is that the best u can do, i put it up there for u to have a go at and that do i get a bunch of hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no not for me to say
we arrived down the point at about 12 noon and did all the things that had to be done like set up
the fishing gear Arnie dog had seen us drive in to town and called round for a yarn, Arnie suggested we pick him up at about 2pm to go fishing, we tried a few spots with out much luck until we headed up the river to a new spot there were a few locals up there fishing and it was on the flathead came thick and fast until all hell broke loose possums little Wilson live fiber bent over and the reel screamed, with the reel emptying at a rapid rate it was a case of start the boat and the chase was on well for a couple of minutes anyway, we had hoped it would be a big jaw but no such luck it was one of the biggest rays i have seen so we broke him off. it was getting late and the tide was on the turn so we stayed for a while longer to take advantage of the change a couple more nice size flat ones in the 40cm range, well that was it for day one.

still trying to work this camera out.
day 2 Sunday a little over cast wind from the south at about 1 or 2nts and a making tide we tried for a jew but with no luck so after lunch it was back to catching flathead on the outrunning tide we got a lot in the 30cm size and smaller with just 3 over 40cm.

now i should point out at this time, that possum will tell me to leave the fishing to her shut my mouth and drive the boat

but this time the keepers were all mine
i will say this possum got a fish that i think that catch22 would love for his tank

Monday the wind is blowing at 5nts and gusting to 10 by 7am i will give it another hour and see if it gets any worse as i wish to go fish Jervis bay for squid the weather base not get any worse so of we go calling in at Calburra bait and Tackle for supplies where i was looked after by very component staff that i can not recommend enough.
By the time we got to the bay the wind had got up a bit may be to 15 in gusts and it got cold, will i or will i not cross the bay after all poly is a v nose punt and NOT an ocean going vessel so i told her to put on some life saving gear and of course she did in her own way as for my self i call the coast guard just in case

we got there and we got squid for tea
tuesday we wont talk about,just 1 fish in the take home size and thats it

did we enjoy owe selfs u bet we did