I was more than happy to oblige since the boys had allways looked after me.
Have to admit I wasn't to keen after it had been blowing SE all week but fortunately wind had eased a wee bit yesterday & with no sign of rain we ventured out yesterday arvo around 1 .30 pm.
Dont like the Bay in a any southerly wind as you are limited to spots you can fush so I headed over to Kurnel @ least there we had a bit of wind protection to boot their were 6 on board & a 1st for me as I'm not a big fan of crowding a boat.
It took about an hr os so to get the fish biting nothing spectacular exapt for a kung fu fush which I might add was bigger than the one kk wanted to keep a few weeks back the guys were happy to release this one
Mainly undersized snapper was the trend chopper tailer were also about the boys were happy to just see fish add to that a couple of the guys had never fished B4 & did manage to land their 1st fishys.
Well the arvo did get better as the tide turned & burley started to work mind you we got heaps & heaps of snapper but none were legal but they kept the boys amused we did get 1/2 doz bream nothing spectacular but all keepers, good size trevelly & a couple of flathead yours truly got a salmon I've prob missed a species or 2 as well in other words it was a mixed bag on the day.
Later in the arvo the cowan young rolled up & a couple of the boys were having sushimi on board told them I was full & had had a big lunch & they could eat all they liked
Not to many pics I'm afraid as I left all the pic taking to Ran after I'd taken a few @ the start he had his own camera & was clicking away all day long here's a couple that I took the young bloke with his 1st fish & a pic of one off the blurters all in all think the boys enjoyed themselves & went home with a feed of fish.