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Full Version: Greenwell Point 21-22-4-07
Fishing oz style > Fishing Reports > Fishing Reports
there is not to much to tell, u know how it go's, the weather was perfect the water glassy and the morning crisp, saturday could not have started better we motored up to the creek where the rescue boats are moored on the second drift i nailed a 40 cm flathead and wife got one at 31cm so back it went on leaving the creek we could see we would not have the river to ourselves as boats seamed to be every where, yes it is school holiday time and they all came to greenwell point just so they can p66 me off, the thing is they are all trying to catch fish but they wont stay in the one place long they buzz around making a nuisance of them selves.
it gets a bit better on sunday found a good size hole over near the north wall and thought it might hold some reds or a Jew or two, the reds were there but just under size at around 25 to 28cm so they had to go back, i had set one 8kg out fit up for Jew and had one short run before being bitten off well that is about it for this time but we will be back to try again as it is truly gods country, this is what it looked like at dawn Sunday
Gee Poly, you must have stayed out a while to take that shot in the dark. never mind, you can only do better next time. PS: if you want some Yellowbelly you'll have to make a trip up.
u bet i do sumo, and yes the wife and i will look u up on the next trip north
Hi Poly,
You know the old story... it's good to get out on the water the fish are a bonus ,sounds like you had fun.
The pohto looks ok blown up.


Fish ;) .
Jumpus GooDarus
You did well to pull a couple of flatones from the creek.
My last trip saw zero result cinsidering trip prior resulted in a hookup every 2 - 3 casts I'm refering to casting SP's

Last trip had to venture to the shoalhaven river to get some fish.
that was the best one taken at about 6am the camra is not the best for that type of shot.
i would have liked to have sean the fin that bit me off it was a very hard run only lasted about 2seconds i think a small to medium shark what do u think
Jumpus GooDarus
I gather you were fishing with baits ?

Next time take some SP's with you & give them a try

I prefer bait fishing myself BUT have to admit if it's the flatones you're after then SP's will beat baits every time hands down
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 23 2007, 06:17 PM) *
I gather you were fishing with baits ?

Next time take some SP's with you & give them a try

I prefer bait fishing myself BUT have to admit if it's the flatones you're after then SP's will beat baits every time hands down

yes i was but only on the 6kg outfit i had it loaded with an ocky turned inside out for jew it is an old trick that works well
Jumpus GooDarus
Think it was Chadd making the comment that I always seem to come home with the bacon [ fish]

& my reply was that when I go fishing I leave my options open.

Never a great lover of SP's & H/B's but of late have been using them quite a fair bit poly

For the simply reason they do produce the fish not always but if all else fails garaunteed to spin up the flatones
i have not long started to use s ps and it is a huge learning curve so i still use bait for jew and reds
Jumpus GooDarus
Well poly what can I suggest except a bit of Old Blue Eyes to keep you amused

Start spreading the news, Im fishing today
You want to be a part of it - SP's , SP's
These vagabond plastic lures, are longing to stray
Right through the very heart of it - SP's , SP's

I wanna wake up in a ocean, that doesnt sleep
And find Im king of the hill - top of the heap

Oh, the shark has pretty teeth dear
And he shows em, pearly white
Just a jack knife has macheath dear
And he keeps it way out of sight

On the poly, one sunday morning
Lies a body, oozin life
Someones sneaking round the corner
Could that someone be mack the knife

From a tugboat, on the river going slow
A cement bag is dropping on down
You know that cement is for the weight dear
You can make a large bet mackies back in town

My rod by Ian Miller, he split the scene babe
After drawing out all the bread from his stash
Now macheath spends like a sailor
Do you suppose our boy, hes done something rash

Old satchmo, louis armstrong, bobby darrin
Did this song nice, lady ella too
They all sang it, with so much feeling
That old blue eyes, he aint gonna add nothing new

But with this big band, jumping behind me
Swinging hard, jack, I now I cant lose
When I tell you, all about mack the knife babe
Its an offer, you can never refuse

We got patrick williams, bill miller playing that piano
And this great big band, bringing up the rear
All the band cats, in this band now
They make the greatest sounds, youre ever gonna hear

Oh sookie taudry, jenny diver, polly peachum, old miss lulu browny

Hey the line forms, on the right dear
Now that macheaths back in town
Youd better lock your doors, and call the law
Because macheaths back in town

And now, the fish are near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, Ill say it clear,
Ill state my case, of which Im certain.

Ive lived a life thats full.
Ive traveled each and evry highway;
And more, much more than this,
I did it the Jumpus GooDarus way.

Regrets, Ive had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, Im sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it the Jumpus GooDarus way.

Ive loved, Ive laughed and cried.
Ive had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
No, oh no not me,
I did it the Jumpus GooDarus way.

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not his SP's , then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it Jumpus Way
Hey JG, Dont use yellow, my eyes aren't good enough to read it, even with 3 power specs.
flamin hell J.G the song that never ends.
at this stage of life it is nice to know i did it my way biggrin.gif
Cant read the yella with 6+... it's crap :o
use ya mouse and highlight it and ya can read it!

it inverts the colours
Jumpus GooDarus
Bunch of whingers laugh.gif laugh.gif

Just change your skin dimness 2.2 bottom L/H corner of each page Yellow looks good on that skin
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rolleyes.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Fish -_-
please explain fish, im not reading all that and theres to many big words!
Copy cat dirty rat sitting on Jumpus GooDarus's hat laugh.gif
Ahhh GOT YA!!!!
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