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> Bay Yes2day
Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 2 2011, 11:44 PM
Post #1

His Eminance

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Plenty of girls about when we finally came back in the bay.

Miles of bonny's outside didn't bother fishing for them & @ times they swam to within 5 meters of the boat.
From wot i saw they were watson's.

Was piss'n myself laughing most of the day had a kiwi mate of mine on board & 1st thing i did on the day was check his bag.
Had to make sure he wasn't smuggling a sheep [girlfriend] on board

Then really had to rub it in when sqidding think the score @ the time was sum ting like
Aust 9
Nu Zeelund 0

Felt solly 4 him & saw a follow up on my jig so pulled it out the water & got wozza to drop his in front of the squid, he did get a few more after that think full time score was

Aust 20 odd
Nu Zeelund 4

No cups for the kiwi's
Did get a few girls outside just undersized by a cm or so wozza had a ball on them came back inside the bay southerly had started puffing a bit by now saw bonnys all the way in.

Wunce back in the bay Scotty2hotty back down it got hit wunce again, new girl wasn't that big looking @ the rod 1/2 bent, by this time I'd noticed 8 or so of my favourite birds hovering.

Terns dont swim/dive merely hover & pick up floating scraps & are the best sign of fish feeding just below the surface so headed their way & yep could see the kungs just breaking water surface & they were staying there.

Rigged up a couple of light sticks & tossed squid strips into the school, hadn't finished rigging my stick up yet when wozza had hooked up, girl was really peeling line off the reel when ewes wouldn't believe it The Beetles came on the mp3 player.

Talk about omens the track playing wozza

If you don't take her out tonight,
She's gonna change her mind,

And I will take her out tonight,
And I will treat her kind.
(I'm gonna treat her kind)

You're gonna lose that girl.
Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl
You're gonna lose that girl.
Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl

Well guess wot ??????????

He lost her

We had a bit of fun on the light gear after that & called it a day when wind started making it hard

Was thinking about going for a ride woywoycamel.jpg up to woy woy to ketch sum veggy fish for Fed but thought bugger him he can go ketch his own hysterical.gif


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 3 2011, 01:15 AM
Post #2

*Bi Catch*

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Time to downrig one of those bonnies I rekon. See what's down there. emot201.gif

This post has been edited by catchnrelease: Jan 3 2011, 01:15 AM


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post Jan 3 2011, 09:44 AM
Post #3

*Mr Shiny Head*

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I don't want no stinking vegie fish, spin me up a couple of bonnies next time you're going past some frozen is fine.


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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post Jan 3 2011, 01:27 PM
Post #4

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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You sure Fed? I am going today if you want me to fillet some for you. They are better than what you have been catching hysterical.gif - true.
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oz man
post Jan 3 2011, 01:51 PM
Post #5

The Guru

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I will put my hand up for some.Yummy

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post Jan 3 2011, 02:15 PM
Post #6

*Mr Shiny Head*

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I want them for bait Oz, eating vegie fish & bonnies is for desperadoes.


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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post Jan 3 2011, 02:19 PM
Post #7

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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You mean burley. Fedette could use them for bait, as she is the one who catches the fish. I will get you some Oz, but you need to come and collect them. Fillets? Whole? (I am assuming I will catch some lol)
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 3 2011, 02:45 PM
Post #8

His Eminance

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QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Jan 3 2011, 08:15 PM) *
Time to downrig one of those bonnies I rekon. See what's down there.

Why would ewe want to do that 4 ???

Need to stop watching those fishing shows & listening to all the hero's gooflefushy laugh.gif

Unless you've got tuna tubes on board tis pretty stupid trying to use to troll the likes of bonny's or stripeys unless ewe actually see the bigger fush feeding on them or pick them up on the sounder.

Reason being your troll speed is that slow & where ewe pick up the bait means you've got a fairly big hike back to where the target species are.

No different to trolling out wide, ewe dont go trolling livies around in hope target fish will sum how miraculously find you
Ewe pull lures to cover ground & drop in the livey when target fish is spotted & wont take lure


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 3 2011, 04:17 PM
Post #9

*Bi Catch*

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QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 4 2011, 09:45 AM) *
Why would ewe want to do that 4 ???

Need to stop watching those fishing shows & listening to all the hero's gooflefushy laugh.gif

Unless you've got tuna tubes on board tis pretty stupid trying to use to troll the likes of bonny's or stripeys unless ewe actually see the bigger fush feeding on them or pick them up on the sounder.

Reason being your troll speed is that slow & where ewe pick up the bait means you've got a fairly big hike back to where the target species are.

No different to trolling out wide, ewe dont go trolling livies around in hope target fish will sum how miraculously find you
Ewe pull lures to cover ground & drop in the livey when target fish is spotted & wont take lure

We have a live bait tank that works well enough with big baits already rigged (haven't done it with bonnies but have done it with huge yakkas).

