Miles of bonny's outside didn't bother fishing for them & @ times they swam to within 5 meters of the boat.
From wot i saw they were watson's.
Was piss'n myself laughing most of the day had a kiwi mate of mine on board & 1st thing i did on the day was check his bag.
Had to make sure he wasn't smuggling a sheep [girlfriend] on board
Then really had to rub it in when sqidding think the score @ the time was sum ting like
Aust 9
Nu Zeelund 0
Felt solly 4 him & saw a follow up on my jig so pulled it out the water & got wozza to drop his in front of the squid, he did get a few more after that think full time score was
Aust 20 odd
Nu Zeelund 4
No cups for the kiwi's
Did get a few girls outside just undersized by a cm or so wozza had a ball on them came back inside the bay southerly had started puffing a bit by now saw bonnys all the way in.
Wunce back in the bay Scotty2hotty back down it got hit wunce again, new girl wasn't that big looking @ the rod 1/2 bent, by this time I'd noticed 8 or so of my favourite birds hovering.
Terns dont swim/dive merely hover & pick up floating scraps & are the best sign of fish feeding just below the surface so headed their way & yep could see the kungs just breaking water surface & they were staying there.
Rigged up a couple of light sticks & tossed squid strips into the school, hadn't finished rigging my stick up yet when wozza had hooked up, girl was really peeling line off the reel when ewes wouldn't believe it The Beetles came on the mp3 player.
Talk about omens the track playing wozza
If you don't take her out tonight,
She's gonna change her mind,
And I will take her out tonight,
And I will treat her kind.
(I'm gonna treat her kind)
You're gonna lose that girl.
Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl
You're gonna lose that girl.
Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl
Well guess wot ??????????
He lost her
We had a bit of fun on the light gear after that & called it a day when wind started making it hard
Was thinking about going for a ride