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Fishing oz style > Chat > Tackle Talk
called in at the tackle shop yesterday in the hope of buying a set of molds so i can make my own jig heads, but no luck, would any of the members know were i could get molds from dry.gif dry.gif dry.gif
You have too much free time on your hands Poly.
i wish FED, just that i picked up 21.3kg's of lead on Friday dumped on the side of the road and i figged that i might be able to get just a few jig heads cheap by rolling my own laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
poly too mutch lead in head laugh.gif

well ok I will tell you .

wait for it.


just a bit more.

ok make your own moulds. we have been doing it for years.

with wait for it

bit more
ok car nicky ( bog )
ok car nicky ( bog )
hmmmm are u ok ???????
O grasshopper you have mutch to learn
Are you a Pommie Poly?
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (poly @ Nov 10 2007, 07:32 PM) *
ok car nicky ( bog )
hmmmm are u ok ???????

I'm very well thank you poly & how are you today ???

Yes poly car bog who do you think taught the *BloodyBumShitBugger* how to make moulds
Yes poly car bog who do you think taught the *BloodyBumShitBugger* how to make moulds

well that stuffed up didn't it
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (poly @ Nov 10 2007, 09:25 PM) *
well that stuffed up didn't it

Thanx for the tip.

Smelly just happens to be an expert with the bog A.K.A whoppy laugh.gif

I will be giving that ago.

I was in the tackle shop today and Mr Bundy picked up a jighead mould and said 'cool' B)

I said 'put it down ,it'll be too bloody dear'

We both nearly fell over when he flipped it to reveal a 90-odd $$$$$$ tag on it :o
Poly, I have a suggestion for you ,
If you have a ball sinker mould try putting long shank hooks in the mould where the Spokes would normally go and just use it as if you were making ball sinkers,
The ball sinker will be on the hook and the eye still exposed, once you have perfected it you can try different types of hooks.
Poly Poly Poly,

were you in batemans bay shop looking for them last friday???

thought i saw a parrot in there!
no mate that was jumpy in drag i didn't get there till saturday hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
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when you put your bog , the timing of putting the jig head is importent ,to quick and it sinks.
to slow and the bog has started to harden. i like to put a bit more hardener in soyour not waiting to long.
when bog goes in I put the mould on a flat surface and shacke it from side to side and like a vibraiting motion or quick tapping on bench this makes the bog settle in all corners and allows air bubbles to come up.

before you place in jig spray it with WD or any other lubricant, it makes it easy to get out when set other wise it will be stuck.

when doing second pour againg lubricte jig head and the face of the hard bog surface this allows you to pull it apart.

hope you can read the davinci drawings any Q. ask Doctor phill
thanks steve i get what u are trying to say and will give it a go biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Plaster of paris is ok for making moulds with, and fibreglas release agent is excellent for a lubricant so you can get the jig out of the mould.
Jumpus GooDarus
B4 you ninny's attempting to make these molds decide to give it your 1st lead pour.

Do a few pours with no hook im the mould 1st this will allow the mould to heat up mahing it easier for lead to flow in so ewe dont end up wirh 1/2 pours.

This information was brought to ewes by the only one or one of very piips on this site who actually goes fishing laugh.gif laugh.gif
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 11 2007, 08:16 PM) *
This information was brought to ewes by the only one or one of very piips on this site who actually goes fishing

Settle Down
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 11 2007, 08:16 PM) *
This information was brought to ewes by the only one or one of very piips on this site who actually goes fishing laugh.gif laugh.gif

Rightio,i'll do a report on my ' not on the computer fushing soon!!!!!

It'll list ALL the reason i did'nt fish the bay O.K boss biggrin.gif

BTW how many times did you fish,say from friday to sunday mmmmmmmm???????????

Also ,Claytons does count tooo tongue.gif
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