Anyways I haven't been out for a fush since Ozzi Ozzi Ozzi Oy Oy Oy day & I was keen as really enjoyed squiding that day & I have no probs squiding all day long find it relaxing.
Quick looky on seabreeze told me that I'd better pull my finger so off I went on my merry way, had to pull the new wittle goaty out of the driveway onto the street 1st up so as I could hookup the old wittle wittler bue goaty cause today was it's last trip out B4 I advertise it & just wanted to make sure everything was in order
this is wot she looks like now after a quick respray

Had to stop off en-route to buy a couple of bung plugs & I was off to Gudjamudga Bay , no prob launching this goaty there, think I hit the water just after 11 am not 5 am like sum people I know

Wot a glorious day it was I might add seas were flat & not a breath of wind so off I went to a spot I found last trip out when we brained the squid 45 minutes later not even a sign of any squid so I decided to head back in to a spot that's produced consistantly, 15 minutes later still no bloody squid it had me stumped as to where they were rather than moving again I opted to change lure to a dark coloured wun seeing it was overcast.
Wot can I say exept the next 15 casts produced 12 squid, may seem odd to sum but I use the same princible when trolling skirted lures for gamefushys overcast days I run the darker colours & bright days bright colours.
Now the squid weren't big by any means ideal size for downrigging kungys with but since I was enjoying myself & had the bag limit I started upgrading the smaller squiddys to bigger wuns when I got wun, a couple of the slippry wittle suckers even Zotted me
But I had the last laugh I got my dinner

Could've done this all day but I wated to put wun of the LOX rods through it's paces & darted offshore to a reef I knew in search of snapper en-route I came across Mr Sharpus swimming merrily away on the surface minding his own buisness looking for sum surfers to eat

Got out to the reef spent 20 minutes sounding & saw no sign of any snappa's so opted to head back into pt hacking to toss sum plastics about, was after brimski's & when I got the 1st take it went hard really thought it was a brimski.
Wot a surprise when I felt the headshakes through the rod, still hadn't seen the fush but knew it was flathead, in shallow water even the flathead go hard add to that the supa sensitive 1-3 kg skick I was using I had a ball, till I realised there was no landing net on board

Got visual on her & the net didn't matter GooDarus guess around 75 cm's, did have a pair of pliers & grabbed the jig head to shake her off
Love this wittle stick

10 minutes later another hit, my oldies are the worlds worst naggers when it comes to fush so I kept this wun to shut them up when I took the goat back didn't measure it just over 60 cm's I'd say

Didn't manage to find any Brimski's did however find quite a few wittle snapper around the 28 cm mark & had a bit of fun with them
Days like today are thoroughly enjoyable I was back @ the ramp by 3 pm