Apr 25 2007, 08:08 PM
Hey fellow fishos,
as im reading all the threads im getting the feeling that im the youngest one here , so i thought lets start a thread introducing ourselves more, i guesss il start,
Im benny , im a 27yr old from roselands in south west sydney, married with no children , working as a dog handler / trainer. love fishing but dont get out any where near as much as i would like to, currently the wife is away for 10 weeks teaching aboriginal children english and health in central Australia, ive got 2 boats 1 is a cruise craft hustler 570 and the other is a 14 foot sailing cat.
Apr 25 2007, 08:55 PM
I'm Majed, 41 year young (not old) from Villawood in south west Sydney. Married with 4 children, girls 19 & 13, boys 16 & 8. I work in the IT industry as a computer operator. I enjoy fishing also but due to work commitments don't get the chance to go much. I also coached junior rugby league in the local competition upto last year. Having a year off now.
Apr 25 2007, 10:21 PM
Names Allan, I'm 19 and I am a Steel Detailer/Draftsman. Basically what I do is take Engineers structural drawings, take the information on them and make new drawings on AutoCad so the structural steel can be fabricated in the workshop out back. I have too many toys to mention including 1 boat, My Patrol ute, My race bike (Husky TE450) and my bash bike, an RC 4wd buggy, I'm also right into watersports, just bought my second wakeboard actually.
Now I get the feeling I'm the youngest lol.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 26 2007, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (stacer474 @ Apr 26 2007, 04:11 PM)

Now I get the feeling I'm the youngest lol.
No you're not I am
Because I gave up counting years ago
Buggered if I know what I do these days, guess anything I want done just about everything I ever wanted to do travelled, fished womanised
Doing a bit of work now but after it's done it'll be back to a bit of fishing & when this bloody drought breaks looking forward to taking my mutts out bush a little more than I have been going.
In other words I enjoy the out doors
Apr 26 2007, 02:11 AM
bahahahahahahaha....just one click away and you'll see who's the youngest.
Apr 26 2007, 02:17 AM
staver what type of buggy have u got ?? hyp 7 ?
Apr 26 2007, 01:22 PM
Nah it's a Great Vigor X-Terminator 2, it's like the second generation Rex-X, It's got a few go fast bits and a few little upgrades of own that I learnt from my 2 stroke racing days, I'm a 4 stroke man now.
Jumpus, Cheers for that password, I tried sending you a PM back but I got an error message once again.
Apr 26 2007, 10:04 PM
well i am nearly an old fart to old to remember how old i am, love fishing boating and the family 2 adult kids both doing well thank god.
as for work there is to much of that and not enough fishing time.
Apr 26 2007, 10:26 PM
Well, I think I am the OLD man of the forum, I am a retired Auto Electrician who has been selling fishing tackle for 15 years, I have 4 kids from 37 to 17 and 7 grandkids from 19 to 5 and no doubt more to come, I have too many motor vehicles but only 3 boats, just manage to keep them registered, I moved to Manilla from Sanctuary Point in 1984, and now spend most of my time travelling and fishing, or on the net making arrangements to do the above.
Apr 26 2007, 10:58 PM
righto you bunch of old farts ,my turn ,im 37 happily married with 3 girls 9,8,4,im a caretaker /gardener ,im into fishin obviously ,car resto , camping,and ferretting ,ive got a 99 magna exec,a 98 honda crv,and a 62 vw baja ,,,,and i live in bendemeer near tamworth
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 26 2007, 11:44 PM
Righty-O Peeps Jason's the one to see if you want any worms for bait to go catch those Marlins with
Apr 26 2007, 11:47 PM
they tell me there are lots of them in the lake up there those marlin are every were
Apr 27 2007, 11:37 AM
I'm Eddie (Fast Eddie), a 56 year old electrician living in sunny Chipping Norton.
After 40 years of non stop work I've decided to pull the pin and go fishing, I'll be targeting Botany Bay and slipping outside on good days for a real fish.
Although I've driven through the bay many 100s of times I've never really fished it so I'm looking forward to a more relaxed style of fishing after the rough & tumble of offshore.
Also looking forward to catching up with Jumpy after about 20 years it will be good to see you again mate.

