The most important thing with lures is confidence.The only way to get is to catch fish right ?I think you've ID'd yor prob already.U see i was the same,had a few lures but after a short time i'd loose confidence and go back to bait catch a few and think 'yeah baits better'.
Then the Squidgie storm gained momentum & i found myself with a big box with all different 1's.Afte watching the dvd i was off down the coast with nothing but a pack of prawns for backup.I hit the lake the first day with nothing but sp's & a heap of confidence.Well fist cast had me hooked up to a nice fat 51cm lizard

.I can't remember the no's(all in the diary)but i caught a stack of fish those holidays,including hitting my first bag limit
I hav'nt looked back also jagging afew bream,tevally and Y-Ting,oh and Tailor and flounder

not to mention loosing two Jews
So after all that i'd hav'ta say my fav sp's are Squidgies and my fav style is easily the shad tailed fish in the larger sizes,i used to get caught up useing small lures,little 50mm wrigglers and stuff but tend to just use say 100mm and up.I now just go for a bass minnow for the small stuff and find their gr8 for bagging out on the littl'lies.Lastly i do'nt hav A fav colour,i have 2

No1 goes to the 'Gary Glitter' in darker water,as a coincedence(spelling) he's/it's gr8 for the juveniles

and coming in second is the 'silver fox' ,but it's gotta hav the hot pink tail :wub:
Anyway enough from me just get out there,leave the bait at home to stop temptation,and do'nt stop till ya catch a few.Oh and do'nt worry bout retreive's too much,just stay on the bottom and experiment.
Let a few
go too
PS.Do'nt mind the few missing r's in my post,work comp's got probs