You didbn't sneak a beer as well, did you quinnie??
only one twit top i swear ... opps forgot the s again ;p
What - are your eyes painted on???? Dave sounds like my bro in law, who has his first dollar framed and brings no name soft drinks to parties, but drinks the coke and 'more expensive' drinks. Tight ass, that's what he is - a tight ass.
yer thats it and plus my dad brought like 30 twit tops ... ahhhhh bloody hell twist tops

and he only drunk a few and my cousin brought like 3 vbs WHICH he left there and drunk all the other beers ( extra dry

) and i tell you what he drunk about 3 in the first 10 mins we got there

and after like 6 hours we all left and he TOOK the vbs he brought and drunk them on the way to his house ( i am guessing

ahhhh tight asses ... do not get me started about tight asses .... ( EVERYONE LOOKS AT JASON )
with the bloody door it did make a big noise ( like a big BANG) well that what i throught and well ... people throught a bomb went off

and EVERYONE was looking at me
jack those photos .... what make everyone laugh ..... i can pick kk out off a mile away he is the one with the GREY Head
AND LASTY ...... did everyone have food or did catch eat everything ... i think all those beers in the photos are catchs