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Fishing oz style > Chat > Lets Talk Fishing
A bloke popped outta the water one day & asked if i could take a pic of him & his fish with his camera for him.

' As long as i can take some pics for me self with my camera ???? '

' No worries man , do what you want , you can even hold the fish & say you caught'em if ya want ' he says

Well Smelly don't tell porky pies so i just took the pics . biggrin.gif

I know the picture quality ain't the best . But that's adds to the level of difficulty laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

If no one gets it by monday night 7pm , i'll clear the pic up biggrin.gif

BTW i think i know the answer & i'll stand corrected if wrong.

Oh yeah nearly forgot the prize , the winner gets 3 of these BananaCrazy.gif BananaCrazy.gif BananaCrazy.gif

& one of these too SmellyFarTing.gif

good luck.
Jumpus GooDarus
Hey Smelly !

Wot the bloody hell is the Q ???
laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif you keep proving you can't read & to think your always into poly for his spelling........sheez

The Q is on the title

but so you don't need ya specs

can you i.d. these fush?
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Smelly @ Nov 16 2007, 10:47 PM) *
The Q is on the title

but so you don't need ya specs
can you i.d. these fush?

Yes I can !

The bloody things are definately

speared fish!
Some wierd ugly looking fish....
laugh.gif b4 anymore well educated backsides drop in rolleyes.gif

Yes they are a male & female pair smile.gif
what location? Qld, NSW? Spangled emperor, boarfish - ??
Jumpus GooDarus
red throat empera

and the one in the middle is a foreshore crack wide open
drum roll please ........

come on i'm waiting ??????..........cant hear ya ...... slap ya thighs .....

that's better laugh.gif , the winner is KKW , with his guess of

BOARFISH clapping hands.gif clapping hands.gif clapping hands.gif

sorry KK yes NSW was the location , a ledge around the Manly area to be precise .

Here's a better shot,i hope LOL

NOPE did'nt work :computer :

Here's your prize , well done

BananaCrazy.gif BananaCrazy.gif BananaCrazy.gif SmellyFarTing.gif

thanx for all entries
Oh for joy, for joy. Three dancing bananas and an anus. Why are the bananas looking at the jiggling bum with that knowing look?
kk u are so lucky clapping hands.gif clapping hands.gif clapping hands.gif
QUOTE (kkw @ Nov 17 2007, 03:48 PM) *
Oh for joy, for joy. Three dancing bananas and an anus. Why are the bananas looking at the jiggling bum with that knowing look?

for joy for joy yes gomer pile you won,

I think I know whet ya guna do with those banana's , and the jiggerling bum rolleyes.gif
I m at it again I already replied but I don't know what happened.

once again, They are Red Morwong , commonly known as Iodine fish, they live on Kelp and are very rarely caught on a line.
Too slow the Sumo laugh.gif They look nothing like a red mowie, apart from the fact they live in the ocean. They are Boarfish. Husband and wife team and the bad spearo wiped out the family unit.
Too slow the Sumo They look nothing like a red mowie, apart from the fact they live in the ocean. They are Boarfish. Husband and wife team and the bad spearo wiped out the family unit

Yep , see it's true what all spearo's say , ' Unlike rec fisho's , we can select what we shoot / kill ' laugh.gif or something like that .

Yeah too select for my liking!!
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