Good topic KK,
Never been too good at catching the old squid,but found the best way to handle them one night.
I jigged a good one up on a squidgie one night,whilst fishing with Dave.At first i thought i'd hooked a bag,no fight just a dead weight,but once it got near the boat,it started to play up & i could tell it was a squid.
That's when i told Dave to get the net 'i think i've got a good fish don't know what it is tho'
He leaned in & had good hard look,that's when i lifted the squid outta the water just enough to sqirt Dave ...right in the face.
He cried 'aaawww man,i had me mouth open too'.I nearly fell outta the boat with laughter.All night he was goin 'uuuuuhhhhhhmmmmm uu uuu uuuucccckkk'
But all this talk of a stick reminds me.When i fished the bay,me m8 used ta carry the butt off a pool cue on board,just so we could flog the ocky's.We used to whack'em a few times till they lost their colour,then grab them with a big nasty pair of gripper's b4 cutting a few legs off & then letting them go.
Once while cutting legs off & passing them round the boat i looked down and relized Henry only had one leg left :jawdrop:.