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> Squid & Sp Session
Jumpus GooDarus
post Feb 14 2010, 01:11 AM
Post #1

His Eminance

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Well peeps I goy up this morn & turned the computor on this bright light kept blinding me [think it was Fed] hysterical.gif

Anyways I haven't been out for a fush since Ozzi Ozzi Ozzi Oy Oy Oy day & I was keen as really enjoyed squiding that day & I have no probs squiding all day long find it relaxing.

Quick looky on seabreeze told me that I'd better pull my finger so off I went on my merry way, had to pull the new wittle goaty out of the driveway onto the street 1st up so as I could hookup the old wittle wittler bue goaty cause today was it's last trip out B4 I advertise it & just wanted to make sure everything was in order

this is wot she looks like now after a quick respray

Had to stop off en-route to buy a couple of bung plugs & I was off to Gudjamudga Bay , no prob launching this goaty there, think I hit the water just after 11 am not 5 am like sum people I know hysterical.gif

Wot a glorious day it was I might add seas were flat & not a breath of wind so off I went to a spot I found last trip out when we brained the squid 45 minutes later not even a sign of any squid so I decided to head back in to a spot that's produced consistantly, 15 minutes later still no bloody squid it had me stumped as to where they were rather than moving again I opted to change lure to a dark coloured wun seeing it was overcast.

Wot can I say exept the next 15 casts produced 12 squid, may seem odd to sum but I use the same princible when trolling skirted lures for gamefushys overcast days I run the darker colours & bright days bright colours.

Now the squid weren't big by any means ideal size for downrigging kungys with but since I was enjoying myself & had the bag limit I started upgrading the smaller squiddys to bigger wuns when I got wun, a couple of the slippry wittle suckers even Zotted me


But I had the last laugh I got my dinner hysterical.gif

Could've done this all day but I wated to put wun of the LOX rods through it's paces & darted offshore to a reef I knew in search of snapper en-route I came across Mr Sharpus swimming merrily away on the surface minding his own buisness looking for sum surfers to eat

Got out to the reef spent 20 minutes sounding & saw no sign of any snappa's so opted to head back into pt hacking to toss sum plastics about, was after brimski's & when I got the 1st take it went hard really thought it was a brimski.

Wot a surprise when I felt the headshakes through the rod, still hadn't seen the fush but knew it was flathead, in shallow water even the flathead go hard add to that the supa sensitive 1-3 kg skick I was using I had a ball, till I realised there was no landing net on board rolleyes.gif

Got visual on her & the net didn't matter GooDarus guess around 75 cm's, did have a pair of pliers & grabbed the jig head to shake her off

Love this wittle stick

10 minutes later another hit, my oldies are the worlds worst naggers when it comes to fush so I kept this wun to shut them up when I took the goat back didn't measure it just over 60 cm's I'd say

Didn't manage to find any Brimski's did however find quite a few wittle snapper around the 28 cm mark & had a bit of fun with them
Days like today are thoroughly enjoyable I was back @ the ramp by 3 pm


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Feb 14 2010, 01:17 AM
Post #2


Group: Members
Posts: 339

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From: lurnea

Member No.: 22

jg what type of lure to you use to catch squid and whats the process ? depth ? location that ther normally in ?

............GLOBAL WARMING............



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Jumpus GooDarus
post Feb 14 2010, 01:24 AM
Post #3

His Eminance

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Using the Yoshikawa's I did a thread on them


size of lure depends on time of year & depth of water, today I was in 2 - 4 meters of water & this time of year squid are only small so I'm using either a 1.5 gr or a 2 gr .

In a few months when the bigger wuns arrive I may go up to a 2.5 or 3 gram

Location ??????

Look for weed beds


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Feb 14 2010, 01:37 AM
Post #4

*Mr Shiny Head*

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Do the brothel creepers help?


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Feb 14 2010, 01:42 AM
Post #5

His Eminance

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Yep !

Do ewe want a pair for your Head ?????????? hysterical.gif hysterical.gif


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post Feb 14 2010, 04:06 AM
Post #6

BEN 10kg

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Nice haul there jumpus.

What soft plastics were you running mate ?
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Feb 14 2010, 01:05 PM
Post #7

His Eminance

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Dosen't really matter wot SP's I've said that a 1,000 times

All of them will catch fish as long as ewe're fushing the right places /tides & using a good retrieve action on the lure

Was targeting brimski's not flathead & using 4" slam baits

Small snapper were detrying the tails so went to a harder plastic & that did the trick


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Feb 14 2010, 01:22 PM
Post #8


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JUMPY .... sorry the pom is still with us!


went to Compleat Angler and asked for "jumpy Hooks" and they didn't know what we were talking about ... so where can we pick up some more of them? wink_smile.gif
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Feb 14 2010, 01:28 PM
Post #9

His Eminance

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Ewe talking about those wide Gaps I use ??????????


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Feb 14 2010, 01:44 PM
Post #10


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..... those cute wittle wed wuns!
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post Feb 14 2010, 05:19 PM
Post #11


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QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Feb 14 2010, 08:11 PM) *
Had to stop off en-route to buy a couple of bung plugs & I was off to Gudjamudga Bay , no prob launching this goaty there, think I hit the water just after 11 am not 5 am like sum people I know hysterical.gif

You referring to me Jumpus..... hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

God squid session there Jumpus...and the flatties.....

FISHING beats Working
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Feb 14 2010, 09:08 PM
Post #12

His Eminance

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From: Sydney

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QUOTE (Seafairy @ Feb 15 2010, 08:44 AM) *
..... those cute wittle wed wuns!

If I recall correectly Fed laughed @ those hooks when I gave him a pack hysterical.gif

I've stocked up on them got a locker full cause boys aren't doing hooks anymore, they've still got stock off them & will be avail to pubics when next they do a sale easter.

Ewe may want to get Fed a pair of those brothel creepers, he's allways putting his foot in his mouth so they'll look good on his head

Hey Fed I'm on a roll teach ewe to try cee ying me up hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

You referring to me Jumpus.....

Yep !

Ewe & that Nimrod Chappy both of ewes get up B4 the sparrows start their Far Tings hysterical.gif


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Feb 14 2010, 11:55 PM
Post #13

the wizz kid

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just as well dave wasnt there ,he prolly would have eaten all the sp's ,,jas

allways in the shit ,its just the depth that varies
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