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Fishing oz style > Chat > Tackle Talk
Jumpus GooDarus
Have been cleaning out some old tackle box's & found a few of those thingamajiggys in the pic.

Dont really know what they are & assuming they're some sort of salt water fly anybody uded or knows about them thingy's ??

Hey!!! I have some of those thingamajiggys as well. Saw Adventure Bound the other night, and the guy was hanging a half a pillie off one which looked very much like these ones. Snapper attractor or some such nonsense biggrin.gif Don't ask me what the string bit is for.
Jumpus GooDarus
Don't ask me what the string bit is for.

So do you reckon there's some SOAP on the end of the string ?? laugh.gif laugh.gif

So your saying that they are just an attracter & not a fly ???
to me that look like freshwater fly's

but then again ive never been freshwater fishing
Jumpus GooDarus
Benny I said saltwater fly only because of the heavy gauge & size of the hooks
The guy on Adventure Bound called them 'Snapper Snatchers' KKW, can't say I've ever heard of them other than on that show but I have seen a few snapping snatches if that helps. laugh.gif
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 30 2008, 01:49 PM) *
Benny I said saltwater fly only because of the heavy gauge & size of the hooks

JG They are a crude form of what are known as Snapper Snatchers, they usually have pretty feathers and tinsil with beads above the hook ( similar to an old whiting rig ) .
They are the latest you beaut can't live without thingie south of the border. The bloody silly mexicans are going crazy over the spupid bloody things.
You are just not in with a chance these days if you don't use the latest and greatest Snapper Snatchers.
Had any Mexicans playing with your tackle box lately.

Wonder how we been catching them for the past 45 years, and thats just me.
Jumpus GooDarus
Thanks for the info Frank

Had no idea what they were that that I know I may go swap them for some Taco's @ least I can eat those laugh.gif laugh.gif

Which reminds me I'm starvating but fridge is empty unfortunately for me I did one of your tricks & my back is killing me couldn't move this morn.

Guess I'll have to ring ring & get some food delivered
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 30 2008, 02:42 PM) *
Thanks for the info Frank

Had no idea what they were that that I know I may go swap them for some Taco's @ least I can eat those laugh.gif laugh.gif

Which reminds me I'm starvating but fridge is empty unfortunately for me I did one of your tricks & my back is killing me couldn't move this morn.

Guess I'll have to ring ring & get some food delivered

Mate no good to be laid up with a crook back. Mine is starting to allow me to do certain things, but bending over grinding or welding kills me after about 5 minutes, It's taken me 2 months to make a frame ( s/steel ) for a double seat for a c/console.
The poor bloody owner is very patient with me, I would be telling me to give the bloody thing back and take it somewhere else for finishing.

9481 1111
An assist hook with pretty stuff on it by the looks only use them for jigging around here..The leader is kevlar me thinks by the look they are pretty good on a jig.
I have seen a few with pretty stuff on them also but these pictures show you how they work..

Click to view attachmentClick to view attachment

If you dont want them send them to me :LolBlueFlame:
QUOTE (Fed @ Jan 30 2008, 02:19 PM) *
The guy on Adventure Bound called them 'Snapper Snatchers' KKW, can't say I've ever heard of them other than on that show but I have seen a few snapping snatches if that helps. laugh.gif

Doesn't help me, Ed, but knowing the places you frequent, it doesn't surprise me, what you have seen laugh.gif You western suburbs boys dance to a different tune to us folks who live in 'The Shire".
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 30 2008, 02:42 PM) *
Which reminds me I'm starvating but fridge is empty unfortunately for me I did one of your tricks & my back is killing me couldn't move this morn. Guess I'll have to ring ring & get some food delivered

Want me to make some sandwiches and bring them over for you? Told you not to skull drag that flattie on Sunday. It has wrecked your back and strained those poor widdle muscles. Do you like cheese? Vegemite? Done deal.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mully pm me your mailing address & when I get back on my feet I'll mail them down to you have quite a few of them.

ps] Dont know how you're going to go about mailing me a return TACO laugh.gif laugh.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Was sore yesterday kk & when I got home I lay on the lounge but couldn't get back up took me a good 10 minutes

Last night was a shitter kept waking up couldn't find a comfortable position.

Frank dont tell me that I dont want to lay about for 2 months laugh.gif laugh.gif
Ill brine the Taco for you mate...
I agree with mully 100%, they're jig assist hooks. With a bit of tinsel for extra attraction.
not really my style of fishing, i just like to catch the fish share and square, with a hook and sinker, still catches fish

and jumpy why you have to say tachos for it made it feel like eating one and i can not get them anywhere laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif
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