Oct 20 2007, 07:06 PM

My dad is hopefully getting a fredom escape 530 soon, means I can access a few more outside spots, but also mean that his (sinking) boat might come up for a good price..
It has all been re welded after the sinking episode, and I think with some mods could be a good boat..
IE, some false floors added front and rear, more rod holders, a decent bait board, possably even swap the 30hp 4 stroke for a 40hp 4 stroke and add a leccy. Burley Bucket, and hopefully it would come with radio and sounders.
Or do you think i should save for somthing better?
It has the benifit of not being tooooo big for the rivers out here and the dams and still usable on the coast and steal the freedom if i wanna get offshore!?
This is only pic I have of it so far...
Oct 20 2007, 07:22 PM
Oct 20 2007, 07:26 PM
yea, just ill prob get it for about 1/2 of what its worth, and will be able to pay him off..
trying to design some false decking and where to locate esky's and live well...
how many esky/fish box's do you think are required, a fish esky and a food and drink esky or would you have one big one and share them?
Oct 20 2007, 07:39 PM
u don't have a grate deal of room to play with in that boat so i would try to keep it as simple as possible mate, dose the boat have the bench type seats in it.
Oct 20 2007, 07:57 PM
yea, 2 bench seats, would like to put a esky in front of the front seat and make the lid part of the false floor and fill in around it all.
also fill in behind the back seat so the fuel tank battery are under neath and put a live tank on the other side.
would also have movable seats installed for differant situations and some movable rod holders, along with some holders in front and rear positions to get the gear out of the way.
Oct 20 2007, 09:45 PM
sounds like a good use of space RUM, can u do all the work your self or will u need an expert to do the welding.
i don't think jumpy is doing much at the moment.
Oct 20 2007, 10:25 PM
RUM i tock a look at the weight for the 2 motors and the 40hp is 24kgs heaver than the 30 might be an idea to cheack the max transom waight.
the 40 ways in at a fat 96.5 with out PT&T that would ad 11 more kg's
Oct 21 2007, 01:31 PM
Chad, that Alleycraft is very similar in design to my Snyper, I would think seriously about fitting seat bases in the rear section as they become an immovable object and tend to get in the way, after fitting them to my boat I removed the rear one and replaced it with an esky which is useful and is my driving seat and can be positioned anywhere, the esky has been topped with boat seat cushion. PS I have 3of 60ltr tecni ice esky's left in the shop going at $125 each and they come with 4 techni ice sheets valued at $20 each.
Oct 21 2007, 11:02 PM
4 techni ice sheets valued at $20 each. ??????????????
u got me this time SUMO, please explain, what is an ice sheet
Oct 21 2007, 11:12 PM
>>About Techni Ice Reusable Dry Ice Packs / Gel Packs
At last, a new technology that is a vast improvement on traditional ice packs / gel packs and ice.
The new release of 4 ply Techni-Ice stays frozen longer than ever before!
Techni Ice reusable dry ice packs / gel packs 4ply comprises of 2 non-woven textile layers, which encapsulate a specially formulated cross-linked polyacrylate polyalcohol co-polymer refrigerant combined with a post treated trade secret formula.
An additional 2 heavy duty plastic layers, containing a one-way microperforation technology are bonded to the textile layers. This ensures that this new model can withstand the harshest of operational climates with performance that can only be described as revolutionary.
* "Re-usable dry ice?"
A remarkable leap forward in ice pack technology utilising a cross-linked polyacrylate polymer that can be frozen right down to minus 190C (that's more than twice as cold as dry ice!).Techni Ice reusable dry ice packs / gel packs is often frozen in blast freezers to minus 80C when used in dry ice applications.
* Domestic freezers
New Techni Ice reusable dry ice packs / gel packs HDR model can be used very successfully even when frozen in domestic household freezers. Techni Ice reusable dry ice packs / gel packs will freeze between minus 18C and minus 21C when the freezer is adjusted to the maximum setting.
Oct 21 2007, 11:42 PM
YOU should understand all this POLY stuff Poly.
Oct 22 2007, 12:51 AM
are u trying to pull my leg SUMO ?????????
That sounded like a load of double dutch
Oct 22 2007, 12:55 AM
bugger we are :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Oct 22 2007, 06:00 AM
Chadd at 'better than half price' i'd snavel(spelling POLY??

) it,you know,ya gotta start sowhere

And by the sounds of it ya wanna customise her a bit so ya may even be able to resell for a bit of profit ...mmmmm maybe
Just outta curiosity,that long box section that i can see in the pic,leaning against the cruiser.Would'nt happen to be an extended drawbar for beach launches would it??
Oct 22 2007, 11:58 AM
nope, its a rod holder, hahaha..
With a decent 4x4, tyres and Lockers beach launches are a breee anywayz!
the trailer is one of the ones that can split near the frount and swivel open for easy retreval when in shallow water, not that the boat isnt light enough anyway, however if i bought it i would look at a conversion similar to jumpys trailer, seems much better.
Im pretty confident in the boat, if it had a bit more getup, so i think that the 30hp honda would quiet easily be traded at no cost for a 2 stroke yammy..
Oct 22 2007, 01:31 PM
Chad I think that you're on the right track keeping it if you can get it cheap, also changing to a fourty, two stroke will make it get up an go.
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 22 2007, 05:07 PM
Just outta curiosity,that long box section that i can see in the pic,leaning against the cruiser.Would'nt happen to be an extended drawbar for beach launches would it??
No it's a big metal stick Rums old man has gotten himself to beat Rum over the head with esp after he finds out Rum thinks he's getting the goat @ 1/2 price & has the option to pay it off
I'd be looking for a bigger stick if I were him
Rumpass little goats come in very handy & it's not a big deal to remove those seats it can be done without even removing the rivets & dont even need ri redo the paint.
But it's velly wise to truse the flotation in them again under the floor is a good plave unless you gaffa tape it to the motor
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