Gather you're refering to decal's on my wittle boat
Well that was easy I simply picked the Font that I wanted printed off each letter individually so as I could keep the larger size that I wanted.
then I trimed each letter to within 6 mm of it's size, used clear tape to adhere it onto the reflective sticker paper then used both a craft knife & scissors to cut to outline of the printed letter retaping as I finished a section of letter.
When finished I used the original printed templated & a bit of tape again to see how they looked on the boat once happy I then untaped one @ time off the boat stuck sticker in it's place, that way I didn't lose spacings.
Did the same with rego letters the striping ? well thats just silver pin striping not reflective like the letters.
When I did the decal on the motors on my big boat I got the camera out photographed the original stickers then D/L'd images onto my pc played around with them till I was happy that I resized them correctly.
Then proceed to print them off & repeat what I said previously, once cowls were all decal'd up I sprayed a 2 pack clear over the cowls pic below shows daylight & alongside night time shot great stuff that reflective paper