and I agree give me a console and a padded seat anyday and definately at the blunt end B)

And JG if youre ever up Newy way, Id be happy to take you for a run.

Jumpus GooDarus
Think you should know me by now poly as long as I'm not joking I can be pretty spot on with what I say

I dont go around making out something is the best just because I own it like some do I find that a bit over the top & thats when I Jumpus in with my sly remarks.

As you know I have 4 bangers on my big boat & would never have 2 strokes on a big boat again BUT I recomended a 2 stroke for your little poly cause I thought it was the right way to go cant see you getting the full benefit of a 4 banger on a boat that size.

For example if I had to repower my little tinny I'd go 2 stroke on it again & not a 4 banger
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (squizzytaylor @ Sep 2 2007, 04:19 PM) *
No worries JG as I also said I do attribute a percentage of the ride to the reverse chines as well. I had a deposit down on a Bluefin barracuda and withdrew from the sale after what was a chance offer to go fishing in a poly and was impressed enough to forego part of my deposit on the Bluefin to get one. Funnily enough if someone asked me 12 months ago what I thought of Polys I would have replied "nothing" as I honestly had no opinion on them and to some degree thought them to be a bit of an oddity.

Anyway KKW, sorry to hijack the thread mate, and I agree give me a console and a padded seat anyday and definately at the blunt end B)

And JG if youre ever up Newy way, Id be happy to take you for a run.


Dont worry about kk laugh.gif laugh.gif

I have a good set of chimes on my big boat they can only protect you so much no probs in that boat cause of the hardtop but where you cop the spray is when you've got one of those bloody cross winds, I get soaked in my little boat in those conditions mind you I drive that boat hard as well which dosen't help @ times laugh.gif

squizzy I always say to people a good boat is one the owner is happy with not the one everybody tells them is the best we all have different idea's what a good boat is.

Personally I think the biggest prob most peeps have is they are clueless how to fit out a boat & thats where alot of them get into trouble with performance, not to mention very few actually know how to drive a boat.

How many times have you watched peeps take off from the boat ramp with motor reving to the shite house & the boats going no where ?

I only have 2 boats now had the big one as well not that long ago but I'll tell you what I'd rather be out in my current 7.3 plate any day on a rough sea day just for shear acceleration & the way it rides like I've said many times B4 I always feel safe in it, recall days in the big boat where I was getting whipped from side to side up in the flybridge.

As I said earlier the skipper plays a big role in how well a boat rides I eat other boats on the way in & out not because my boat is better I just know how to drive it, some will tell you they've owned boats for 30 years I haven't but I've spent alot more hrs behind the controls than most.

Couldn't see myself ever owning a poly I'm strictly Alloy & if you've seen my boat rebuild threads you'll understand why, I did my apprenticeship working on aircraft & alluminium not that I'm a mug with fibreglas pretty good working with it just prefer Alloy boats & I'm sure I'd have no prob working on plastic ones either.

Thanks for the offer I'm pretty sure one day we'll catch up & if SUMO dosen't sink my big tub when he comes down 2morro I'm sure you'll like a ride in it
Having a seat with a back in it would make it a lot better KKW, can you screw one on to the rear thwart?
Even one of those plastic shell type seats, you can get an attachment to allow them to be removable & swivel.

Reverse chines eliminating the bang, how does that work? LOL!
Jumpus GooDarus
And you're accusing me off not reading what people write Fed ??? laugh.gif laugh.gif

Reverse chines eliminating the bang, how does that work?

We were talking about spray tongue.gif
I beg to differ on this point JG, the polys do actually have inherrant flex in the outer hull skin which does "cushion" the ride considerably they also carry a massive reverse chine which all but totally eliminates the "thud" experienced by most boats in similar sizes when hitting a trough and or sizeable wave.

You're always good for a laugh Jumpy, sooo easy. laugh.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Really Fed ?

That one really deserved the hyena laugh.gif

Tell me why are chimes put on boats ??

