If your anchor gets stuck and the stern finishes up facing the oncoming swells your boat will get pulled under.
I got away with pulling frm the stern for years and one day I finally got caught out.
Thats why I pull from the front bollard even though the rope is running aft over the transon the nose will swing around if pick wont release.
Another little trick you can use if anchor is stuck is to let out more rope B4 attempting to pull pick free again this will act as a shock absorber & be more forgiving on your boat than a short rope.
Again I'll stress drive back up your rope & dont do what happened to Fed you dont want the arse of the boat facing the swell as you wont be able to turn the boat.
If this does happen & you do have rope tied to transom bollard run a loop to the front bollard & undo the rope from the rear bollard your boat will turn on it's own.
When tying off to bollard's
DONT just 1/2 hitch the rope, wrap 3 -5 free loops depending on size of bollard 1st
By doing this pressure is taken off the 1/2 hitch's & makes for easier untieing