Rather than just looking in or logging in for a look how about we use this thread to actually post about what's going on for everyone.
We've been in lockdown for 4 Months here but being a hermit it hasn't made any difference me.
How has everyone else been coping?
oz man
Jun 6 2020, 08:49 PM
Hi Fed , well I have been trying to start and grow my Building Supplies business after been made redundant .
37 years with a company and they just decide to drop the Panel product division, oh well it was going great before this virus hit , now I'm just surviving hoping a turn around is coming.
Jun 7 2020, 02:35 PM
Hi Fed,
That's a Great Idea, Coming from Chipping Norton, I am Just sitting around not doing much , Recovering from my spate in Hospital Most of April suffering with Chronic Bronchitis.
Should have been at our Vintage machinery Rally this Weekend But we decided to call it off when we heard of the Virus in February.
I'll Post a couple of pics of my Cars I hope they come up Ok
My 1929 Essex Challenger, My 1987 6.8ltr Fuel injected Rolls Silver Spur, Now has 118,000 ks on the clock, And My Perentti which I built from a HQ Panel van in 1985 and has Never been on the road. I hope you like them.
All good here. Beryl and I were teachers for our 5 yr old grandson for a couple of weeks. She was the teacher mostly, and I was the Principal. I laid down the law when he became a bit too strong willed. No cookies or Robot Wars in recess, if he misbehaved.
Love the Perentii, Sumo. I cleaned my boat up and listed it last week. Lots of tyre kickers but no fair dinkum lookers. One bloke offered me half of what I was looking for, sight unseen. Might as well do what Fed is doing and just keep it sitting on the concrete.
Jun 7 2020, 03:32 PM
Hi Klaus Hold out on your Boat someone wants it, Mine is sitting in the Garage Been there untouched covered up for 4 Years It is coming out to get cleaned up within the next couple of months and then I will do a Trip to Port Macquarie.
I reckon this virus has a long way to go Oz in fact I can't see an end to it on a world wide scale.
If they ever find a vaccine that works maybe a mass vaccination like the world has never seen before.
Good to see you KK, a couple of weeks ago my first born wanted to visit and I told him I wouldn't let him in. LOL
My boat is still glued to the concrete and I should sell it but it needs some work which I couldn't be bothered doing.
New battery, drain & new fuel, new disc hubs and a damned good shiny up.
Sumo the old rev head, who would have thought?
Click to view attachmentClick to view attachment
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 8 2020, 10:06 AM)

Good to see you KK, a couple of weeks ago my first born wanted to visit and I told him I wouldn't let him in. LOL
I know how he feels. Last time I came around, I saw you close the blinds as I walked up the drive. Knocked, rang the bell, walked around the house to see if the back was open. Saw the crack in the blinds open up and curtains moved. No answer. As I drove away, I saw the curtains open up again. No wonder you are a hermit. I had donuts as well!!!
Had a win today, got rego passes on 2 cars & a boat trailer.
Jun 9 2020, 02:11 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 9 2020, 09:43 AM)

Had a win today, got rego passes on 2 cars & a boat trailer.
Now you can go Driving about and Fishing again ( once you Recover from the Rego Costs)
Jun 9 2020, 02:34 PM
The past few months has seen me with a new hobby far away from Fishing. Woodturning. I bought a cheap lathe that got me started, mate found an old beat up rusty and completely seized up wood lathe and gave it to me, had parts missing etc. I set about restoring it, stripped it down put new bearings in it and gave it a paint job, made some new parts for it ( took forever ) and now ready to sell along with my cheapie I originally got. I am going to purchase a new more powerful and upgraded lathe ( maybe today ) from hare and forbes, still a reasonably cheap one but all I can afford. Hope it will last me out which I'm sure it will.
Jeez they don't miss ya with those green slips, 425 bucks to drive 1000 Km a Year.
I was talking to my mechanic and he said if you get booked & get some points then the green slips go up in price, anyone heard of that?
Jun 10 2020, 01:14 AM
Fed that's Normal 1 point and it goes up $100
oz man
Jun 10 2020, 03:24 PM
wow that cheap just did the 1 tonner and it was $865.00 as it classified as work. all up cost just over $1300 for ctp ,rego and pink slip and insurance was another $1100 on top.
Jun 10 2020, 03:39 PM
That's what he said Sumo, $100 a point. What a rip off.
Gotta set up my IP WIFI Camera today so I can see KK coming.
Jun 10 2020, 07:20 PM
You will never see me coming. I always visit in stealth mode.
Jun 11 2020, 02:15 PM
You Never Know when those EX Cops are out and about, I Haven't seen you up this way for a while Klaus.
oz man
Jun 11 2020, 03:13 PM
Now this is more like a place you what to be as we all talk
Jun 11 2020, 04:04 PM
I don't know why I do this to myself, now I'm living in camera IP hell.
Jun 22 2020, 12:32 AM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Jun 8 2020, 09:32 AM)