Hears a clue they are also called Spray Chimes tongue.gif

poly may be the worsew speller on this site & he may muddle things up from time to time BUT NOT THIS TIME

Had you followed the t6hread you wouldn't have asked your original question simple because previously I'd said

Further more no matter what boat you are in steering with tiller will subject you to alot more spray if the wind is up than if you had forward controls

See poly was replying to 2 of my remarks then squizzy also came in & remarked on the chimes & he also knew what we were on about

ps] Go back & have another read it's not that easy to catch the Jumping one out my name ain't Dave U no laugh.gif
Chimes are used to tell you when the wind is blowing.

Squizzy said...
they also carry a massive reverse chine which all but totally eliminates the "thud" experienced by most boats in similar sizes when hitting a trough and or sizeable wave.

... and I asked how that worked.
It's not about you, but if you can tell me how that works then good.
Not in mumbojumbo from JumpyWorld though.

Go and fix your water leaks they are forcasting rain I think. laugh.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Well then squizzy is telling porkies isn't he laugh.gif

The chine I was rewfering to is that on a Alloy goat seems sqizzy was refering to the shape of the hull stating a reverse chine & I cant see how in hell that would cushion a thud therefore he's telling porkies laugh.gif laugh.gif

Can only assume the reverse chine is trying to copy the way a shark cat cushions the air between the tunnel cant see how it would work on a mono hull to the effect where such a claim can be made.

Dont know how this would also effect the boat on the drift or @ anchor you would have to lose stability.

As for the rain ???

Well what can I say exept that my boats run rain, hail or shine unlike yours tongue.gif

Have you dusted the cobwebs out of your carbies yet Fed ???? hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Might actually allow some fuel into your cylinders hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
I'm not sure mate, perhaps he meant the hull shape, they're a bit radical aren't they?
From what I remember of the hulls I think they would be pretty good at rest.
Need a picture of one to refresh my memory but I couldn't be bothered searching.
My boat, don't ask, it's too depressing.
Jumpus GooDarus
After going back over all posts I came to the conclusion he was refering to hull shape Fed tghats why I said what I did in my last reply & reasonj why I thought porkies have been told.

Think most should know what I'm like by now & no I'm not a Know it All but do have pretty good knowledge of most things I do'nt exept what others may claim either.

If something dosen't make sense to me I'll Q it I dont give a stuff what manufacturer's claims are they tell the biggest porkies of all & I have good fun taking the piss out of them as well.

squizzy refered to reverse chine had he refered to deadrise I would've jerry'd alot quicker besides all this soft ride is all irellevant in my books simple reason my idea of a good boat is a stable platform which you can fish from.

Here's something for all you soft ride cookoo's to think about !

How much time do you spend getting to & fro from your fishing spots opposed to time spent actually fishing where a soft ride is of no rellevance ????

My view is you have know what you want a boat to do for your needs once you've done that then you can choose the right GOAT

Dont know how you lot drive your boats but I get up off my arse & stand if I'm going to hammer the throatles unless I'm in flat water that way my legs act as shock absorbers
I'm a sit down driver now, I'm never in a hurry and I like to enjoy the journey.
JG, I refered to Reverse chines as I dont think the deadrise on the poly is anything out of the ordinary and in fact is a very mild v, The outer extremities of the lower hull (or as I would call them chines) are about 4 inches deep and trap air at planing speeds which cushions the boat somewhat. I realise that literally speaking a chine is any angular change in the hulls cross-section but Im not sure what the hell you'd call theses things otherwise.

KKW if u are like me u will enjoy the ride with the pedal right were it should be in the comfort zone with yourself down the blunt end if the throttle is to the stop u will know just how much that can hurt so my frend sit back and enjoy the ride. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Looking @ the pic & you had me Con Few Cious there sqizzy laugh.gif

Initially thought the front boat was also a poly & correct me if I'm wrong but you striped front boat to fit out the poly ??

Yep that is a chine in the rear boat but some peeps also refer to a chine being the shape of the hull & thats what I thjought you were initially refering to.

Now as I said earlier I did view the poly's @ the recent boat show & did see the way they were contructed again this is my personal view dosen't mean I'm right or wrong but that chine your boat is showing to me is more to strengthen the hull dont believe it has a great deal to do with giving you a softer ride.

