Jul 6 2020, 06:16 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 7 2020, 09:52 AM)

I haven't got any parts yet Frank, I'm still searching pipe fittings & couplings that I could use without any machining at all.
Covid put a damper on things but I thought I might get the ball slowly rolling again without breaching my containment bubble.
Found a place over at Revesby Edcon Steel will cut to length for I think a few bucks & they have lazer cut disks in 5mm so I'd need 4 of them. Just when I had it pretty figured out they shut down their website & revamped it so now I have to re-register and get talking to them.
I ordered a 12mm high tensile bolt & nuts and it turned up galvanised and I suspect that will gall if I try and pull a few tons on it.
Have to go to threaded rod I think and cut it to length.
It's hard here as I have nothing to work with, not even a vice and I'm resisting going out anywhere due to covid because Denise has lung problems & a dose of Covid could kill her or ME fir that matter.
So my little "at arms length" project rolls slowly on, hang in there.
Fed. I buy most of my steel from Edcon, been dealing with them for years. mate I could make what you want , just need to know what I am making.
It's a bush removal tool Frank to R&R two different sized bushes. all the sets I can find are too big to do the smallest bushes so I won't buy one unless I can find a set to do the whole job.
In the list on my earlier post there are 2 pushers & 2 receivers to do my 2 different size bushes.
Small bush is 40.2 mm Dia.
Large bush is 47 mm Dia.
Jul 10 2020, 05:38 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 8 2020, 07:38 AM)

It's a bush removal tool Frank to R&R two different sized bushes. all the sets I can find are too big to do the smallest bushes so I won't buy one unless I can find a set to do the whole job.
In the list on my earlier post there are 2 pushers & 2 receivers to do my 2 different size bushes.
Small bush is 40.2 mm Dia.
Large bush is 47 mm Dia.
Fed. Have a look at this blokes items on ebay freebird2au32018(1968) A few choices.
Nope doesn't work
oz man
Jul 11 2020, 05:42 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 27 2020, 09:05 AM)

I picked up a UL-Tech wifi camera George, just a cheap one to try out before committing to a more extensive system.
The problem is that the supplied app (360Eyes Pro) wont work on (not suitable) Denise's tablet so I'm trying to get the camera to connect to an app that will run on her tablet. Maybe Onvifer or Always Safe, there are plenty out there but no matter which one I choose they don't want to connect to the camera.
I can't even find any software for XP that will connect, they all seem to fail when I'm asked for the IP.
Which one?
Then there's the 4 numbers that follow the IP
Like what's that all about.
Then there's port forwarding, I dunno if I need to do that or not or how to.
I think it's time to get a more main stream camera like Swann or something that has more support.
Other that the compatibility problem and it's stuck in black & white the UL Tech seems to work fine on devices that the 360Eyes app support.
Buy more toilet paper the bum rush is on again!
Depending on the model if it a ul tech 1080 it should have come with it own software with has a auto setup wizard , you shouldn't need to do port forwarding unless it really required by the camera as that is just opening a port for hackers.
here a good video if you think you need one. forwarding is just opening a specified port via the router for selected operations, but I don't recommend unless its necessary.
Jul 12 2020, 03:00 PM
My take from that video Oz is that I don't need port forwarding.
Maybe I should contact some of the generic app makers and request compatibility for Denise's tablet.
I did try side loading a couple of android apps to her tablet but on running they would not parse (whatever that means).
I have sort of achieved my goal, spend $50 on a camera to find out what camera I should buy, tricks & traps.
Jul 12 2020, 03:15 PM
I'll attack ebay today & see if anything new has come up Frank.
oz man
Jul 12 2020, 09:20 PM
parse in computer real means syntax's are not matching the operating system
oz man
Jul 12 2020, 09:34 PM
the best ones that I know for android are
Tiny Cam it the best I reckons
IP com Viewer Pro not bad
onvi ip camera monitor a simple program but doesn't have the options of the other two.
you can get all three from Amazon or the Play store.
what tablet is it android or my hate one Apple.
Jul 13 2020, 02:01 PM
I have onvif ip camera monitor on my android phone and I can't figure out how to make it connect to the camera.
Jul 13 2020, 02:10 PM
onvif setup comes back as "unable to resolve IP address"
oz man
Jul 13 2020, 08:39 PM
you have it set up on your router don't you.
If so then it a matter of applying the ip given by the router and to set it as a static address..
try this one it great you can get the free version for android or the pro is only about $10.00
tinyCam PRO - Swiss knife to monitor IP cam
oz man
Jul 13 2020, 08:39 PM
what is the tablet your trying to use.
Jul 14 2020, 05:22 PM
you have it set up on your router don't you.
It has to be because it works fine with the recommended app 360Eyes.
Tablet is a Samsung -SM-T520.
I'd also like to monitor the camera from my computer just to sort of prove a point.
I'll give the TinyCam a go on my S4 Samsung phone.
oz man
Jul 14 2020, 08:21 PM
antique phone
oz man
Jul 14 2020, 08:23 PM
antique phone what system are you running on your computer
Jul 15 2020, 04:11 PM
XP Pro SP3, the one you gave me.
Tinycam app gives the same results, scan can't find a camera and if I manually enter IP details it still can't find the camera.
As a side note 'bluestacks' won't run on my computer either so I can't install 360Eyes on it.
Tinycam also reports my router has a known vulnerability called MIRAI.
Jul 16 2020, 02:14 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 16 2020, 10:11 AM)

