I'd just edit last post but the puter won't let me!!
Hustler i can't say i've ever fished Conjola , although i think i'll give it a shot too this year tho .
One thing i can say is that if you've got the time (if not make it hehe) you
must call in to a place called the ' Pond ' in Huskinson . It's behind the Lady Denman Museum , follow the signs to the Museum & you'll find it , it's a fair bit in but worth every k i reckon & it's free .
As for fishing the lake i'd say buy a box of Squidgies & experiment as Conjola is a top place for big Flatties .
As for Batemans bay , i've fished there a bit (relo's live there) , but have been limited cause of me small boat , but thats not to say i did'nt get any fish it's just bit hard to explain spots .
Anywhere around the bridges (Batey's or Neligen)
Around the oyster leases
Out off surfside beach for flathead (done that in me wee wittle boat) becareful tho
Under the powerlines
Big Island
& the 2 bays/creeks either side of the Neligen caravan park
Just to name a few
& What do you mean what time of year ???? Chrissy time of course

OH yeah i do remember once in the clyde , i was coming in from Surfside when this Wally came flying in , in his big shiny 30footer nearly swamping me & i swear i seen him larrfin .
Anyway as i made my way up river i found this bay & pulled up 2 good 60oddcm Flatty's , then i spotted Wally in his boat again & followed . He anchored in the next bay so i went behind him & anchored near some racks & made out i was fishing it for Breambo's by chucking a rod out , but i realy just wanted to show off my fish cause i suspected he had none .
Yep as soon as i pulled the first flatty out his kids went off " daddy daddy , why can't we get fish like that " & some other stuff like that , man i'm sitting in me wittle ten foot ' love me tender ' & their in that massive thing it was sooo cool & to top it off my reel that i chucked out for looks went zzzzzzzzzzzz to the run of a nice Breambo