I know that the poly have a inner & outer skin & @ some point must be welded together & to me that chine is a logical point to do this.

The other thing that stood out to me in the pic is that cavity is only about 12" wide & only shows itself aft of the hull, remember the last say 30 % of a hull rarely ever leaves the water thus cant act as to much of a softener against thudding.

Thats why I initially said that with a tiller steer boat you'll allways get a softer ride simply becauce your arse is sitting where the boat hull rarely ever leaves the water
Squizzy I think the shape of that hull is way beyond description, you could call the parts of the cross section anything you like and get away with it. :wacko:
Jumpus GooDarus
I've got to agree with the Fed on his last comments & thats a 1st laugh.gif laugh.gif

After posting my last reply last night I had another look @ the pic & have a Q ???

Like I I believe that the chine is designed that way cause the boat is plastic & not because the poly mob came up with a new beaut way of giving the boat a softer ride.

Another reason bieng plastic does not have the strength os a Alloy or glass boat & as with these boats all the weight is taken by the keel when they sit on the trailer with side rollers/skids only there to balance the boat.

The thing that caught my eye on your pic squizzy was your boat accomidates skids on what you call reverse chines & only ever seeing one poly on the water & never paying attention @ the poly's @ the goat show.

Was the boat designed with the chine in mind to accomidate the skids or rollers ???

Because that makes a hell of alot more sense to me than the theory that the chines are that way to give you a softer ride
Im not sure that the r/c's are there or were designed to give a softer ride but I believe they do assist in this. They are also hollow so I dont believe that it is a strength or integrity thing. One thing for sure is they aint there to help with spray cos its a wet boat when the chops happening!! Being hollow though it may be where some of the stability at rest comes from??? . The first polys were supplied on roller trailers and its only in the last 2-3 years that they went to a full skid trailer so I doubt that reasoning but who knows????? The hulls are joined between the upper and lower floors with what looks like a dissimilar plastic to the hull there are about 24 joining points in the hull both port and s/b the centre of the hull is open as it contains the fuel tank and has a false floor covering this cavity.
The front boat in the photo was a UB580 and just happened to be at the dealer for service when the poly arrived (I would gladly own another Banana boat though as I had a couple of different ones in PNG)
The bottom line though is I dont work for or design for poly so I really dont know the motivation behind it, my comment are based wholly on my personal observations. What I do know is that as (bizzare/unusual/unconventional etc etc etc) as they look, they work. Unfortunately Polycraft are not the greatest company for customer relations and communication and whereas most "mainstream" boat builders push thier peculiarities as "features" and are very quick to point out thier benefits, Polycraft don't and in fact do very little in the way of marketing and advertising.
One thing for sure though is we are going to be seeing a lot more of "plastic boats" in the near future, with Triumph now being imported in decent numbers and "mac boats" being handled via Haines under the "Ensign" banner one would also imagine that Poly are going to lift thier game in relation to the finish of thier product if they are going to remain competitive and grow beyong the "niche market" phase in the market place.

Cheers guys
Jumpus GooDarus
They are also hollow so I dont believe that it is a strength or integrity thing

squizzy that's just fine you dont need a solid block to give you strength hollows can achive the same result.

I'm chatting with SUMO as I'm typing & he informed me back when the poly's 1st came out they used wobble rollers to stabilize the boat on the trailer & the hulls were getting ripples @ the pressure points.

It just makes sense to me that the manufacturer strengthened that area that you refer to as reverse chine.

What does arouse my curiosiuty though is how far up the boat from the transom dose that reverse chine run ??

That alone will indicate why they are there, for example if the r/c only runs 4ward around 2 meters or so then it's only there for strength & my view is for trailer support cause I cant see how that part of the boat ever leaves the water therefore cannot act as a cushioning device.
This will show the chine running away from the bow, the photo is of a 4.1 i think that Squizzy's 4.55 is very similar to this as the boats increase in size the chine gets wider and deeper while decreasing in length however the amount of V in the hull in creases, wheth this has ony bearing on the overall discushion i do not no all i know is that it works so i will leave it at that.
the blue boat is a 4.8 and the two real color boats are 4.1's
This shows the 4.55 better.

