Nov 16 2007, 01:25 PM
Nov 16 2007, 04:31 PM
They look allright, I'd prefer a Shimano Baitrunner instead.
Why do you want a baitrunner for jigging? I'd prefer something built for jigging like a Daiwa Capricorn 4500J or Shimano Spheros 8000. Baitrunners are built for baiting and stripping out line without having to open the bail arm, such as stripping out a floating bait for snapper.
What lb/kg line are you gonna put on it?
Trolling would be better for overheads?
Nov 16 2007, 06:38 PM
like all my fishing tools it must do many things my young friend, if money was no problem then the reels u suggested would be in the tackle bag.
the line class will be 6kg and will be most likely platpus lo stretch.
PS and of course it will be used for live baiting thats why i am looking at the live line model.
Nov 18 2007, 05:12 PM
Was thinking of a similar thing Poly, although when you said jigging i was thinking of jigging...
Am considering a Penn 9500/8500 with a 15-24kg rod loaded with 50lb fireline.. Can get the combo for around $250..
I already have a BTR4500 soon to be on a 6-10kg Snapper rod loaded with 10kg Low Stretch.
Nov 19 2007, 09:49 AM
Whats the price on them poly,maybe your better off with a shimano baitrunner with 10year guarentee mate...I know the penns are good but have never heard a report on the line runner but the baitrunner has proven itself on marlin off rocks mate...
Nov 19 2007, 09:34 PM
mully the rrp for the reel is $325 and a penn rod model 701gbm 6 to 10 kg $125 i bought the combo for $286. the rod is not to bad for the price.
i have loaded the reel with 300mts of 8kg platus lo stretch.
don't know that i will ever catch a marlin but its a nice thought
Nov 25 2007, 01:10 AM
Let me know how she loads up penns have nd are beaut units never a doubt in my mind about them,,,,,Just never tried the free liner version would love to hear your report on her...
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