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Knowing the recent track record of my boat and not wanting to tie up the water police or msb I'm considering joining this SeaTow mob.
Does anyone have any feedback to offer aside from smart arsed remarks?
Needless to say, if I join I will probably never breakdown again. rolleyes.gif
Well, it's $155 a year and I imagine they would have 1 boat for Botany/Bay Pt Hacking. They are most likely in the same position as the Coast Guard vessels currently at hand. I personally wouldn't be joining, unless I had an unseaworthy, prone to breakdown boat, in which case I wouldn't be going out in it biggrin.gif. I know that sh** happens at times, but I have only ever gone out where I needed assistance on one occasion. Ran over a small plastic sheet which blocked the water intakes and killed the horses in the outboard. No assistance came, and three of us managed to ROW/PADDLE the quintrex back into Burraneer Bay, from the back of the bommie. That is one breakdown in 30 odd years. If you run out of fuel or some other stupid cause, then you should get a tow in and be hit with a $500 penalty laugh.gif Just my opinion.
Fed i can see were u are coming from and i would join, i know u have bought a second hand motor and i would think u have had it cheaked by a mechanic but u still have to build trust in it and its nice to know all u have to do is make a phone call and help is on the way biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Fed I wouldn't bother, the government makes us cary flares that have expiry dates, use radio's , whistles and V sheets for this purpose, and if you run out of fuel you didn't check it before you left.

besides there is always someone around or within radio range.
cracle crakle yes go to channel 88. you there whats the problem mate over.

my moter wont start over.

does it kick over, over.

yes but wont start over.

check the fuel see if your bulb goes hard when you pump it over.

long pause.

no its soft doesn;t seem to pump fuel up over.

check your tank over.

long pause.

no its emty do you think this is the problem over.

long pause .

no I think you have too mutch burly in your pot you *^&%$#(*&%$$##@@.

are you safe and sound with food and water over.

yes plenty of food and drink hell I packed enoghf for a week over .

sit tight I will send help over.

jezz thanks mate when will that be over.

when you run out of food and drink over and out.
u just crack me up steve hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Ahhhh the Tails of a Boat.
That must have been quite an adventure for you kkw, I have paddles and they are only useful to wave at people because rowing against any wind, tide or current at all is impossible.
You must have had the elements in your favour that day mate, the reg requiring paddles for anything but a rowboat is laughable.
I think it's a matter of building trust Poly, this is the 1st boat I've ever owned that's been powered by just a single outboard motor all my other boats have been sterndrives, shaft drives or twin OBs so I'm feeling a bit vulnerable here.
Thanks for the commentary Steve fortunately when the water police turned up to tow me I had the cover off the motor and let them listen to the 'CLUNK' when I tried to turn the flywheel.

I don't care how well prepared anyone is don't think it can't happen to you.
Jumpus GooDarus
Does anyone have any feedback to offer aside from smart arsed remarks?

Whats wrong with smart arsed remarks ???

You can harvest the wnind from the arse bit to propell your boat home
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 10 2007, 08:15 AM) *
I don't care how well prepared anyone is don't think it can't happen to you.

That's true. My car only has one motor, but it hasn't broken down yet, thank goodness. Might happen one day though biggrin.gif None of my boats has had twin motors and haven't broken down (except once with the plastic incident). The WP or coast guard or other boaties are around to tow you if that should ever happen. Got me thinking though. I am off to the Whitsundays in a few months. I am going out to invest in a parachute - just in case. Never know. (Just kidding with you Fed.)
If you feel happier to pay $155 a year for a service which is free with other organisations and is insurance for you IN CASE YOU MAY BREAK DOWN, then do it for your own peace of mind.

On another note, my brother in law has bought himself a top of the range v8 Statesman. He leaves it in the garage most times and will NEVER, EVER, take it out shopping to park it unattended, just in case someone bumps it or scratches it. He takes his other car for everything else. Makes me wonder why he bought it. It has a couple of thou klms on it and is a few years old. Anal, if you ask me. It is a CAR for goodness sakes. I hope we never get hit by a meteor. Could happen.

Be optimistic FED. YOU WILL NOT BREAK DOWN. Repeat after me.... I WILL NOT laugh.gif

No offence intended in this post FED.
1 week later

crackle crackle

you still there over.
[quote name='Fed' date='Nov 10 2007, 08:15 AM' post='5829']
That must have been quite an adventure for you kkw, I have paddles and they are only useful to wave at people because rowing against any wind, tide or current at all is impossible.

fed he only keeps paddles in his boat to make the other person scream louder for help .

plus I think he enjoys wacking them on the arss laugh.gif
QUOTE (STEVE.P @ Nov 10 2007, 02:35 PM) *
1 week later

crackle crackle

you still there over.

only us reffo's here
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