Is there a Poly website with pictures & specs?

hear are the specks for the 4.5 thay are much like most other boats in this class

Standard Features
front 120 litre storage bin
full floor
Centre console with tinted screen
grab rail
steering cable and helm
Bow roller
winch point
anchor well
drain bungs
rod holders (2)
hand rails
padded swivel seat
passenger hand rail
aluminium transom plate.
Optional Extras
70 litre Poly underfloor fuel tank with sender
boarding rails
boarding ladder
swivel seats
120 litre esky / storage seat
centre seat
three piece cushion set
bow rails
ski hooks
bait board with rod holders
positive flotation for commercial or survey requirements.
Jumpus GooDarus
Just had a looky look @ the poly site & read some of the claims made by polycraft

Well what can I say guys except hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

At least now I know where that browny guy was getting all his ill informed info from back @ SF to throw back @ me laugh.gif

Onw thing ewe guys need to know about me is that I tell it as I see it I just dont have many years expirience in boating what I have that alot of those claiming to have is the amount of hrs behind the wheel as well as fishing out of many different types of boats.

I dont echo what someone has told me nor what I've read when talking boats I speak from expirience or logic & I'm not shy to criticise that which I own if need be which are the alloy boats & have done so on many a occasion when I've seen people talking out of their arseholes.

Dont want to turn this thread all about poly's & I've done well so far by keeping my remarks to such which explain why the ride is softer/smoother aft on any boat which is what kk originally stated about tiller steer.

Now my little goat generally handles very well untill 2day when I took SUMO out for a fish, I was all over the place in relatively good conditions & had to keep him aft & I say this with no disrespect to SUMO either.

Both poly & sqizzy drive your boat from the aft so naturally you will get a softer ride & I really cant see how the softer ride claim can be warranted esp you poly considering you've stated that your boat is under powered lets see what you've got to say about the boat once you've re-powered.

Better still lets hear what possum or someone who's a passenger up forward has to say & be fair about it give the thoatle some stick in unfavourable conditions.

I said that I got a laugh readind some of the polycraft claims I wont answer all just a few

The unique hull design features pronounced reverse chines which contribute to unmatched stability at rest. The reverse chines also promote lift when accelerating onto the plane and allow for tighter cornering at high speed.

Obviously these guys have never been in a cat to make such claims nor have they had somebody as big as SUMO in their boats, promoting lift has nothing to do with the r/c's & everything to do with torque as mentioned in poly's thread about his new motor.

Polycraft boats feature a unique, soft ride. Polycraft boats flex to absorb the impact of the sea, just like the shock absorbers on your car absorb and deflect the jarring from potholes in the road.

poly's are made from bloody plastic of all things of coarse they are going to flex shock absorbers my arse laugh.gif laugh.gif

Polycraft's dual wall hull absorbs both engine noise and the noise of the sea. This result is a quieter ride and a more enjoyable day on the water. If fishing is your passion you may benefit from quietly approaching you favourite fishing spot.

Who do these guys get to write the script ???? hysterical.gif

Engine noise gets dispersed through the exhaust & wind as far as stealth goes approahing you favourite fishing spot goes well tongue.gif most will scare the crap out of the fish when they drop the anchor

OK one more cant help myself laugh.gif

Polyethylene has natural buoyancy and will float unaided when placed in water. The unique dual wall construction traps
air in the cavities between the walls and contributes positive buoyancy.

If the air wasn't there then the walls would suck in like a big vacum chamber, & I'll tell ewes what I'd rather have whats in my boats in day of the week than air it's called flotation air can escape & when it dose water will get in flotation will limit how much water enters the hull Of course I'm refering to wet decks not a open boat either way I feel alot safer knowing there's flotation in my boats than air pockets.

