I have caught lots of squid, but the ugly buggers give me the creeps. Grab them behind the head and their tentacles suck onto you like an umbrella. The slimy things then drag themselves inexhorably around until they can get at you with their beak. About this time, it is perfectly normal to sqeal like a girl and throw it out of the boat or onto the rocks.
What is the best way to handle them, and horror of horrors, put a live one on a rig? I wait until they die before I tear their heads of to use for bait and clean the tubes to eat.
The pics show that I am not a total wuss, as they are squid rings on the barbie The bream were caught on the heads and arms of the squid. Jumpy has a stick to belt them with, so they release their ink before they hit the deck. I have been very slightly inked, and it is a cow to get off. How would the poor sucker in the photo feel???