Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 9 2007, 04:08 AM
OK !
With the warmer months on the way & the fishing starting to pick up in the bay thought it might be a good idea to have a day out on the water.
I've met a few of the guys on this site & have have a good time with all even SUMO
just kidding mate as ewe know I always do.
Anyways peeps lets have a show of hands to see who's interested
Oct 9 2007, 06:03 AM
Well,will you accept a few smelly finga's,if so you can count me in
Oct 12 2007, 04:39 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 12 2007, 08:02 PM
Think the problem is the shoutbox Smelly One
Peeps are willing to discuss Q's etc in there but not in the threads 3 have already asked me about this thread in there but none have bothered to reply here.
Not just because of this thread I'm looking @ rhe overall picture & am seriously thinking about shutting down the shoutbox for a while to see if coversation picks up in the threads.
I know peeps read the threads by the amount of views but they're getting to lazy to post in them not such in the shoutbox when I cleared it out the other week there were over 8,000 shouts in there & I clear it out about once a month.
Oct 13 2007, 01:07 AM
u must be wrong there J G, it is J B that is firing up.
but if u insist that it must be that
other bay its just to far for me to go for one days fishing, i will wait for u to come to your sencers and be only to happy to meet u at the point or J. B. just name the day.
Oct 13 2007, 02:36 AM
sounds like a plan j.g, i am keen to hit the bay soon and i be keen to meet a few other fishing oz members
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 13 2007, 04:05 AM
@ last we're getting people answering to this thread
As long as can remember members here have always been asking how to rig how to use SP's etc etc etc
What better way than to have a get together exept for the likes of poly who lives out weep woop the bay is pretty cental for most here
Oct 13 2007, 12:11 PM
I think you're right about the shout box Jumpy but I'd hate to see it shutdown, it's just so handy.
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 13 2007, 03:12 PM
I dont want to shut it down either it's to handy for a select few here but not everyone likes to use it & like I sais to much is discussed in there & nothing in the forums & you cant attract new guys in the shoutbox they cant see it nor know it's even there.
Gonna have to come up with something like a smoley which says go start a thread if peeps start talking about something that should be a thread topic
Oct 13 2007, 03:55 PM
:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: this thread was started so some of u could get together for a meat and greet, so start finger taping on that key board members
Oct 13 2007, 04:58 PM
Name the day. I will try to be there.
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 13 2007, 05:26 PM
I'm in the Bay all the time & only reason a date hasn't been set is because I wanted a show of hands & for peeps to give me when suits them the best
I know we cant cater for everyones time tables bur other days can be arranged as well.
& any such outings are not just limited to those who have boats either peeps may want to hitch a ride etc.
I dfor one was hanging to get a ride on a boat many moons ago when sun went over hill & dog pee'd on teepee
Ewe's wouldn't believe my bad luck ! ended up with Fed & all he did was jig for those bloody Kung Fu Fush
It took alot of effect for me to turn him from the Dark Side
Oct 13 2007, 11:52 PM
what when and where, if im off ill be there
Oct 14 2007, 01:04 AM
You can hitch a ride on my boat Jumpy. Bring your own seat cushion and bucket to pee in. I also jig for kingfish and numb rays.
Oct 14 2007, 01:22 AM
youll have to send up ken so i can get there lol
Oct 14 2007, 02:22 AM
done deal jason just bring that $18000 grand you owe us............
Oct 14 2007, 06:44 PM
If you give us a date that this would be on then the timing could be good for me or it could just be bad as work become hectic.
Oct 14 2007, 10:15 PM
Oct 15 2007, 04:19 AM
we should all put in $5 each to got towards the food when we meet up or maybe $20 each due to that pig jumpy never stops eating on the boat skinny little runt he is ...get the date jumpy all talk ..come on ...pick it now ....go boy...jusyt do it...
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 15 2007, 04:47 AM
Do ewe guys bloody read anything that I say around hear ???Believe it or not I fish the Bay all the time when I'm fishing it
Iwanted some feedback as to what days ewe illiterates who dont read what I say to give me some feed back
Now if ewe's are having probs with my wording let me know & I'll Drew pictures for ewes
Oct 15 2007, 06:13 AM
QUOTE (poly @ Oct 15 2007, 04:05 PM)
To bad all u blokes live over in kickatinalong now u will never know who the best fisher is on the day
but why's that mate??? Were ya gonna bring Possum????
BTW i edited what you said
just a smidge ;)
Ummmmm jumpus the missus is due anyday now so if it lines up cool i'll be able to fish either a Sat or Sunday am or pm mate i dont care i just wont do another Monday unless it's an rdo,that last one nearly killed me
.Only just got my body clock back in routine.
Oct 16 2007, 09:24 AM
what, where, when ????? i would get lost in the bay.......
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 20 2007, 02:33 AM
How does say 3 weeks time sound like to Evlly Bloody ???
Fish are there @ present but not really on the chew you need to work for them
May get out there 2morro & see if it's improved
Oct 20 2007, 02:55 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Oct 20 2007, 08:23 PM)
How does say 3 weeks time sound like to Evlly Bloody ???
Fish are there @ present but not really on the chew you need to work for them
May get out there 2morro & see if it's improved
so that would be November 10 right please explain
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 22 2007, 05:09 PM
Yeah that sounds allright !