Hi Klaus Hold out on your Boat someone wants it, Mine is sitting in the Garage Been there untouched covered up for 4 Years It is coming out to get cleaned up within the next couple of months and then I will do a Trip to Port Macquarie.
Boat gone today. Wonder if I need another one?
Jun 22 2020, 02:34 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Jun 22 2020, 06:32 PM)

Boat gone today. Wonder if I need another one?
Klaus. Congratulations on selling the boat, had it for a while and from what I have read you didn't use it much.
I am also thinking of selling a few boats myself, have 17 foot half cab glass boat that hasn't seen water for 7 years, and a 12 foot punt that has been a while. My 14 foot Brooker tinnie is a project that I have been fixing up for a few years but just seems to sit in the one spot month after month without being touched. Not able to work on it much these days due to health reasons, still needs old paint stripped from the lower hull and then painting, but will probably never get done.
A lot of potential money just sitting around doing nothing. My plan would be to sell all boats and upgrade my vehicle.
Jun 22 2020, 02:41 PM
Thanks Frank. I think one of the problems in selling stuff, is that there is often an emotional attachment and the mindset of "I must use that soon". Still, sorry to see the Quinnie go.
Jun 22 2020, 02:52 PM
Good to hear Klaus I hope you got the Right Price for it
Frank I wouldn't go upgrading my car too much they have a tendency of losing value very quickly, My Suzuki is 20 years old now and I only paid $3500 for it when I bought it years ago, If you look around people upgrade their vehicle and sell off their good second hand ones Cheap, because the dealers offer them Nothing
Jun 22 2020, 09:15 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Jun 23 2020, 08:52 AM)

Good to hear Klaus I hope you got the Right Price for it
Frank I wouldn't go upgrading my car too much they have a tendency of losing value very quickly, My Suzuki is 20 years old now and I only paid $3500 for it when I bought it years ago, If you look around people upgrade their vehicle and sell off their good second hand ones Cheap, because the dealers offer them Nothing
George. Depreciation is something I am not concerned with. When I say upgrade I am talking about going from a 2006 commodore worth probably $2000 to 2006 + something else, thinking of S U V or 4x4 as it is getting too hard for me to get in and out of the commodore, need something I can sort of step up into rather than sit down on, the commodore is just too low.
Jun 23 2020, 03:08 PM
Frank that's the reason I have the Grand Vitara they are so easy to get in and out of and comfortable to drive, but saying that keep away from the V6 models you would be lucky to get 8 Klms per litre out of them the 2 litre and the 2.4 litre are a different story, try one out you wouldn't be disappointed
Jun 23 2020, 03:27 PM
Boat gone today. Wonder if I need another one?
Well done KK I should do the same but I couldn't be bothered talking to tyre kickers.
You want to buy a boat?
Jun 23 2020, 11:07 PM
Yeah Fed. So frustrating. Got lots of enquiries asking if I would swap for a car and an older boat. Whaaattt!!!! Told one bloke I would swap it for a mustang. He said, oh, ok thanks.
I think you need to reconcile to yourself that your boat isn't worth as much to someone else as it is to you. (I include myself in that comment)
How much do you want? I like the Seafaries, I mean ers
Jun 24 2020, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 24 2020, 09:27 AM)

Well done KK I should do the same but I couldn't be bothered talking to tyre kickers.
You want to buy a boat?

