It all started last Sunday, we got out pretty late and hence arrived in the late afternoon, met up with Rod Stokman at Batemans on the way there and grabbed some tackle and info. After unpacking, the whole family fished the Wagonga flats for a few baby bream and tailor (amongst other things) on nippers, I just wanted to relax, no serious fishing was intended. Narooma sure is beautiful.
The next morning was spent fishing the early morning on the flats in Wagonga inlet...there were NO SIGNS OF LIFE! Tried everything for nought, but, all of a sudden a big something (probably a ray) picks up my lure and steals almost all my line! Now I need new braid, I can't fish with only 30 metres of line left. That was a real pain in the arse, but oh well.
We then went to a special spot in Tuross River in the afternoon, and guess what dad breaks my favourite rod with the car door of all things! Everything was going wrong tackle wise today. The broken rod really put a dent into my session and made fishing tough. But, I continued with the 10lb outfit. I hooked up to a smaller ray that gave a little tussle, and saw some of the biggest whiting ever! Spewing that I didn't take any poppers! Tried to get them on SP's (all I had on me) but little bream, toadies and tarwhine beat them to it everytime. Next time.... I also forgot the camera, it's a beautiful area and one that do I know? Because Stuart Hindson fishes there.
Then went beach fishing in the evening, nothing really doing, the beach was pretty bare, there were barely any gutters. HOWEVER I managed a crap load of little mullet. The picture is the average size (tiny ay?
Tuesday morning was spent on my favourite charter, we caught some bait including a few slimies mixed with the yakkas. One of the little guys (around 12-13yrs) hooked up on old squid, a short while later, a very tired little boy brings a thumper 86cm king on board! I don't think he caught another fish though hahaha. The sight of the king told me to grab the brand new Duo Drifter/Applause combo and down went a live yakka...waiting...waiting...waiting...thump! zzzzz! Hooked up to something, I managed to get it up without too much trouble. A nice ~60cm king was boated and the new outfit was blooded. I was at the front of the boat (bow I think?) so going down to the deck to get a piccie was too much of a hassle in the big swell, and he was only little too, so he went back in no time. My hopes were high for something bigger.
We enjoyed the rest of the day around Tilba Tilba, just looking around with the family, enjoying a nice lunch and buying little things like cheeses, candy and crafts. These little towns have ripper food! I love free samples lol. Went back home to just lounge around, and have a nap...was a bit buggered from the past few days. The family sat down that night to a fresh seafood meal. The rock cod was delish with a béchamel sauce as well as the snapper cooked whole with various asian spices. The slimy mack and sweep was surprisingly good if fried lightly and crispy.
Slept in a little bit on Wednesday as there was no charter on, totally booked out across the whole area! However we did pump some nippers in the arvo and hired a tinny to motor around Wagonga. It was pretty fishy everywhere even though they were all basically just undersized bream and snapper, but my mum managed a nice bream.
As soon as it went back in the bites stopped and we had to move. Unfortunately all we got for the rest of the day were undersized fish. Sat down that night to pizza and rigged up for the following charter trips for the next three days.
A a side note, I managed to convince my dad to pick up a new rod to replace my broken Black Diamond, a Strudwick Sic Stick Pro 7' 1-3kg. A very nice rod, I also picked it up for a scamp $140...marked down from $280. I think Strudwick has gone out of buisiness or something.
On Thursday I went out on another charter, but the results were pretty ordinary. It started badly with no live bait showing up which meant we had to use old frozen stuff, and sloppy weather stopped us from fishing the best spots. I only managed a few sweep, a leatherjacket and a few sand flathead. Nothing really exciting, a few rat kings were landed by other blokes but apart from that it was slooooow going. However we did have some fun with the big rays at the cleaning tables, with the tide a bit high they weren't afraid to poke their heads out of the water for a hand feed of scraps. Gave a few a pat on the head...they are very very slimy but very docile.
The days catch in a bucket of blooooood...
Up close and personal with the big rays.
Spent the rest of the day resting, the past days of non-stop fishing had caught up to me. The family went to some beach (I forget its name) and saw a guy fishing and they say he caught what looked like a rat salmon and that was it.
Friday provided very poor weather, it forced most of the charter operators to cancel their trips in the morning, including mine. Not to be deterred, I went back to the cabin and rigged up for some bream in the golf course lake. There were a heap of fish around, mostly rats but the odd OK model...but all of them were extremely spooky. Gave up after about two hours and went back to have a real breakfast.
In the afternoon we all decided to hit Wagonga and fish land based. Tried poppers at first but the wind was making the surface too choppy and made accurate casts near impossible, I lost my Rebel Pop-R thanks to a sudden gust of wind blowing the lure right into a mooring rope. :mad: However, once I found the fish I absolutely nailed the bream, the first few were on nippers but I quickly changed to SP's and they couldn't get enough of the Gulp! New Penny 2" Sandworms, but they were all little runts like the one below. For some reason the Wagonga flats fish better in the afternoon than the morning? Or at least for me.
We also managed to find a Blue Swimmer crab swimming about. We managed to scoop it up for a snack. Very tasty.
There was also a huge storm front showing up in the evening, just outside our cabin hovering above Montague Island. Amazing to watch the clouds sweep in and move out to sea.
Saturday was my last opportunity to go out on a charter, unfortunately like the Friday the weather prevented us from going out. :mad: So I decided to hit the beach just down from the caravan park. Third cast...tap tap tap...on. Felt like another little mullet, but instead a baby salmon of around the same size. I was using the slimy macks from the first charter trip. More hours past, more little hits. Hooking up to that size fish is hard with 3/0 hooks. A local dropped by and informed me that he had caught some 3-4lb salmon a few days ago, so they were around. Again, more bait went out, more taps then THUMP. Missed it. More bait, more taps and THUMP again, but this time it stuck. After some tense moments fighting the fish in the churning waves, a beautiful salmon was in my hands. Would've gone a touch more than 3lb I rekon.
Spent the rest of the day pumping nippers and amusing myself with the undersize whiting and bream that hung around the clouds of sand we puffed up. We then went to a spot a local butcher informed us of a special spot that works just prior to low tide. Unfortunately the weather then turned for the worst with high winds, rain, thunder and lightning forcing us to retreat back to the cabin.
And finally, today came. I spent the morning at the beach again. Managed a small salmon of around 35cm but had to cut the morning short to pack. No pictures, the camera was stowed away somewhere or other in the car.
So that was my trip, it was a lot better than last year but I am still to relive the antics of 2006, that was a trip indeed. However the fishing was still good, a lot of fish albeit not too many big ones. The salmon was a highlight and any kingfish is a good one in my eyes.
P.S. I'll post up some more pictures later, stupid thing limits my amount of pics.