Well after getting my first cod was itching to have another go , and the others were keen aswell .
we waited for my son to get back from a morning walk . had some breaky and we were off. It was about 3ks down river to where Jason took us too theres a bridge up stream from bridge trout , down cod and yellowbelly.
the lure I used to get my first cod was totally smashed and I mean only half the lure was left top half was missing. when i put on the second and only large hard body we had it too got hit and sufered damage . I pluged it up with silicon as water was getting in and filling it up . anyways we got down to the river and everybody took off and started fishing at the nearest accessible spot.
I went sraight down the bank had a look there was a tree half in the water to my left , this looks good I thought I lay a cast parralell to it and half way back I got slamed Im on I yelled . First cast.
BUll SHIT came one reply, NO its a cod I said back after a short fight I got him up the bank. JG had his camera He held the fish while i took some shots.

Nice cod there deciving they are fat and big for there size. that one went about 8-9lb, quick revive and he was on his way. we walked along till we came across deep water and structure we got to the spot were i got the cod yesterday ,Jason my son steven and myself went about floging the water around us ,
on about my 4th cast the war cry of IM ON sounded again another nice cod he went for a while ,
Jason came up to the rock I was standing on and we were just admiaring the cod from our vantage poit when a second cod appeared trying to have a go at the lure in the hooked one.
Well I got the cod to the bank after some rock hopping and the front treble was bent and one barb was brocken. so I took the fish back to the start of our run were the car was to get some new trebles and to take a photo as this is where JG still was trying to get a birds nest out from his first cast

Photos taken and it was sent on its way. my son steven got hit big twice at the same spot but failed to hook up he was using spiner baits.
we walked another hundred yards or so before we thout to give it away as the river got shallow and not mutch snags . Jason sugested to go futher down by car as there was better water and lots more bolders and cover , so we headed back to the car , and on the way back we decided to go hunting so gave it a miss. we were only ther for about an hour or more.
top river great fish to spend the day on it with a small craft would have been exiting ,
maybe another day.
here's some more shots enjoy.