So far so good but I will need to get up into the boat today to measure the oil usage but it looks to be about right for the fuel I used.
I was a little disappointed in the WOT speed & RPM, it would only pull 32 Knots at 5300 RPM and to be honest I was expecting a little better after going from a 70HP to 90HP.
My clapped out 70HP used to wring out to 27 Knots which I thought was pretty good.
Acceleration was awesome on the 90HP and it pulled hard all the way up to 5300 RPM then didn't want to go any higher, almost as if it had a rev limiter on it.
I suppose 32 Knots isn't too bad combined with a hole shot that could leap small boats in a single bound and definately not worth fooling around with props over.
To cut a long story short, I'm a happy little vegemite.