After spending the day working on me Val,ripping the motor and box out,yes by the time we got the lifting gear around to my house and set up plus a few other drama's it took us nearly all day .

Anyway i was keen for another crack at the Bass......BUT i had two probs,the first being the footy,it was just about to start.The other was the weather,there was a big storm rolling in.
Decisions decisions,it took about 2 secs 'FISHING IT IS'.
We got down the river about 4;30,just as i finished setting up i remembered abot the gates getting locked.DOH this was gonna be a qick one.
I was useing the fly rod(well trying anyways) and i gave Dave my Flick stick complete with a tiny gary glitter on.Mate not even 5mins later Dave thought he missed one,next cast he was on.He pulled another straight away and i was thinking 'man if he gets another i'm claiming that rod back'!!!
Well it took him awhile,as the hat trick always does,but a bit later i had to snatch that
rod back,this one was a bit better around 25cms.
I got the rod back with a dodgey Gary so i re rigged and soaked the new gary in some stuff and lobbed it out.I worked that lure hard and got jack so i slowed it down and just done the same retreive as the other day and BANG!!! Right at my feet i got a hit and it even pulled a teenyweeny bit of drag.It was the biggest so far aswel,i just measured it against the rod.Job done i got back on the fly.
BTW we seen at least two major surface boofs,man they looked like Barra boof'n the surface,major explosions,that was cool.Lobb'n the lure in the zones did'nt result in hook ups tho.
Anyway Dave landed his fourth Bass and we headed home after an hour or so maybe 1.5hrs,before the gates were locked on us.
Still didnt get the kyak in there ,maybe soon.