And we did see some mighty interesting marks underneath some salmon schools. Don't know what they were but they were certainly bigger than salmon or rat kings. Pity we didn't have any big gear with us.

Sounds like I need to do it and pull up a 15kg+ king just to shut you up. laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif


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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 3 2011, 11:30 PM
Post #10

His Eminance

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QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Jan 4 2011, 11:17 AM) *
Sounds like I need to do it and pull up a 15kg+ king just to shut you up. laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif

Good luck tu ewe if ewe do no skin off my back, after ewe ketch it ewe'll need anutter couple 100 or so just to ketch up laugh.gif laugh.gif

Big difference between keeping cowan yung & bonny's alive in a lbt ewe would've have known that if you'd tried.

Like I told ewe earlier stop relaying wot ewe see on the idiot box or wot peeps tell ewe

Those peeps only tell 1/2 the story & focus on the end result

I'll say it again no good picking up a livey such as bonito & start trolling it where ewe caught it unless ewe know target fish are under the bonny school.

And we did see some mighty interesting marks underneath some salmon schools

Means nutting, kungs have no prob coming to the surface to feed on fush like bonnys & ewe'll see their backs breaing the surface.

Back in the good old days when good schools of baitfish like sauries were about ewe'd see football fields of kungs breaking surface to feed, they'd push the bait to the surface & attack from underneath.

Those days are gone thanks to the cat food industry with trawlers wiping out wot used to be good schools of baitfish.


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 4 2011, 11:47 AM
Post #11

*Mr Shiny Head*

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I think you'd need a pretty big tank to keep bonnys alive Alex, maybe like the size of a spa pool.
I've caught yakkas in the morning, kept them all day then pulled the boat out & kept them overnight in the bait tank without it running and they're still alive the next morning. Tough little suckers.


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 4 2011, 02:47 PM
Post #12

His Eminance

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Yakka's are very resiliant wittle suckers
Slimmys are alot more finnicky & ewe should never overcrowd the tank they'll croak easily
Stripy's & bonny's are impossible mainly because tanks aren't big enough & the fush cant turn thus no water goes through their gills.
I've got pretty big LBT's & have kept girls 85 cms + alive in no probs kungs are very resiliant


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 4 2011, 08:30 PM
Post #13

*Bi Catch*

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My mate Harry texted me he snuck out today (without me, the bastard) and lost a very very very VERY big king whilst poor-mans-downrigging a bonnie - he just couldn't stop it. They're out there.

This post has been edited by catchnrelease: Jan 4 2011, 08:31 PM


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post Jan 4 2011, 09:15 PM
Post #14

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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HaHa. Just waiting for the reply. How did he know it was a king, Alex? poke.gif
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 4 2011, 09:47 PM
Post #15

His Eminance

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QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Jan 5 2011, 03:30 PM) *
My mate Harry texted me he snuck out today (without me, the bastard)

Wonder Why he did that laugh.gif laugh.gif

How did he know it was a king, Alex?

Channel 9 news

Brian told him so laugh.gif laugh.gif

Well i'm off down to JB 2mollow so nah nah nah


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 4 2011, 09:50 PM
Post #16

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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Gunna drop me in some calamari and snapper on your way back? I'll get a can of V for you.
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post Jan 4 2011, 11:31 PM
Post #17

*Mr Shiny Head*

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How did he know it was a king

He saw it on google so it must be true.


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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post Jan 4 2011, 11:37 PM
Post #18

*Bi Catch*

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Pretty easy to tell what fish you have on before you see it. Harry's caught plenty of kings, big ones as well. Anyway it's pretty easy to tell when you have a king on. Harry'd put most (don't freak out JG, I said most) on this site to shame when it comes to fishing around Sydney.

This post has been edited by catchnrelease: Jan 4 2011, 11:39 PM


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post Jan 4 2011, 11:41 PM
Post #19

*Mr Shiny Head*

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That wouldn't be hard Catch no one fishes, this is a social site.


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 5 2011, 01:52 AM
Post #20

His Eminance

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QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Jan 5 2011, 06:37 PM) *
Harry'd put most (don't freak out JG, I said most) on this site to shame when it comes to fishing around Sydney.

Why would I freak out ??

Good luck to ewes, people who put in the effort will get results I've allways said that
That's the reason I do so well, I put in the effort, with effort ewe get the expirience.

I dont lose to many fish when targeting them even kungs on real light lines that expirience I spoke of allows me the comfort of knowing a twick or 2 others dont know of & when the fish does win a battle I say good luck to it it fought for it's freedom.

That wouldn't be hard Catch no one fishes, this is a social site

Dosen't matter what site your on Fed even the busy fishing sites very few can go out virtually every trip & ketch fish let alone variety of fushy's
Most join sites in a bid to learn or find out wot's going on but if you're not out there on a regular basis ewe'll never get amoungst them


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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