Apr 20 2007, 07:07 PM
Just thought it would be good to see everyones fishing setup?
heres mine

Just Kidding!!!
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 21 2007, 12:48 AM
Here's mine
Jack Hunter
Apr 21 2007, 04:13 AM
Thats not much dirrerent to what I`ve resorted to at the moment! Serious!!!!

This is pretty much what it looks like.
Apr 22 2007, 04:32 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 24 2007, 01:33 AM
I have a couple of GOATS
My larger 23 ft'er powered by a pair of Yamaha 115 hp 4 strokes Boat is a Alloy Plate Boat Brand name Penguin hence my avator & sig

My 2nd smaller boat is a Little savage 4.8 meter tinny I use inside the Bay & for tossing SP's around a little different to the pic as I've since cut away the screen & part of the bow rail to mount a Lecky on it.
Apr 24 2007, 02:28 AM
did u make the pod on the little boat J.G. as it looks a bit biferent to the one on my mates savage
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 24 2007, 02:39 AM
Yeah !
I make all & any mods on my boats poly when I bought the little boat all it was, just a tinny no gunnels etc etc had one off those single skin, drop down transoms.
Not good if you dont want water coming in through the back so I built ot up & added the pod.
Was going to build a pod for the bigger boat last year ehen I re-built it BUT there's more than enough deck space as it is so didn't bother.
Apr 24 2007, 02:40 AM
Looks like it has been JUMPIFIDE.
Apr 24 2007, 02:48 AM
if u ever get sick of retirement mate u could make a killing out of modifying peeps boats
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 24 2007, 03:06 AM
Wouldn't interest me poly
I do it for myself only a lawyer mate of mine has a title for the sort of person I am, forget the word but it means
I Dont do things 1/2 hearted It's all the way or nothing & I dont stop till the job is done.
Boat work is hit & miss alot of the things I built got ripped out again cause I wasn't happy with the end result & if I did work for ither peeps I'd go broke
Always had a phylosophy in buiness
Never did work for the public only for the Commercial Customers No middle men Direct sales see they needed my products to make money whereas your average Joe Blo would prostitute himself to save $100.
Having saod that once did a commercial kitchen for some film director house 4get his name cost him around $60 k job got featured in Vogut Magazine & the inquiries I got pee'd me off peeps loved the job but shat themselves when I told them how much.
Apr 28 2007, 04:05 AM
Here's mine.... :blink: :blink: :blink:

....hah! I wish I even had that. :huh:
Apr 28 2007, 01:52 PM
study hard little catch and u will get there it just takes time.
Apr 28 2007, 02:10 PM
Hey Catch, why don't you go & buy an inflatable with an electric motor, cheap as chips from BIAS.
The thought's been in the back of my mind for fishing the Georges River near to where I live.
Apr 29 2007, 05:23 PM
hey fellow fishos , here is a pic of the hustler , the pic was taken b4 we put the rocket launches on and a few bits and pieces ,
its a great boat and ive had it some pretty bad situations in the middle of a few storms and some vewy vewy big waves
May 1 2007, 02:45 AM
yea... to be truthful, im about to sell my bike and buy myself something, will be financeing it or some of it and willing to spend up to 30k, so im looking around the 5m + mark and just not sure if i want a cuddy, so i can escape the weather if it turns bad and get out of the sun on hot days or a centre console for better fishing access...
May 1 2007, 02:48 AM
Hustler, used to do some fishing with dad and a bloke he knew who had a hustler like yours i think he had a 225 on it, he also had a 25ft betram in his boatshed, both on private slipways... tooo easy..
May 1 2007, 08:44 AM
hey mate wow it must of flown
there a great boat
May 6 2007, 12:57 AM
i have done some more work on poly, fitted nav lights and flush mounted the radio i all so fitted a fused switch panel , i will take some shots tomorrow and post them hear ;) ;) ;) ;)
May 6 2007, 09:58 PM
QUOTE (poly @ May 6 2007, 07:47 PM)

i have done some more work on poly, fitted nav lights and flush mounted the radio i all so fitted a fused switch panel , i will take some shots tomorrow and post them hear ;) ;) ;) ;)
Well where r they :unsure:
Jumpus GooDarus
May 7 2007, 12:58 AM
What am I poly ????
I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball."
May 15 2007, 01:52 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 24 2007, 07:23 PM)

