Feb 1 2008, 01:14 PM
Does anyone know the laws on travelling with your firarms..
Everyone has there own version of the story and i wanna know if its gotta be locked or not..
Best ive found so far is on the firearms leg page on the police website from 2005 is that they must not be opratable (bolt rmoved) and out of site..
Feb 1 2008, 01:48 PM
Transporting firearms
While transporting firearms you must ensure that it is conveyed in a safe and responsible manner, taking all reasonable steps to ensure the firearm is not stolen or unlawfully used. For example, when transporting a firearm ensure that the firearm is not loaded and render the firearm temporarily inoperable (ie, cannot be fired) by removing the bolt from the firearm or fitting a trigger lock (or other commercial device). You should also lock the firearm out of visual sight, such as in the boot of the car. If you cannot fit the firearm in the boot, then ensure the firearm is covered from view and the vehicle is locked.
Any ammunition must be locked in a separate container inside the vehicle (eg, in the locked glove box).
This information was provided by the NSW Police Media Unit.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 1 2008, 01:58 PM
Dont really know Rumpus the law rumpus But I've allways transported them in s/s carry cases that I made up years ago.
Cases are foamed [sponge] under & over is pulled apart so it fits into the case only takes 15 secs to pull apart.
With the centrefire I pull the bolt & magazine out they go back inside the same case as the rifle
With the 22 mag rimfire just the mag out cause the bolt cant be removed.
Think it just boils down to common sense & I'd be looking @ the Firearms registry rules instead of the police website
Feb 1 2008, 03:45 PM
yea, its hard to find a specific answer, sumos rsponse is pretty close to what i could find..
I have a lockable glove box and was thinking of using a bike lock or similar through the trigger and lock to seat mounts or somthing behind the seats out of sight.
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