Fed. I could have a possible buyer for your boat IF you do decide you want to part with it. Let me know as this bloke is in the market for a similar boat to yours at the moment.
Jun 24 2020, 03:31 PM
I think you need to reconcile to yourself that your boat isn't worth as much to someone else as it is to you.
I'm all over that KK, sold my sharkcat for $5K with 2 x 80 HP Mercs (ex police with 300 Hrs)
Sold the Caribbean Commodore for $10K it was immaculate.
Gave my Falcon wagon away to a good home.
I know how to move stuff when I decide it's time to go.
Anyway the Viking needs a battery, new fuel and new disk hubs but I'm thinking $5K plus those parts so maybe $5.5K.
Jun 24 2020, 11:55 PM
Yeah I think so. Transom and floor ok? How old is the motor? From memory, the trailer didn't have much or any rust? 16ft or 17ft?
Jun 25 2020, 03:02 AM
I told the missus that you were thinking of selling the boat, Fed, and she said, "you better not be thinking of buying it. You didn't buy it did you?" I just looked at her and smiled....
Jun 25 2020, 12:55 PM
Transom & floor are both solid, motor is a 1988 Evinrude 90HP, hull is a 17' Viking and the trailer is rust free aside from the discs (lack of use).
It's sad really, I'm starting to realise I'm getting too old to do all the things I wanted to do when I got old.
Maybe I should get it detailed and leave it there as talking piece or an ornament.
Have you suffered any seller's remorse yet>
Jun 25 2020, 12:57 PM
Does anyone have any experience with IP security cameras here?
Jun 25 2020, 02:44 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 26 2020, 06:57 AM)

Does anyone have any experience with IP security cameras here?
FED... OZ Man Might know a bit about them
Jun 25 2020, 02:49 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 26 2020, 06:55 AM)

Have you suffered any seller's remorse yet>
In a word, yes.
Jun 25 2020, 03:14 PM
I've suffered both 'seller's remorse' and simply 'having no boat remorse' which is like a security blanket thing, I don't need it, use it or want it but I still have to have it.
oz man
Jun 25 2020, 07:56 PM
Hello what about IP camera , I'm not much into those but know my fair share .
What seems to be the problems as they are a great item for hackers.
Jun 26 2020, 03:05 PM
I picked up a UL-Tech wifi camera George, just a cheap one to try out before committing to a more extensive system.
The problem is that the supplied app (360Eyes Pro) wont work on (not suitable) Denise's tablet so I'm trying to get the camera to connect to an app that will run on her tablet. Maybe Onvifer or Always Safe, there are plenty out there but no matter which one I choose they don't want to connect to the camera.
I can't even find any software for XP that will connect, they all seem to fail when I'm asked for the IP.
Which one?
Then there's the 4 numbers that follow the IP
Like what's that all about.
Then there's port forwarding, I dunno if I need to do that or not or how to.
I think it's time to get a more main stream camera like Swann or something that has more support.
Other that the compatibility problem and it's stuck in black & white the UL Tech seems to work fine on devices that the 360Eyes app support.
Buy more toilet paper the bum rush is on again!
Jun 29 2020, 02:02 PM
How is everyone coping with covid?
We've been in 99% lockdown for 5 Months here and to tell the truth I'm starting to like it.
My son rang a few weeks ago to come over & I told him I wouldn't let him in so then he rang last week & arranged to call in & pick up some stuff I had for him, he was inside the house for 30 seconds, LOL.
I went to the shops last week and in the whole shopping centre me & Denise were the only people wearing masks so I felt like a bank robber. (No toilet paper either)
I have to say I've been having sleeping problems for some strange reason I bounce out of bed between 2 & 4 am lately, weird.
Home delivery is a godsend, menulog has all my money and I found a place that delivers chop chop at 1/3 the price of Champion, it's a bit rough but any port in a storm.
Netflix is copping a hiding.
Jun 29 2020, 03:31 PM
[I have to say I've been having sleeping problems for some strange reason I bounce out of bed between 2 & 4 am lately, weird.]
Fed I have been in Lockdown since February and I spent most of April In lockdown In Hospital with Chronic Bronchitis, as for Jumping out of bed I do it every couple of Hours because I need a Pee, But lockdown has Got me doing things around the House I even Got the Boat out of the Garage yesterday after 4 Years not Moving it.
Jun 29 2020, 06:11 PM
Want to sell it Sumo? Fed won't let me take his for a week to test it out.
Jun 29 2020, 09:00 PM
[Want to sell it Sumo? Fed won't let me take his for a week to test it out.]
Sorry Klaus I've got to get it ready for a trip to Port Macquarie
Jun 30 2020, 10:54 AM
4.45AM, Oh well only a couple of hours until sun up.
Jun 30 2020, 02:55 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 1 2020, 04:54 AM)

