Jan 30 2008, 09:55 AM
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 30 2008, 02:31 PM
Give me the GPS co-ords to that spot & I'll see if I can toss a few lures down your way from here
Nice brimus there Mully have gotten a few on plastic but not HB's
Jan 30 2008, 06:18 PM
Nice Bream there Mully,
I have never thought of using the middle of the measuring tape the way you do,
I gives us a good look at the fish whilst trying to work out what length it was.
Jan 30 2008, 06:26 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Jan 31 2008, 11:48 AM)

Nice Bream there Mully,
I have never thought of using the middle of the measuring tape the way you do,
I gives us a good look at the fish whilst trying to work out what length it was.
Not big enough for a real measure mate just showing off lure really a new toy to my collection.
If its under 40 I dont measure them
Jan 30 2008, 09:57 PM
Good catch of fish.
So then I take it that you put them all back as none are over 40cm, going by your standard?
And a very high standard at that. Well done.
You are trailblazing for the rest of us.
Jan 30 2008, 10:25 PM
got a spear room MULLY think i may move to S.A.

Top catch mate
Jan 31 2008, 12:30 AM
not trying to be a smart ass just so many around that size here im after the magic 50 fellas...[well the spot might have something to do with it also]
They are all great fish but I have hundreads of pictures of under 40 and only aroun 80 or so of over 40's so i need to build up the over 40's...
I dont keep many only the bleeders that dont recover, i like to kiss a let go most times...but they couple bleeders I do get is enough for my family most times...
Jan 31 2008, 12:31 AM
if you are ever here look me up We will catch a ship load ...
Jan 31 2008, 12:34 AM
Jan 31 2008, 01:07 AM
Its one of those special things for me to crack,I have hit an over 20kg mully now I need [love] a 50cm plus bream 47 is the best I can manage so far so im getting closer...
Jan 31 2008, 02:48 AM
Is JD short for sumting? Looks like a gun lure, may need to get one.
That 50cm bream will come soon mate.
Jan 31 2008, 02:57 AM
love bream good eating .....seems to be alot of flat head around and alot of under size bream your right
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 31 2008, 03:17 AM
Hey Mully up to you mate !
But if you could be so kind as to start a thread on the do's & donts of hard body lure fishing I'm sure alot here would appreciate it like I said I've spun for them with SP's but not HB's & allthough I know a bit about it I'm sure I'll pick up a few pointers.
Got all the gear know where to find the brims etc just haven't given the HB's a go yet.
If you do go ahead with the thread dont do it all in one hit I find bits @ a@ time make for best threads esp when peeps start asking Q's
Cheers mate
Jan 31 2008, 03:20 AM
Give em a go on HB's, it's a challenge but once you get the right retrieve going you can get good numbers of them.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 31 2008, 03:31 AM
I get to see some rip snorter brims up around the royster leases last trip there I'm talking kilo + fish they sit just under the surface no luck on those fish with SP's cause lure sinks down to quick.
Reckon tossing HB's behind them will do the trick thats why I asked Mully to do a thread
Jan 31 2008, 09:30 AM
JD lure are made in Tasmania, I have go to know Jamie via email top bloke and great family business.
Unfortunately I dont get any kickbacks

but his lures work so im happy to share the success.
He has just ventured into saltwater lures and being the lure junkie I am I had to give them a go ..
Jan 31 2008, 09:32 AM
Id be happy to share a few posts about different luring styles and best lures for a particular species...
I get a lot of feedback about how good lures are all over Australia so Im in the thick of it so to speak and I love helping out so when I get a minute I will put them up for you all...
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 31 2008, 02:13 PM
Whenever your ready Mully as per in the popper thread think to many peeps put to much emphasis on the lure & forget what is prob more important
the retrieve action & likely habitat of the fish
Jan 31 2008, 04:34 PM
ill stick to fresh bait never miss .....sorry guys thats just my opinion .........and i have tried useing plastics with sumo and the other day i was out but i like torelax not work winding in and cast to only repeat over and over if i wanna work ill go earn some money is for relaxing time out sit back and let the fish do the work .....i think good luck boys with ya plastics ...can you tell me who made the first plastic and what year ....?????
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