XP Pro SP3, the one you gave me.
Are you still using a kerosene heater and a crank handle phone? I think it is time to take a plunge into the modern world, old timer. Is Denise still painting?
Jul 16 2020, 03:37 PM
Nothing wrong with kero heaters I've had a few of them when kero was 'free'.
Still got a couple of Nokia 5110s here & Denise still uses a Samsung S1 phone.
Painting has tapered down to Zero.
oz man
Jul 16 2020, 05:17 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jul 16 2020, 10:11 AM)

XP Pro SP3, the one you gave me.
Tinycam app gives the same results, scan can't find a camera and if I manually enter IP details it still can't find the camera.
As a side note 'bluestacks' won't run on my computer either so I can't install 360Eyes on it.
Tinycam also reports my router has a known vulnerability called MIRAI.
gee how long a go was that I did for you.
If you need windows 7 or 10 let me know
oz man
Jul 16 2020, 05:22 PM
oh Mirai
Mirai (Japanese: 未来, lit. 'future') is a malware that turns networked devices running Linux into remotely controlled bots that can be used as part of a botnet in large-scale network attacks. It primarily targets online consumer devices such as IP cameras and home routers. The Mirai botnet was first found in August 2016 by MalwareMustDie, a white hat malware research group, and has been used in some of the largest and most disruptive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, including an attack on 20 September 2016 …
read this to remove
Jul 17 2020, 03:41 PM
Is there an easy button Oz?
I don't know if my router has got it but if it has I'll keep it as a pet.
oz man
Jul 18 2020, 12:01 AM
most time its in the windows operating system not the router .
go to download Junk removal tool, adware and Combofix
or get a free copy of spyhunter which can only be used once .
Jul 18 2020, 01:30 PM
Just as an aside does anyone remember this?
A passenger ferry service operated in Botany Bay between Kurnell and La Perouse from the 1890s until 1974 after the wharves were damaged in a storm.
I have zero memory of a ferry between Kurnel & Lapa in the 70s at all.
Jul 18 2020, 01:35 PM
It's only reported as a vulnerability Oz.
Jul 18 2020, 02:29 PM
I lived at Kurnell on the waterfront for several years in 1970 onwards, a few hundred metres from the wharf. I don't ever recall a ferry service there, but like you, I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday either.
Jul 19 2020, 03:27 PM
A tiny glimmer of hope, the camera now displays in colour after a camera re-boot.
My next trick will be to remove the existing camera software & account then do a hard reset by pushing the secret button with a paperclip.
Then start from scratch using alternative software that will also run on the Samsung tablet and something that will run on XP as a bonus.
On it goes at a snail's pace.
COVID-19 an E.L.E. stalking the World, it's the only answer that make's sense.
oz man
Aug 18 2020, 01:40 PM
Does it work now
Aug 19 2020, 02:36 PM
I think I'm snookered until they expand the 360eyes app or one of the generic apps to be compatible with the tablet and camera Oz.
I did come across a thread on the whirlpool forums that suggested these UL-Tech cameras are some how different to 'normal' IP cameras, just my bad luck if it's true.
oz man
Sep 4 2020, 02:34 PM
It sounds that way.
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