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hahaha your like 15 and you said piss weak!

I use schnider! cause i flogged heaps of it!

I also use vanish but have found knot strength to braid is stronger with seaguar.Especially with lighter braids

Thanx for the tip MULLY,very well said unlike this crap below

Vanish is sh*thouse. Nothing but poor knots, poor line strength and piss weak abrasion resistance. Yamatoyo all the way for my light line fluroro's

worship1.gif worship1.gif worship1.gif Oh yes catch you wise one you,i'll rush out and get some 2morrow..NOT
Yamatoyo is not anything special,it is good fluro also but there are better quality gear cheaper than yammi...
Yo-zuri hybrid and h2o are nice also and a good price for amount you are getting...
Nitlon DFC is nice stuff also sooooo many to choose from..

When you say poor knot strength what do you mean what knot are you tying to your braid ???? I have yet to come across this problem the only vanish that I found a bit flimsy is the transitions line the standard blue pack is quite tough...

seaguar is and has been around forever they invented the stuff and again for my money its worth it...[its not expensive]

I heard jenkai are or have brought out a fluro look forward to testing it as I love their mono trace/leader

What I think is use what you feel comfortable with saying one is sh*t is crazy I have a lot of friends in the trade and who love fishing I dont rush out and buy every new fluro dont have to I try my mates and he might try mine if I like it I may swap but I wont tell him its shit if he loves the stuff thats just plain bloody rude [[[read my signature]]
Again good reading there Mully,very informative ,thanx.

Yeah i was gonna suggest that catch should learn to tie his knots better,instead of doing the same knot that he does his

SCHOOL SHOES up with. tongue.gif tongue.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif BananaCrazy.gif BananaCrazy.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
I was down the club tonight & having a word with one of the guys who dies line testing for National records etc

Anyways I brought up the topic of braid & got this reply

Mono tests pretty well spot on only losing 5 % on breaking strain @ the knot in other words lets say 10 kg mono will break just under or on the 10 kg matk as all pretest should do cause if it breaks over then the record claim is disallowed.

Now this is measured on mainline only dont know if ewes know how the machine works ??

I've used one & what you need to do is wrap about 4 turns of the line around a drum either end so as to get an even pressure with no knots in the line

That 5 % I mentioned is if you allowed a knot between the drums & lines weakest point is @ the knot so the line will break @ 9.5 kg pressure.

Now braid on the other hand will break @ 50 % of it's line strength due to it's poor knot strength


When you buy a spool of the pre-test braid which is rated @ 10 kg the actual braid itself will break @ 15 kg of pressure so what happens is the manufacturers rate the pre-test stuff @ the knot.

So next time you guys pull off some braid & think wow how strong is this stuff bear in mind how weak ir is @ the knot 50 % weaker
True in every respect but if you tie a bimini I would re test my stats...
Actual fact a bimini twist to leader will with decent lines break at 95% load,,simple things like this will change your % of lost fish

Not trying to be a smart ass mate but knots do play a major role in the measure of strength..
I also have done knot strength tests and different knots will change the results dramatically..
i think what jumpys is saying in there is that if you go for a RECORD, then your braid may cause you to not get it as the way they test their lines does not meet the standards.
Yes I understand mate,just clarifying the knot strewngth tests data also ,,,very hard to get an accurate breaking strain on braid unlike mono or fluro's...Sorry I didnt explain better I have a habit of doing that ,,,sorry peoples
Jumpus GooDarus
Mully those figures are not mine they were given to me & there is a report on the findings whiche I asked for a copy off.

It's irrellevant what not you tie what I was told & also expirienced alot of in past couple of weeks & kk will back me up on this one every knot Ihe or I tied on our day out broke on the breaid B4 the knot.

He tied uni knots I tied Binimi's

With all my game gear all my doubles are plaited & @ least 6" off plait not a big fan of spider hitch's unless I really have to & my swivels are tied via the catspaw knot
I use both,
my small spin outfits have braid but i will purchase another one eventually to put flureocarbon on it.
My larger reels all have mono.
I lke braid for lures and mono for bait and have tried both for either.
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