The Bay should be wall to wall fish by now, the Pros are gone, the Recs are restricted, the no go areas are in force, they released 80,000 (I think) Jewfish but there is no improvement.
Fed when was the last time you fished or for that matter how regular do you fish the Bay to caome up with those theory's ???????????????
It's not very often @ all that I fish the Bay & not catch fish not allways what I start off targetting but still end up catching fish.
Think you fail to realise fish migrate yes rven your Brims & Jewgong which go down south to visit their relo's in woollongong
There's never ending constructions,
That's where the fish are we're just not allowed to fish in there in other words they've turned the Bay into a no fish zone
Remember the headlines about the seagrass dying, what did they do... nothing.
Grass grew back years ago when they stopped the trawlers dragging up the grass from the bottom you should don a pair of goggles & go down & have a look
About the only time I dont do any good in the bay is around the full moon with the bigger tides about have no idea why maybe the fish move up the poluted river cause others seem to favour these tides