(2 boys 17 & 21 and on my second wife)
Apr 28 2007, 01:21 AM
Here's a shot of the SUMO, ANZAC DAY 2007
Click to view attachment
Apr 28 2007, 08:15 PM
:blink: way to go sumo ,pretty spiffy
Apr 29 2007, 04:12 PM
Chad, im 26, Live at Wyalong NSW, process tech in a gold mine,
My best mate is my dog jess who travels everywhere with me (kelpie/cattle/corgi X)
Into Fishing (just started to get serious about it) 4x4's (previosly worked in Sydney as a 4x4 mechanic) Motocross, Camping, Horses, Skiing, Country Music
Apr 29 2007, 09:32 PM
hay rum have u heard they are going to re open the old captains flat mine if u could get a job there u would be a lot closer to J.B. and that's gods country
Apr 29 2007, 11:33 PM
Mate, ive been following the progress of it for some time now and no one is keen to pass on much infomation.
Dargues Reef was held by moly mines who have just sold there gold projects to another company who i cant think of, but if it ever comes to opening up i will definatly be applying for a job there..
Close to my family and friends and MUCH MUCH MUCH nicer country than wyalong...
oz man
Apr 30 2007, 03:20 AM
Well I think it's time I better tell yah about the ozman
age 49
married with 2 girls 22 and 19
live in the west of Sydney
Panel Products Manager of a large Timber Wholesaler and owner of a small Computer reseller company.
Hobbies: Computers , golf and fishing.
But unfortunately don't get much time for any of my hobbies, just sold my boat as I hated seeing it just sitting in my front yard and getting me disappointed.At least I can hide the Golf clubs in the garage and not get down by just seeing them.
Apr 30 2007, 12:45 PM
Hey OZ MAN, I think that if you're 49 you had better upgrade that avatar.
Apr 30 2007, 08:39 PM
oz maybe it time to slow down a bit the girls should be of your hands soon and by the sounds of things u have done the hard yards so kick back and enjoy life and have fun
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 30 2007, 10:37 PM
Well poly !
I did offer to buy Oz's daughter GoGGo a while back, offered oz 2 chickens & a duck for her
She better not read this or she'll start chasing me with a big stick again
Apr 30 2007, 10:58 PM
do u think we should send an email and let her know
Arnie Dog
May 26 2007, 02:08 AM

Hi guys I'm Bobby, married to the best wife in the world ask Steve or Jumpy and am 56 years young,boy that sounds good. I worked on forklifts all my life until I got hurt back in 93 and have had 16 ops on my knees including two replacements. I fished the rocks all my life and met Jumpy many moons ago at Bondi Murk. He was the one who first took me to Jervis Bay and then I never left the place. One might say i thought I owned the platforms down there for many years. I spent that much time on them I guess I might as well have owned them. I have been blessed with many good captures down here and witnessed things that people might only dream about these days.Now I just fish for niggers off the rocks and fish the river for jew , flatties and the like. I own a few dagger kayaks(3)and a 4.35 Stessco with 40hp Tohatsu tiller steer, no frills model and it has never missed a beat. I occassionally write with Fishing World and Fishing monthly mostly product testing and love to help young guys to keep out of trouble after having a pretty chequred life my self. Played with Balmain and Souths many many moons ago. I love this site and I have to learn to move around it alot better and to use technology and don't get intimidated by it.
The Dog B)
Arnie Dog
May 26 2007, 02:15 AM

I forgot to mention at 56 and so many ops behind me no one wants to give a bloke ago as far as work goes. To pass the time, I help alot of people who are doing it tough. My wife and I are blessed to live down here (Greenwell Point) that makes up for heaps we reckon.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 26 2007, 04:33 AM
So you're the Mongrel who took over my Platforms when I retired from rockhopping ??
May 26 2007, 02:47 PM
Arnie if u can stand the cold there is heaps of work hear and its only 3hrs away
Arnie Dog
May 26 2007, 10:18 PM
QUOTE (poly @ May 27 2007, 08:37 AM)

Arnie if u can stand the cold there is heaps of work hear and its only 3hrs away

Thanks Pol, but my sanity comes from living down here. I still need to get a hip replacement as well as my other knee. not goood prospects but we soldier on. It gets a bit tough but you have to learn to live with what you've got. Thats one reason why I spend so much time in my kayak, no fuel cost, But I do love that sort of fishing. My wife and I have always got a spare room for a lost fisho. Believe me in my time i have met a lot of lost fishos but we are only a call away, just ask Steve.P or Jumpy. I tired shrinking saome pics to put in but it said they were too big (2MB) would only let me fit samller ones in. I gotta get some luck some day
The Dog B)
Jumpus GooDarus
May 27 2007, 03:40 AM
Well I'm just about done with upstairs a few more days & I can have a rest @ least the real estate agents can show people through plan on coming down for the weekend Bobby.
We'll sort out all your pics
May 27 2007, 12:16 PM
2MBs is a huge picture Arnie, you need to set your scanner or camera to a lower resolution whichever is the case.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 27 2007, 01:39 PM
Na 2 MB sounds about right you have to remember he's using a 10 Megapoodle camera
May 27 2007, 02:54 PM
Hi my Name is Goran I'm unfortunately a general manager at a security company.I'm 39 years young have 3 kids 2 daughter's and a son.I'm tackle addict and love fishing,hunting,4wd,camping,boating.I was going to trow in another"F" in there but better keep it clean i suppose.
May 27 2007, 03:44 PM
its nice to know that there is another tackle rat in hear, have fun and enjoy the sight
May 28 2007, 01:51 AM
Arnie - 16 ops, two knee replacements, a hip replacement - and JG calls you 'the reverend' Should change that to 'Lucky'.

