Didn't really know where to put this so here will do

Well seemed like only yesterday I got my new 4WD but it's been nerly 12 months it will ne on the 14th
Anyways the dealer had organised the rego when I purched the car so naturally the green slip came in the mail from that company which was Allianz & what a shock horrow shock shock I got.
$797 . 00 just for the bloody green slip highway robbrty I tell ewe's reckon Ned Kelly is the CEO of that Company for sure.
Anyways I let my fingers do the walking on one of those telephone thingy's once I located it's whereabouts did a ring ring ring to NRMA whom I've got my Insurance policy with & they said as long as SUMO didn't come anywhere near the car it would cost me $430 & I got a further 10% off my insurance premium.
Rip snorta ewe beaut I said, but honestly where do these insurance company's get off with some of the upsy downsy quotes they give peeps ??
Knew there was a reason I posted thread here
Boat insurance ! how many of ewes out there think you have a agreed value policy ???