Fed what makes you think the composition of metals in props has changed in the past 30 years ???
Everyone (except Jumpy) should visit the Mercury Propeller site there's some very good info available there.
Here's a good example aeroplanes used to use wooden props back in the old days & still used to fly didn't they ??
But they fly better now because newer materials allow them to use more efficient designs.
Material composition of props has no bearing on it's performance what governs that is the way it's cupped or the pitch
Nowdays there's not a great deal of difference between SS & Alloy as the alloy materials they are using are getting better all the time.
Interestingly Mercury are claiming that X7 alloy is even better than SS so any differences would have to be considered marginal at best.
I think for a normal fishing boat it now makes very little difference and for any ventilation problems other solutions like lowering the motor would achieve a better result.