I also noticed that the polys have bung plugs in the transom ! nothing wrong with that but do you guys get any water in between the skins ??? I'm assuming there would be such bung plugs.

ps] you poly guys might think I'm making fun out of your boats but dont blame me I'm not the one making such over the top claims blame polycraft it's called marketing to sell their product & you've got to admit some of those claims are over the top & I only touched on the 1st 4 laugh.gif
poly's are made from bloody plastic of all things of coarse they are going to flex shock absorbers my arse

good heavens J G you do agree that polycraft are made from plastic that's a starting point, now do u agree with the hypnosis that as it flexes it will absorb shock at the point of impact and there for transfer less shocks back to the occupants on board, if u do acknowledge this u must also agree that it has to give a better ride than a hull that does not flex, how say u my friend dry.gif dry.gif
i will address the other points u have raised when we have dispensed with this one biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
poly do you really want to know why I pay out on the polycraft ???????????????????????

7 months ago I didn't even know they existed & ever since then all I've ever heard about them is what people have read on the poly sight & the other day was the 1st time I ever visited it.

And I'll tell you what I had a very good laugh laugh.gif laugh.gif

Cause know I know where all your information comes from !

Now I dont think I've ever heard a single valid point in their favour coming directly from a poly owner all have been a echo from their site & it's all sales talk as far as I'm concerned.

Now if you want to invite one of the poly manufacturer's here where I know I cant be deleted to argue valid points on the boats they are more than welcome & I promise I'll give them more than a fair chance to plead a good case for their boats.

If you asked me to give you advice on a Alloy or glass boat @ least I would be fair & point out any & all their bad point that I know but what I've noticed about poly owners is that they are always on the defensive from the word go that's no good cause peeps will always MOCK your boats.

Which reminds me we worked out what the reverse chines really do & I cant help myself

They allow you to see down the back when reversing the trailer Great Idea I take my hat off to polycraft for coming up with the concept laugh.gif laugh.gif

u must also agree that it has to give a better ride than a hull that does not flex, how say u my friend

ps] poly I cannot agree that this is true cause I've never been in one & I'm sure not to many peeps would let me @ their controls if they knew how & where I would be taking one for a test run like I've said on numerous occasions I'll only comment through expirience not by from what someone has echoed or told me.

As far as theorys go I cant answer your Q & here's a good example as to why.

Some time back I was having discussion/debate with the Fed about trailers his point made more sense in theory & I spoke through expirience having used both methods we were talking about skids opposed to rollers.
but my dear friend i am a valid poly owner, u have accepted that poly's flex this a fact i feel it every time i drive my boat.
you say that this has no bearing on the ride i have to disagree as it is not that different to a car manufacture building crumple zone's into cars to absorb shock, if it absorbs shock it must give a better ride and as a poly owner i can say it is a true fact, as for defence of the brand it-is the poly knockers that bring this out i would never go this far out on other forums because all i would get is bullshit but hear i will at-least get a hearing with people i respect biggrin.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
poly when were talking boating think you miss the point @ times & fail to see the overall picture

See if I can explain

From what I gather of your boat it is only 4.1 metre ? & very underpowered else you wouldn't be repowing

Now in your own words you're lucky to pull any speed & I know you fish in pretty safe waters so how can you possibly make the claim it's a softer ride than say a tinny of the same size ?

Because the tinny also has flex maybe not the same as a poly but flex none the less & whereas the poly would weigh considerably more the tinny would skip across those fair conditions that I mentioned earlier with relatively ease getting up more speed & planing alot quicker with the same size motor that is currently on your poly.

You have to be fair when making such bold claims cause someone will allways be here to shoot them down.

When I talk about my big boat you never hear me boasting this or that the only thing I say is that I always feel safe in it & just ask ask those who've fish with me I give it hell in some big seas most times I'm out there when everybody has shat themselves & come home.

No boat is perfect all have their good & bad points but the way you guys carry on about the poly's you leave yourselves open to major critisium we dont do it you do.

Now I can accept that the poly may be a good boat but so far I haven't heard of to many owners with larger models come forward & give 1st hand expiriences of how they handle in a open sea my boat is proven & I'm wise enough not to take my little tinny outside unless it's pretty well dead flat
J G this discushion has not yet answered the question that i asked, in the first plase, if a poly flexes will it absorb shock, is this not a true statment, so in this fashion will it give a better ride i would have to say it does smile.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
How can I possibly answer that question without talking out of my arse ????

