Jan 27 2008, 06:49 AM
Just wondering whre everyone stors thir fish on board onc caught?
Jumpy has a great setup n his big boat but prob not practical for smallr boats.
Do you take a larg esky or do you have some underfloor stoage?
If using underfloor storage is it insulated? or does yuor ice slurry mix hold up ok over a days fishing in an un insulated box?
Trying to come up with ideas for the boat i dont have yet!?
(everyones gotta dream)
Jan 27 2008, 08:08 AM
i good idea to put them keep and put it over the side and that way your fish are always fresh and stay cold. do not overload them, my dad friend was fishing narra lakes on night and they fill it up with big flatties and near the end the net snapped and all the fish got ended up the bottow of the lake well at least the crabs got a good feed

Jan 27 2008, 08:38 AM
QUOTE (southcoastin @ Jan 28 2008, 03:08 AM)

i good idea to put them keep and put it over the side and that way your fish are always fresh and stay cold. do not overload them, my dad friend was fishing narra lakes on night and they fill it up with big flatties and near the end the net snapped and all the fish got ended up the bottow of the lake well at least the crabs got a good feed

Haha, i cant count the amount of time my dads had em in a net (and me) and driven off and forgotten about them hanging over the side!!!
prolly not the best idea in JB and som places where th sharks like to swim around the boat.
Jan 27 2008, 03:28 PM
if I am lazy, I will just hang them over the side in a keeper net. If I am ambitious and reckon I will get a few, then a saltwater ice slurry in the big esky is the go. It lasts all day, if you don't put too much water in.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 27 2008, 04:16 PM
Yep Yep I do have a very good storage system on the big boat but the key word is BIG BOAT !
So I'm able to to keep fish alive till I trailer the boat that way I can keep more than I need then sort out which ones I release @ end of the days fishing.
Now all you guys who want to use a slurry mix just a few pointers.
** pays to bleed & gut the fish B4 throwing them into the slurry
** by gutting the fish bacteria cant heat the fish up from the inside
** be wary of fish that are borderline legal length if pulled up by a fishing inspector
** fish will reduced in size if chilled & if the inspector is a D*ckhead he could give ewes a hard time
Jan 27 2008, 08:34 PM
I agree with the idea of the iced seawater and the bleeding of the fish when captured.
Not having a boat I have to used what is around at the waters edge. From where I fish from I generally used a net in a sort of 2 x 1 meter pool that gets washed over every now and then. During summer that water is sort of cool and during winter the water is very cold.
Here is a story for you.
I went fishing with a friend of mine and we caught a few fish. We put them over the side of the boat. Well it came time that this friend needed to go for a whiz and the only place that he could go was over the side of the boat.
Yeah that's right he went on the same side of the boat that the fish were on. He forgot to put the fish up. He yell's out I am p"ss"ng on the fish. Ok more attention to the boat.
Now he tell us maybe we should take them out off the side. "No, too late now let the current wash them for a bit."
Jan 27 2008, 08:51 PM
They get caught, there then measured an if there legal they go straight on ice...
Jan 27 2008, 09:07 PM
Jan 27 2008, 09:09 PM
i just have one of those keeper bags ,i tie it to a rod holder base about half way along the boat ,so even if i forget topull it up ,it comes up by itself once ya get goin then ya see it anyway ,,
Jan 30 2008, 10:22 PM
Yea, Ice slurry is good, but cant always fit a large esky on a boat was my original question...
How would a aluminium tank go under the floor with ice slurry if not insulated? would it last a day or not?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 30 2008, 11:24 PM
Nope Rumpus the heat of the day would melt the ice in no time best geting one of those plastic insultated eskies
Jan 31 2008, 11:44 PM
best geting one of those plastic insultated eskies
yea, but small boat means less room to fit one and im looking for ways to get around it!
Esky is probably your best bet, Rum
Feb 1 2008, 02:28 AM
JG could ya put up some pics of your storage system?
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 1 2008, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Feb 1 2008, 06:44 PM)

yea, but small boat means less room to fit one and im looking for ways to get around it!
What do you think building in tank will do ???? they take up space as well
JG could ya put up some pics of your storage system?
Pics wouldn't do it justice Rumpus was refering to my live bait tank built in the floor of the boat it's 1 meter long 60 cm's wide & 60 cms deep & the fish's get to swim around in there a hole through the hull feeds the tank with a constant supply of fresh sea water opening to the tank is only around 30 cms that's why a pic wouldn't do it justice
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