Jan 25 2008, 04:23 AM
hey guys ,i was just wondering what you guys think of a get together later this year for a long weekend or maybe for a week ,,up at glenbawn and get into a few bass ,,,,let me know what you think nicely steve lolol,
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 25 2008, 04:33 AM
It Depends !
Are you going to go fill up all those pot holes for us city folk to drive over ???
Jan 25 2008, 04:37 AM
when ya put proper wheels on ya car ,,hahaah
Jan 25 2008, 05:10 AM
Im keen mate, s long as it falls when i have days off
oz man
Jan 25 2008, 04:55 PM
This sounds interesting even if its only to meet you buggers.
Jan 25 2008, 05:24 PM
Take some mace and a baton with you oz. Some of these members are Good Ol Boys, and like purdy city slickers. Oh, and don't go to sleep at night - know what I mean. Otherwise have a great trip.
Jan 26 2008, 12:53 AM
Sounds good to me.
KK if you dont go who's guna do the cleaning and washing up.
Jan 26 2008, 12:57 AM
QUOTE (kkw @ Jan 26 2008, 12:24 PM)

Take some mace and a baton with you oz. Some of these members are Good Ol Boys, and like purdy city slickers. Oh, and don't go to sleep at night - know what I mean. Otherwise have a great trip.
Mace . you said it was whip cream , and did you get the 4 size D batteries for your baton.
and who could go to sleep when you get your baton out
Jan 26 2008, 01:14 AM
let me know what time of the year you all thinking and ill see what i can do with work?
Jan 26 2008, 01:30 PM
When is everybody free ,
oz man
Jan 26 2008, 03:10 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Jan 26 2008, 12:24 PM)

Take some mace and a baton with you oz. Some of these members are Good Ol Boys, and like purdy city slickers. Oh, and don't go to sleep at night - know what I mean. Otherwise have a great trip.
M8 I was born in Parramatta and raised in Cobar, Walgett and Woy Woy an ain't no purdy city slicker, and my main customer is CSI Goulburn , Bathurst and Parklea and they don't scare me.6' and 140kg of raw fat.
Jan 26 2008, 04:01 PM
Might go...
depends on if i can get there...
i have other commitments like cattle showin, work n school9(school certificate year)
but if it falls on a good weekend i might be there...
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 27 2008, 02:13 AM
QUOTE (oz man @ Jan 26 2008, 11:55 AM)

This sounds interesting even if its only to meet you buggers.
Hey oz !
I met the Parrot today & wasn't I wrong [there ewe go Frank Jumpus admitted he was wrong

Anyways oz I really thought poly was a green parrot & boy wasn't I wrong turns out he's one of those
Red Faced Parrots
M8 I was born in Parramatta and raised in Cobar,
Hey oz dis I ever tell you my father built the scool in cobar ?????
Jan 27 2008, 02:21 AM
QUOTE (oz man @ Jan 27 2008, 10:10 AM)

they don't scare me.6' and 140kg of raw fat.

Don't let Steve see this - quick, delete it. He will fall in love.
Jan 27 2008, 02:32 AM
To late ive allready started the barbi
Jan 27 2008, 03:21 AM
QUOTE (STEVE.P @ Jan 27 2008, 09:32 PM)

To late ive allready started the barbi
Guys I will have another go at posting in this thread.
There are some of us guys going up to St Clair around March-April from FangNSW, that is a side site from Fishnet.
We go a couple of times each year and we always have a ball.
TomMc knows all about FangNSW and Tom if you want to come, it will be OK.
It would be good if we could combine the two sites to share a week end together.
St Clair is about 40 minutes shorter drive from Sydney the what Glenbourns is.
It's all camping with no cabins and a little more primitive then Glenbourne, but doesn't get as busy with not as many ski boats etc.
St Clair doesn't have a shop as such like Glenbourne does so you have to make sure you have all your supplies you need before you leave Singleton.
Same type of fish can be caught from both locations.
Both places are filling up with some water.
Camp fees are roughtly the same but if we can get a lot of members, we could get a small discount at St Clair. There are emenities with showers toilets and electric bbq's.
Just a suggestion for you guys to consider.
Jan 27 2008, 03:40 AM
Frank, thats 40mins futher that me and jas have to travel!! hahaha!
anyway.. im keen... march april could be hard unless its mid week thoguh
Jan 27 2008, 02:27 PM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Jan 27 2008, 10:40 PM)

