Many of us go out to target a certain species and more often than not we come up with the goods. Mind you there are times when we come home empty handed but the big thing is that we are out there having a go at the best past time in the world and that is, FISHING ( Of Course) For me it is a bonus every time I wake up let alone get out to fish after my accident 3 weeks ago but that is another story.
My step son Gavin came up to visit Lou and I for Christmas and because we don't see each other often as he is in Melbourne we decided to have a fish for a few flatties before he went home on Thursday. Wednesday arvo with the tide still howling out at 5pm saw us get on the water at 6.30pm. one and a half hours of daylight was all we had so we had to make the best of it. I decided to take Gav to spot X one that Poly, Jumpy, Steve and Dave have been to. It is my ace up the sleeve when desperate to produce a feed. Mind you, it isn't all that good but does produce the ODD HOWLER from time to time.
Gav had 4 flatties on a 120mm- 24 carrat Squidgy Wriggler and I never had so much as had a touch on my Killer Tomato Wriggler the same size. He was giving me a real pizzlin over the count but I knew I had to persist. Spot X was stuffed so we drifted down past spot Z, second cast at Z saw my spool go into hyper drive. This was no flattie I said to my self. After 15 mins a 6kg jew was along side the boat with Gav doing a swell job with his first attempt with a gaff. "Not bad" I said to Gav "10lb mainline and 8lb fluro carbon trace". "Mmmmmm Jewie on flathead gear not too bad at all". I kept musing to myself. After the mandatory pics it was back to where it all started spot Z. First cast and away we went again. this time I was in dire trouble, a spool job was on the cards if Gav did'nt get the motor going and quickly. Away we went and it was on again. the 002 Samurai and little Viva reel did an excellent job keeping me connected to the run away train I had hooked. In and out of anchored boats, dodging marker bouys, fighting the current which was still running out, we had a real fight on our hands. Twenty mins later saw another jew of 12kgs beside the boat. Again the same line, same trace and same lure. More hooting more screaming, more pics and hand shaking. To say I was impressed is an understatement.
"Bugger this Gav you take the pink lure I'm done" I said. The second cast and Whammo you guest it Gav was in. 10 mins later saw him land his first jew 6.5 kgs. We repeated all the stuff you just read about and we Chuffed. One sad note though. all the boats that were anchored fishing for jew with some very serious gear caught zilch. It happens but boy were they were ticked off with us with our little magic wands and flattie lures. That lure is now hanging off the picture frame with me and my jew on my wall of fame. That for me was a PB 12kg on 4kg trace ,I'm still smiling. Hope the pics are not too dark. I had the ones I got done today lightened up a bit, they look tops.