Perfect day weather wise ran into rkessner think thats how it's spelt] from SF @ the heads stopped to have a quick chat & we were off, about a mile out the place was swarming with baitfish schools in patch's everywhere, so I slowed down & set out the lure pattern for the day.
Low on salted bait also ran 2 cord lines with xmas trees in hope of some stripies, reason I use cord lines is simple of we get a hookup I dont slow down boat speed just pull in the cord to land the fish.
This way you dont jepodize your chances if there's larger predators lurking about & we've even han Marlins chase a stripy to the boat on one occasion.
Didn't get a good look @ the baitfish but judging by the small splash's/pattern my guess would be Cowan's gave trolling around them around 1 hr & decided to pull in the lures & motor hard to the 12 mile the perfect conditions saw us hitting speeds of around 33 knots all the way out.
Arrived & out went the lures again worked the area around a hr or so found schools of sauries jumping out of the water moreso because of our wake but did spot another school in the distance not in our wake & something was chasing them trolled over to them but no hiikup.
Next we headed to Brown's worked a few loops of the area plenty on boats saw no one into any fish so started tracking Sth down to the Sth Canyons about 10 miles short we got a bit side tracked by the skies going dark & water sprouts forming so out came the new Megapoodle camera.

We were a fair distance away but headed towards them for a better look

They kept appearing & disappearing which made it very hard for us to hook the Marlins we could see them getting sucked up but couldn't get our lures up into the spouts to get a decent hookup

Oh well the spouts disappeared & we scrapped the Canyons trip noticed water temp was 1/2 degree cooler woder of the shelf so decicide to troll to the out FAD instead boys wanted to catch a nice big Bull Mahi.
So Jumpus came up with a brain explosion thought I'd try The Matador Technique so I got sausaga to stand @ the transom waving a pair of red flags, but the idiot used pink ones ! no wonder no Bull Mahi's came around they thought he was queer

I was having a snooze the boys had done a few loops with zero results so decided to pull lures in & float baits out to the Mahi's instead got a couple but very small compared to the ones we'd been getting @ the inner FAD past couple of weeks so out went the lures again & we tracked back Nth to the 12 mile.
Sauries were still there & in bigger no's than in the morning but still no strikes so we started trolling home via the Peak heard there were some striped tuna about on the 27 meg still no good so we tracked down to the inner FAD to have some fun on the Mahi's.
Stong current & wring breeze made it difficult to drift the RAD so called it a day but B4 getting a few runs & another mahi

Saved the best fish for last STEVE.P's PB on a Kung Fu Fush
It was a rip snorta should've seen stripping line off the reel @ a Smoking Pace think it was heading back to Nu Zealund.