I have a couple of GOATS
My larger 23 ft'er powered by a pair of Yamaha 115 hp 4 strokes Boat is a Alloy Plate Boat Brand name Penguin hence my avator & sig
I don't have a Penguin, but this is my avatar in another forum.
May 15 2007, 02:36 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ May 16 2007, 08:42 AM)

I don't have a Penguin, but this is my avatar in another forum.
If u got $10. Jumpy can organize one
Jumpus GooDarus
May 16 2007, 01:55 AM
No Wucken Furries kkw I'll give you all the Penguins that you need
Jun 2 2007, 01:02 AM
try this one
Jun 2 2007, 05:39 PM
the tidy up of poly is at last complete hear are the photos with the radio flush mounted and the switch panel in place if u think there was a better way to do it please let me know, u can see in the older shot how the radio was mounted
Jun 3 2007, 03:21 AM
Hey poly will the radio cop water / spray back there its a bit exposed
Jun 3 2007, 05:28 AM
Look'n good Poly B)
Jun 3 2007, 10:32 PM
spray back there its a bit exposed
yes it is but the dealer told me it would be ok as the radio is water proof.
Nov 16 2007, 12:36 AM
On POLY's request here's a few shots of the diff boats i've had .
It all started with this freebie , bita paint seats and rod holders and i was away .
Rainbow warrior haha

Then i found out my bro had this sitting in his g'rage , so i grabbed it patched the hole slapped some paint on made some storage and again we were away , caught stacks of fish with this wittle beauty .BTW it's floating in a mates dam as i got it for free i gave it away for free too .

Even nearly sunk this thing once , only the back board and the motor were above water , bro ( stinky ) was up front waist deep in water .

& finaly here's a few shots of the newbie which i scored for $250 , itta marine carpet & a bitta tlc & yup away again , too easy !!

Should get a chucle outta this one .
Finally got some pics today for anyone who doesn't know it's a 1986 Seafarer Viking (5.2M) powered by a 1989 90HP V4 Evinrude.
Dec 1 2007, 07:42 PM
Dec 5 2007, 03:26 AM
woooootwoooo ,
Fed sfter hearing you in the shoutbox sometimes i was under the impresion we'd be looking at some crusty & rusty old vessel .
Man that's so well kept you should be proud .
I like the way you've got her ( sorry if it's a boy ) set out too , specialy that big padded seat .
Love the EvinsRude too .
Thanks for the kind words guys the old girl was pretty rough & ready when I got her and so was the boat.
Aside from a good clean up & tidy up all I've done so far is a new 2nd hand motor, big padded box seat, live bait tank and some basic electronics.
The previous owners had fitted every imaginable nicknack but it was all low quality junk and had to be removed, I still have some holes to fill up & blend in plus a new trailer will have to be addressed soon.
Dec 15 2007, 04:22 AM
here my boat, its a 2001 4.2 quintrex dory, and powered by a 30 hp 3 cylinder yamaha motor, i also have a jarvis marine 54lb watersnake motor too, live bait tank, depth sounder, nav lights, bidge pump and all round round light, and lots of little things like 8 rod holders, evro net, gaff, and more

Dec 15 2007, 02:38 PM
Your fitout is starting to look a bit untidy there twerp, tell me it's all temporary.
How quickly are the fish dying in your unplumbed bait tank?
Dec 16 2007, 02:31 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Dec 16 2007, 09:28 AM)

Your fitout is starting to look a bit untidy there twerp, tell me it's all temporary.
How quickly are the fish dying in your unplumbed bait tank?
they where old photo, it all cleaned up now, the sounder lead at the back in temporary at the monment
Dec 16 2007, 09:25 AM
That's good to hear mate I've seen a lot of boats messed up by bad fit outs.
Dec 16 2007, 07:13 PM
looks like a good unit ya have there south,
where was the pic taken with the boat on the water ?
Dec 16 2007, 10:36 PM
hustler57 it was taken in port hackings south west arm
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