Now lets see who's coming ??????????
Oct 22 2007, 09:18 PM
sorry J G its just to far for me plus i get lost big time over there in SYDNEY, but if u could send KEN over i could pick up SUMO on the way. :TazSpin2:
Oct 31 2007, 07:33 PM
Ummmmm jumpus the missus is due anyday now so if it lines up cool
News Just in!!!!
Our third girl arrived last Saturday 27.10.
Her name is Ebony
She weighed 4.42kgs
& was 52.5cms long
Excuse the post here,i'm at home,so i can't start a new thread.
BTW Jumpy,i'll be there.
Oct 31 2007, 08:03 PM
Congrats Smelly and Mrs Smelly. I have three girls and they are just beautiful. Gave me grey hair when they hit 14 - 18 but that comes with the territory.
Oct 31 2007, 10:01 PM
congrats to you and your wife . thats a decent size girl there smelly
dont you know how to have a boy.
i'll tellyou the secret later
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 31 2007, 10:13 PM
Congrats Daz even though the missus did all the work 3rd girl hey we'll have to line her up with a new fishing outfit
Oct 31 2007, 11:24 PM
OK OK OK, first of all Congratulations are in order for Mr and Mrs Smelly,
Next I would love to be there BUT November is all but out as there is too many fishing club Presentation Nights to attend,
and Jason If you need a few days away you can travel with me I don't need KEN and you're welcome to a trip down to see the members Plus the Mugs you already know,
Last but not Least WE have to have a Barbie at Steve's before leaving SYDNEY, I'll Bring a CHAIR.
Oct 31 2007, 11:53 PM
Congrats smelly mate...
3 girls, you're a lucky one.
Nov 1 2007, 12:40 AM
Congratulations Smelly and to your good wife, may there be many more happy times ahead
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 1 2007, 02:31 AM
Tell ewes !
Think I'd get a better response talking to Smelly's little girl than ewe lot
So far this thread has only had any sort of response from those who live out woop woop & they can be excused cause it's to far for them to travel
As far as the rest of ewe's go whats your excuse ???
Nov 1 2007, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 1 2007, 09:21 PM)
Tell ewes !
Think I'd get a better response talking to Smelly's little girl than ewe lot
So far this thread has only had any sort of response from those who live out woop woop & they can be excused cause it's to far for them to travel
As far as the rest of ewe's go whats your excuse ???
My parents rekon your all paedos trying to prey on me or something along those lines. They said I can't trust ANYBODY over the internet so this is about as close as your gonna get until I'm 18.
My father used to say, "It takes a real man to have a girl".
Needless to say I have a sister and 2 sons. LOL!
Congrats Smelly
Your parents are only looking after you C&R, when I think of it there is only one person here that I know personally and could vouch for and that's Jumpy, he's normal...sorta. HaHaHaHa!
(I think I met Steve once many years ago too)
Anyway if you ever get the chance to go fishing with Jumpy grab it with both hands because as much as it pains me to say this, he does know what what he's doing and you will learn a lot.
Sorry for hijacking your thread Jumpy but I don't fish weekends so the 10th is out for me, motor goes on the boat today so if all is well I'll catch you on the Bay within the next few weeks.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 1 2007, 03:39 PM
QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Nov 1 2007, 09:59 PM)
My parents rekon your all paedos trying to prey on me or something along those lines. They said I can't trust ANYBODY over the internet so this is about as close as your gonna get until I'm 18.
What are ewe trying to say googlefush ???
Wont your parents let ewe out of the closet till you're 18 ???
Nov 1 2007, 07:31 PM
THANKS for the well wishes fella's
My father used to say, "It takes a real man to have a girl".
Needless to say I have a sister and 2 sons. LOL!
Congrats Smelly
Only ever heard that once Fed & that was the other day,i must say i like it alot better than what i've been copping
Catch my oldies used to be the same sorta,
I could never go out with anyone if me oldies did'nt meet them first,which used to become difficult when i'd meet a girl & their parents had the same idea
So JG,why don't you go for a run to Catch's place and
'MEET THE PARENTS' ????????????????????
On second thought's.......maybe you should send STEVE.P!!!!!
Nov 1 2007, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Oct 15 2007, 11:37 PM)
Do ewe guys bloody read anything that I say around hear ???Believe it or not I fish the Bay all the time when I'm fishing it
Iwanted some feedback as to what days ewe illiterates who dont read what I say to give me some feed back
Now if ewe's are having probs with my wording let me know & I'll Drew pictures for ewes
hey jumpas i recon u have a great idea there havin a get to gether on the bay u might evan get sumo there for that one. if we can tavel 1/2 way across the country for 2or 3 whitting not a bad idea id go to but sumo isnt talkin to me just yet after dobin him in for bein bogged
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 1 2007, 09:11 PM
blinky I can fish the Bay any day of the week & do so when in the mood.
These guys are allways mopping & groaning why they dont catch fish so thought what better way than to show them
Little did I know they're a bunch of old women exept for the odd one who said he was in.
No skin off my back I know how to fish the bay
Nov 2 2007, 03:32 AM
sorry the 10th no good for me :huh:
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