Frank, thats 40mins futher that me and jas have to travel!! hahaha!
anyway.. im keen... march april could be hard unless its mid week thoguh
40 min more from wyalong ? would be if you are going via Broken hill or Qld.
Just a thought.
Jan 27 2008, 02:37 PM
mate ,i dont mind ,where we go ,
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 27 2008, 04:06 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Jan 28 2008, 09:27 AM)

40 min more from wyalong ? would be if you are going via Broken hill or Qld.
Just a thought.
Frank the guys on this site navigate their way around using a KPS that's abbrieviated for Ken Positioning System
Rumpus must have the new model cause it's only going to take him an extra 40 minutes
Jan 27 2008, 04:32 PM
Cheers Frank
Either looks alright,
around 3 hours from my place and a pretty basic drive straight up the putty...
would a a normal 2wd ute be able to put in at those areas or would a 4wd be needed?
Jan 27 2008, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (TomMc @ Jan 28 2008, 11:32 AM)

Cheers Frank
Either looks alright,
around 3 hours from my place and a pretty basic drive straight up the putty...
would a a normal 2wd ute be able to put in at those areas or would a 4wd be needed?
Tom. Depending on water level at the time. The last time I was there we needed a 4x4 for launching.
If you need a 4x4 and you only have 2 wheel drive we can simply throw the trailer on one of our 4x4's for launching.
Depending on water level and where we camp, we may only have to launch once and leave the boat in the water till we're ready to come home.
If we have to use the ramp, then best to retrieve each day.
Jan 27 2008, 08:01 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Jan 28 2008, 02:22 PM)

Tom. Depending on water level at the time. The last time I was there we needed a 4x4 for launching.
If you need a 4x4 and you only have 2 wheel drive we can simply throw the trailer on one of our 4x4's for launching.
Depending on water level and where we camp, we may only have to launch once and leave the boat in the water till we're ready to come home.
If we have to use the ramp, then best to retrieve each day.
Cheers Frank
ill speak to me dad or one of me older mates with cars, if its me dad he has a 4x4 if its one of me mates there 2wd...
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 27 2008, 11:35 PM
Hey Frank !
Do you reckon Tom can hire a team of YAKS to launch his boat ??
Jan 28 2008, 12:26 AM
Jan 28 2008, 01:23 AM
itll take about 3 hours extra in that case then ,dave must of put em onto his seller
Jan 28 2008, 05:41 PM
just had a look on map!!! SH!T im in for a long drive!!!!!!
Jan 28 2008, 07:16 PM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Jan 29 2008, 12:41 PM)

just had a look on map!!! SH!T im in for a long drive!!!!!!
Would you be coming from west like Broken hill or would you decide to go via the qld border?.
Tom 2 wheel drive will get you there and if needed we can carry the boat down to the water.
Or use the yaks as jg suggests.
Jan 28 2008, 07:48 PM
hey fellow fishos,
id be interested in this, if we can get some dates that this would be on so i can check to make sure im not working
if we can organize how many fishos are going and how many boats are going ??
id be comming up in the jeep, so if other fishos wanna bring there boat but need a 4wd to tow it id leave the hustler at home but then again may be a good idea to bring the beast along
Jan 28 2008, 09:21 PM
OK I will put up another thread . and you all can put some dates down ,
We can work it out from there. also some have to travel up from south or down from north. we can organise meet places as not to drag every car along if not needed.
but put your dates up ,

thats numaral dates . and we can work around them.
Jan 29 2008, 12:07 AM
Ill put this here too . what about easter weekend friday21 march - monday 24 march
this might give peaple the days off where the might not be able to go due to work.
Jan 29 2008, 03:16 AM
Jan 29 2008, 03:20 AM
Im working them dates so im out...
its about a 7 hour drive for me.. so would have to be over 3 days i could make it or its not worth it..
Mar 27 2008, 03:35 AM
well guys jus tthinkin how about a get together up at glenbawn in about october ,what are your thoughts ,,,im easy ,,,sssshhhh but dont tell anyone specially steve ,,hhaahhhaha
Mar 28 2008, 12:27 AM

Il come down to it
keep sumo and dave away from th e posums
you sleeping in truck again jason big sook don't like the wild life
may still be in singo puting donk back in 4x4
if not il pick you up sook when i come down
Mar 28 2008, 03:40 AM
oh good on ya big dog ,nice to see ya care ya ol bugger ahahhaha
Mar 28 2008, 05:28 AM
im with jumpy
It Depends !
Are you going to go fill up all those pot holes for us city folk to drive over ??? ...some of us only have bomodores

Mar 28 2008, 11:14 PM
you gus have just gotta learn how to drive ,its one thing owning a car but its another knowing how to drive it ,,hahahaahaahahahahaahaahah
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