FED, have you heard of "Lanotec"?
I remember a while ago a Ferry company had 3x Ferry`s. After cleaning down, they applied Lanotec to 2 of the Ferry`s (hulls) not only were they faster, but they got an increase of 30% on fuel usage/saving.
This stuff is good for just about everything. There are Gel`s, liquid`s, Spray`s and Grease type stuff.
If ya have`nt heard of it, basically, an old Shearer came up with it. As you will notice, if you look at an old shearing shed the timbers are all still in good condition. Reason is the lanolin from the wool. This is what Lanotec is made from.
I saw a car, rubbed back to bear metal and left outside for 2 1/2 years. No rust, `cause it was sprayed with this stuff.
Most of the big and oversize earth moving companies up North use it extensively on their "bluddy big things" and save heaps on maitanence.
N.P.W people also use the stuff to put on all their timber walkways (paths elevated to stop peeps walking on the ground) through rain forrests or wet land areas.
I used to use it on a little 16` half cabin thingy and it would just glide through the water. The difference you get with a clean Hull is minute compared to rubbing on Lanotec!!!!!
I`ve even used it on my F/Reels for lube, M/Bike stuff and all engine and bearing greasing. Its
great on Leather.
Heres the site...
http://www.lanotec.com.au/ Have a bit of a look...sh#t there`s heaps more product since I last looked at it!!! I might go through it again myself.