Me? I'm 56, retired due to rupturing two discs in my neck pulling a drowning victim out of the water. 3 daughters -27, 25 and 18. Got a shotgun in the cupboard and a load of rifles in the safe. Stay away from my girls!!!

Wrote for a few shooting mags for 20 yrs, then a few other publications. Now write for an R.C. aircraft magazine. Worked for the 'Public Service' for 22 yrs as a part time kingfish culler. Also had a few perks in my line of work. Thats me on your left..
oz man
May 28 2007, 02:23 AM
now the big question who's the one on the right.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 28 2007, 02:29 AM
Well Arnie did have the title *BloodyOldWoman*
Little do you guys know Jumpus is also a WRITER yes I wrote a letter to the Pope
That little old guy with grey hair who lives in the Pope House b ack in Rome.
Anyways's he authorised me to Don the title *TheReverend* on Arnie Dog
ps] Told all you guys kkw was a criminal !
See he mugged a copper & stile his uniform so as he could pick up Chicky Babes
Hey kkw thanks for the warning I'll make sure I'm wearing my BULLET PROOF Reg Grundies if I'm out your way

By the way what the hell do you know about Aircraft you're a criminal
May 28 2007, 12:57 PM
JG He probably knows how to Knock em Off. anyway he's one of us old fuddy duddys now, so he's also a disabled fisherman that carries a gun. KKW don't forget to join the disabled whingers forum.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 29 2007, 01:06 AM
QUOTE (oz man @ May 28 2007, 08:13 PM)

now the big question who's the one on the right.

Hey oz !
You didn't happen to buy any of those pills that guy with the stiffy problem was pedling here did you ??
Well it would explain your interest in the person on the right
May 29 2007, 02:47 AM
Well, if you show no interest in the Swiss miss, then I wouldn't let you stand behind me. She was miss September, and let everyone who bought the magazine see her with nothing left to the imagination. She gave me her phone # but my missus found it.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 29 2007, 03:05 AM
What R U trying to say kkw ??
Your Missus went out with her ??We want to hear MORE & pics would be nice as well
ps] only joking
Snapper Man
May 30 2007, 06:57 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
May 31 2007, 01:24 AM
You might asa well use a blindfold if you're waiting for Arnie to show you around better still trade him in for a Labrador
They make better guide dogs
ps] I just changed your password use lowercase letters think thats where you had probs earlier of you didn't use same case letters as when you registered then you will get a error
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 7 2015, 01:41 AM
I'm 26 yo & work as a high class gigalo
Sep 7 2015, 07:06 AM
20 - full time woolies bitch.. looking at an IT job soon
Sep 7 2015, 07:07 AM
Jokes this thread is 8 years old.. well at 12.. hmm.. jobless at school spending all day on fishing forums
Sep 7 2015, 08:13 AM
My name is Spud..... Im still at the same place, coming up 10 years, Except now im Married, have 2 kids and a BIGGER BOAT!!! Got 3 dogs now, 3 horses, a dozen chooks and 2 turkey's, Although one Turkey only visits occasionally, talks a lot and drives green boats...
Chad, im 26, Live at Wyalong NSW, process tech in a gold mine,
My best mate is my dog jess who travels everywhere with me (kelpie/cattle/corgi X)
Into Fishing (just started to get serious about it) 4x4's (previosly worked in Sydney as a 4x4 mechanic) Motocross, Camping, Horses, Skiing, Country Music
Sep 7 2015, 08:14 AM
And its STILL ongoing..... maybe it will open one day?
hay rum have u heard they are going to re open the old captains flat mine if u could get a job there u would be a lot closer to J.B. and that's gods country
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 7 2015, 04:15 PM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Sep 8 2015, 01:06 AM)

20 - full time woolies bitch.. looking at an IT job soon
Twt Top is a Check Out Chick
When did ewe have the surgery ?
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 7 2015, 04:26 PM
QUOTE (Spudly @ Sep 8 2015, 02:13 AM)

My name is Spud..... Im still at the same place, coming up 10 years, Except now im Married, have 2 kids and a BIGGER BOAT!!! Got 3 dogs now, 3 horses, a dozen chooks and 2 turkey's, Although one Turkey only visits occasionally, talks a lot and drives green boats...
You're name is Mr Idiot Patata
oz man
Sep 8 2015, 12:26 PM
Same spudly I,m now in my 34th year at my present job and quintrex this site or our orignal site has been going now 11 years.
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