I only answer Q's which I'm confident of knowing the answer to

See poly I have not made any claims here I've only responded to the ones made.

Here's a simple Q for you to ponder over

I have no knowledge of any maybe you may have

How many poly's do you know of that are used in the commercial sector

If poly's are as crash hot as peeps make them out to be why dont we see water police MSB or any of the other authorities using them ???
J G once again we diverge from the question the next time u see a crew going out to check the maritime signage in the bay u may just find the boats they are using are poly's and that is a fact as poly has the contract it doesnt change a thing as u have not yet answered the question i asked if it flexes will it absorb shock if it does will it give a better ride
Jumpus GooDarus
poly I'm not the one making the claim that the flex in a polycraft works like a shock absorber you guys are

There fore the onus is yous to convince me & others of this not the other way around & no I wont agree with what you are claiming because I'm said on numerous occasions now I'll only answer that which I'm confident that I can back.

Do you know how a shock absorber works ?????????????

If you do then you'd have to agree with me @ how bizzar that claim of your's & polycrafts really is
It's like herding cats Poly, you need to wear him out until he stands still then clobber him.
Jumpus GooDarus
Cant wear me out Fed I use Duracel laugh.gif laugh.gif

Dont think poly understands what he's asking of me

I dont have magic answers & can only reply with what info I read & to me that info is to far fetched you've got polycraft claiming their boats ride like shock absorbers on cars & you expect me to agree with that ???

I Dont Think So
no not at all my dear friend, u as a man of learning must accept it is a fact physic dont lie, if it flexes at impact it must absorb shock do u agree or not. dry.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
I was going to leave the poly claims alone after the 1st 4 I answered

But just to show you why I think their claims are so bad I'll pick the next one out for you to ponder over

Seems to me like whoever wrote these claims has been very picky pussy footing around in this claim they are picking on glass boats

Polyethylene has been shown in independent tests to have five times the impact resistance of fiberglass. This makes Polycraft one of the strongest boats on the market providing trouble free boating for many years.

Tell me why haven't compared their boat to a Alloy boat ??????????????????

I can answer that one very easy poly's dont stand a hope in hell of stacking up to a good plate boat thats why plastic dosen't posses the tensile strength of plate
dear friend i think i can call u that as i have never met u but my good mate SUMO tells me u are ok and those how know u tell me u are a man of learning, i must say u know how to avoid a question all i wish to know do u agree or not if it flexes at the point of impact does it absorb shock, please an answer to this most perplexing question, i do most humble await dry.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
poly how many times must I tell you I've never been in a polycraft have no idea how much they flex nor if the flex absorbs any of the shock all I've got to go by is what you tell me & I cant give you an answer.

Now if you had asked me how much a air matreess flex's in a surf I can answer that one very easily but you cant compare a polycraft to a air mattress
I've never been in a polycraft have no idea

Sorta says it all eh? ROTFLMAO!

Hey Poly, did you read on the website about the polys distorting when they're on a non skid trailer and how you can bring them back by sitting them on a skid trailer for a few weeks?

BTW I meant to ask, what do they corner like, lean in, lean out or sort of flat?
I'd imagine they'd lean in but not as much as a conventional V hull.
I think you might find that the quietness of the poly gives you the feeling of soft ride, where the noise of an alloy boat might make you think its rough...

allboats are going to bounce, and the movment has to be transferred, generally we, stitting in the boat are the ones who feel it.

What poly is saying is that the flex in the poly absorbs some of the impact? which may be true? However, If they are so strong why do they flex? I dont think im too keen on flez or distortion?

At my work we have alot of pipe that is used for slurry transfer, the slurry is very abrasive, and alot of the pipes we use for ir are poly pipes constructed from 2" Wall diameter black poly and poly-welded together. The poly is used because it can handle the abrasion better than steel. Not sure howw this relates to our present conversation but im mega sore and hungover and wanted to feel loved! haha
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