I dont react to well to humidity & was sweating my butt off 2day, velly muggy
Fart arsed about gluing down the carpet then went on walkabout

Realistically Chris was supposed to have been doing wot I've been doing for past few days But I get the shits if things aren't done my way esp after all the pre preping that I'd allready done so opted to finish it myself.
Did have a good laugh last week though
Being the thoughtfull guy that I am

Anyways I called him over last week to ask & how rude of him with this reply !
Why ewe asking me for ??? Ewe go do wotever ewe want anyway
Still laughing @ that wun

Called it a day after the carpet wasn't in the mood for anything else today , quick run down how things work on this goat
Twin LBT's that yellowy inlet on each tank is water in, rather than run 3 pumps opted to use the wun washdown pump to feed fresh water into the tanks merely a case of unclipping the washdown gun & cliping line into tanks.
Bank of 3 isolating switches rated than having your conventional single
Batteries either side tucked up in plastic box's out of the way
There's also 4 flush mounted LED lights reccessed into the gunnels
4got to take pic of centre console but it does look spoofy ready to bolt into the goat after that a few hrs of wiring & I'm all done.
Also opted not to spray in decals on boats sides after peeling back the stencil, was going to paint in that yellowy green I used on my new wittle goat but thought it would've looked out of place, insted opted to go a metalic greyish silver to blend in with the carpet that'll get done in decals