Oct 21 2007, 05:48 AM
Went for a fish last night was 24'c all night an d zero wind,,,beaut night caught over 50 fish in around 5 /6 hours out ...
Here are a few on lure and used baits also..
Got busted off by a mully on 4lb braid
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Oct 21 2007, 01:51 PM
Mully thats nice fishing! but you need to get the camera out of your face so that we can get a real look at the fish instead of a blurry one trying to make the fish look bigger, they seem like nice bream but the pics are a bit distorted. and as for using 4lb braid you deserve to be busted off! at least if you used Monofilament that light, it would have a bit of stretch instead of coming to a dead stop.
If you want to use braid try starting at 12lb anything less is a waste of time, If you want to fish light try 2kg tournament grade mono you will have more fun, especially with SP's,
I prefer to use 4kg with hard bodies and dont have a problem landing up to 20lb Murray Cod.
Oct 21 2007, 04:56 PM
Cheers Sumo been fishing for mullys for 25 years now and landed 10kg on 4-6lb before this one was a tad bigger ...And if I did get it in would have been special ,nothings impossible mate my leader was 8lb...
Trying to take photos at night with no camera stand by myself with the camera on the ground isn't easy I don't need to make my fish look bigger mate usually I use my brag mat so no one can cry when i say a fish is over 40's but couldn't be bothered the other night besides the biggest was dead on 40 and the others were all around 30-37....
Usually I take my son or bro in law out and the pictures are perfect...
Sorry but really don't agree with
under 12lb statement
maybe you should come down and I can teach you how to catch them on 4-6lb
Oct 21 2007, 11:57 PM
hey Mully I was probably trying out braid before most people had even heard of it, but a dead stop on light braid will snap it clean every time, If you like light braid and don't mind loosing fish and Lures thats ok, but I like to play them out and hope that the next one is a record. My days of braid are gone and I like to use good quality mono these days.
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 22 2007, 12:23 AM
Dont agree with SUMO's comments @ all about fishing 12lb braid esp for brims
I rarely fish anything over 3 kg these days
I do however agree with the SUMOSASARUS when he said go mono esp after the amount of braid I've gone through in past month or so & I'm not going to even bother respooling with braid again in my view it is Overated & a Total waste if good money
I'm going back to mono all the way
Oct 22 2007, 04:08 PM
When im throwing a lure [micro's] for bream or even some other micro versions that still catch mulloway its impossible to get any distance with mono....
also for finesse trout mono lure casting is a joke...
I love stretch but bait fishing only mono has no seconds with bait,,with small lures forget it try flickinh a 5 gram lure
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Oct 22 2007, 04:21 PM
I also use quality reels with very smooth drags,[dead stops are not a problem ever]never been busted of that hasn't rubbed me against structure...
Maybe you have fished braid since i was a pup but ive fished it long enough to know doesn't take 20 years to work braid out ,dacron was also good spend the money on decent stuff and you don't have many problems....
All I said was simply I got busted off I should have explained a bit more [[[[[it rubbed me against structure]]]] and was large....
Mono/braid each to their own but don't confuse yourself when it comes to finesse fishing and very light lures...
Another thing with mono is the action of many lures due to the weight of the line is impaired or add too much down pull and extra depth,which is an unwanted trait for me.
I don't loose many lures at all, this year maybe 12 all up and I fish every second night.I dont loose many fish either that dont bust me off on structure...
As far as loosing lures I wouldn't fish if I was scared of that simply going out costs money let alone a lure, play the game pay the price I reckon all part and parcel.
Feb 8 2008, 05:06 PM
QUOTE (Mully @ Oct 23 2007, 09:51 AM)

I also use quality reels with very smooth drags,[dead stops are not a problem ever]never been busted of that hasn't rubbed me against structure...
Maybe you have fished braid since i was a pup but ive fished it long enough to know doesn't take 20 years to work braid out ,dacron was also good spend the money on decent stuff and you don't have many problems....
All I said was simply I got busted off I should have explained a bit more [[[[[it rubbed me against structure]]]] and was large....
Mono/braid each to their own but don't confuse yourself when it comes to finesse fishing and very light lures...
Another thing with mono is the action of many lures due to the weight of the line is impaired or add too much down pull and extra depth,which is an unwanted trait for me.
I don't loose many lures at all, this year maybe 12 all up and I fish every second night.I dont loose many fish either that dont bust me off on structure...
As far as loosing lures I wouldn't fish if I was scared of that simply going out costs money let alone a lure, play the game pay the price I reckon all part and parcel.
G'day Mully, care to tell us where you were fishing from? I live south of Adelaide and cant find a decent place to catch a fish apart from Goolwa beach.
Cheers Robski
Feb 8 2008, 06:08 PM
Braid for ALL lure applications except game fishing. If you have a smooth drag then dead stops when a fish takes a run won't be an issue.
Feb 14 2008, 06:03 PM
Exactly right catchandrelease a decent reel and drag can land you a 20kg on 2kg braid if you can find yourself a smooth drag nothings impossable.
Feb 15 2008, 09:13 AM
Also playing out a fish would be great, I dont have the privelage of this I fish structure.
Anyway each to their own braid mono each to me has its place and application I will never knock mono fluro or braid nor will I suggest im a better fisho because i was using it 20 years before someone else thats a laugh and downright rude i was sharing a story not asking you to always kick me in the ass when posting ...
Its hard to get a good photo,some places dont have resting places to take the shot so back off i dont nneed to make my fish look bigger sumo man Id like to see your 47cm bream at night no tripod on undulated ground ...Mate I thought I could post my pictures without this crap especially from you ..Sorry been stewing over that remark for some time and its finally come out.
I like to share my stories and dont mind criticism but being a rude person gets my back up...
Also as far as using light braid on cod thats sad because playing such a magnificent fish for a long time only adds to their mortality rate, lactic acid from the fight builds up so quick that the fish may swim off but die due to the long fight ,,,I and many other dedicated cod fishos would never do it but again each to their own...
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