Anyways I was told by One Block to go wide of Browns & find 19 .5 deg water.
Mild NWW blowing this morn I put down the hammers & cruised out @ around 30 knots
100 fathoms water was green as & 16 .5 deg not looking good Browns was no better Green as but temp bumped up to 17 .5 deg
Decided to put out the lures & head east till we found some decent water.
* miles past Browns it started getting a bit better but still green & around 18 . 3 deg we did find some long line floats out there but kept going east
I was nearly tempted to pull in the lures & hammer the boat out to Heatons Hill but @ 10 miles past Browns the water reached 19 . 5 deg & looked a little bluer pay no attention to water colour in the pic.
I reckon photo's tell Porky's cause to the naked eye no way was the water that BLUE.
Anyways pulled in lures nad the nephew with me so set him up with a outfit & we were fishing I've always been a believe your boat is you Fad so as soon as we did pull up out went handfulls of cubes.
It only took 15 minutes & my ratchet screams a shortish burst waited then wound in my baited hook
All went quiet after that but the temp had risen up to 20 deg now nothing peculiar about that any other time I've found that temp will rise in the course of a days fishing once the sun starts to warm things up but this was sudden.
Anyways from the 1st run it took about 1 hr for my nephews rachet to do what rachets generally do, it started to rachet so out went handfull of cubes again meanwhile my nephew was cranking in the fish he told me he saw it jump I thought he was telling me Porky's

Not much of a fight it came in pretty easy & it never crossed my mind I thought it was a rat rat rat yft then we saw colour it was a Mahi Mahi went just under 7 kg on the ricta scales.
Whenever we do get a run 1st thing we do is throw out & keep throwing out big handfulls of cubes found if the fish are there they'll come right up to the boat & stay there as long as the cubes keep arriving.
Next hr saw zilch action just as I was getting confident we were in for a good days fishin I was tempted to again pull in lines & track back closer to a formation of sorts Canyons were 20 miles away @ this stage & Browns was 13 miles away so I sat put esp with the wind coming up it was a little unpleasant out there.
Pulled the plug around 3 pm wind was making life hard + we had a long hike home it's amazing what I found on the way back home water temp stayed in the 19's all the way back to the 100 fathom mark & I was again put into disaray thinking to myself wrong decision made as far as where to have fished goes.
Oh Well there's always next time