4.45AM, Oh well only a couple of hours until sun up.
Get back to Bed it's too Cold and too Early
4.30AM you know the rest.
Thinking of putting a brown paper bag with eye & mouth cutouts over my head, should cause quite a stir in the supermarket.
Anyone got a metal lathe?
Jul 3 2020, 02:41 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 3 2020, 04:50 AM)

Anyone got a metal lathe?
Yes I have But it's only 15'' Bed and a long drive But you're welcome
Jul 3 2020, 02:52 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 3 2020, 04:50 AM)

Anyone got a metal lathe?
I have a small one, what do you need ?. It won't handle disc's if that's what you have in mind.
I need to make up a couple of pushers & receivers to R&R some suspension bushes Frank.
I'd buy a kit but the trouble is they don't make them for Falcon sizes.
Max Dia 65mm
Max Lth 60mm
Small pusher
Hollow Bar
Carbon Steel
40/30 mm bush is 40.2mm OD.
60 mm long
Small receiver
Hollow Bar
Carbon Steel
55/40 mm *must relieve ID to ~42 mm TBA subject to flange?
60 mm long
Large pusher
Hollow Bar
Carbon Steel
55/40 mm *must reduce OD to 46 mm. bush is 47mm OD.
60 mm long
Large receiver
Hollow Bar
Carbon Steel
65/50 mm
60 mm long
4 x 5 mm Lazer cut discs to suit. Ask about custom cutting.
I think the only problem would be the small receiver ID removal of a couple of mm.
Jul 4 2020, 03:54 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 5 2020, 06:35 AM)

I need to make up a couple of pushers & receivers to R&R some suspension bushes Frank.
I'd buy a kit but the trouble is they don't make them for Falcon sizes.
Max Dia 65mm
Max Lth 60mm
I think the only problem would be the small receiver ID removal of a couple of mm.
Fed. I could make them no problem, just need to see a sample or at least get a drawing of what it is you want made, sounds simple but things like this need to be made right.
send me your address and when you will be home and I will come and collect sample/drawing OR at least get the part or whatever.
Busy in morning Monday 8/5 but any other time
I haven't got any parts yet Frank, I'm still searching pipe fittings & couplings that I could use without any machining at all.
Covid put a damper on things but I thought I might get the ball slowly rolling again without breaching my containment bubble.
Found a place over at Revesby Edcon Steel
https://www.edconsteel.com.au/They will cut to length for I think a few bucks & they have lazer cut disks in 5mm so I'd need 4 of them. Just when I had it pretty figured out they shut down their website & revamped it so now I have to re-register and get talking to them.
I ordered a 12mm high tensile bolt & nuts and it turned up galvanised and I suspect that will gall if I try and pull a few tons on it.
Have to go to threaded rod I think and cut it to length.
It's hard here as I have nothing to work with, not even a vice and I'm resisting going out anywhere due to covid because Denise has lung problems & a dose of Covid could kill her or ME fir that matter.
So my little "at arms length" project rolls slowly on, hang in there.
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