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Full Version: Bass Bash
Fishing oz style > Chat > Fresh Water Chat
Hi all, thought i'd have a relaxing days fishing and head up to the nepean river,
asked jumpy if he wanted to come along , he said yes so I told him to ready to leave at 4am.

4.20 and he's still not come , as we decided to take his boat had to use his truck as mine has deferent trailer plug.

finally after a few phone calls he rocks up. where on our way . as i wanted to get on the water at about 5am and start fishing before the sun got up.

The better times to fish for bass is early morn. late afternoon and also during the night with surface lures.

Well it was a bit cold but I was rugged up we only got about 500mt. when I thought the boat was cavitating , then I look and see JG shaking as if he had something stuck on maximum revs. so we stoped and started to fish . the wind was a bit chilly for him.

I was hoping to go way up river as this is where the bass would have moved to . during spring they migrate up as far as they can go.
After a short while jg decided to lie down and have a snooze and get warm on the wet floor .
me I fished , ended up with 2 bass before JG got up and decide to have a go. I got another 2 and a few misses before the sun got up and I new they would shut down.

not long after that we called it a day.
I enjoyed the day out and the scenery is always great.
till next time whitch wont be long and the weather warms up a bit moore biggrin.gif
the river west of Narra is looking good mate biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Call that fishing ?????????????????????????????

I've caught bigger yakka's than those bloody Bass

Hey poly !

Dave wants to know if the Flathead have shown up in any numbers in Lake Burley Griffin ?????
Thanx for the report STEVE,

I've only just started fishing for the bass so i've got a few Q's!!

What do you use for them and when,like when to use a hard body v's plastic and poppers and surface lure's,day night???

And do you ever get'em in deeper sections or do you just stick to the edges and snags???

Do you ever use fly's??

And finaly what about spinner baits,how do you retreive them and when's the best time to use them??

Later i'll ask some more,like conditions and such tongue.gif

Any help would be great
hi smelly.
I love fishing for them early morn / late arvo. and into the night.
these sessions I like to use surface lures, they are a nocternal fish. as it gets dark and visibility is low, I hang a fluro light over the side and cast to the edges of light. surface lures work best when its very calm.A lot of times they will hit seconds after splash down. I always let lure sit and wait for ripples to disapear from splash.

Then give it a twitch, let it rest and repeat.
the other day I was useing betts spins and soft plastic as water was a bit dirty bett spins are a mini spiner bait type with a clip to attatch your sp.

I find sp mutch better as it looks like a bait fish swimming. dont use hard bodys mutch any more , only when a lot of weed under the surface. then shallow divers and the bass dart out from weeds and hit them.

spiner baits are tops for not getting snaged and you can drag them through lots of crap. they work well when worked at slow speed just enough to turn blades , U can use them anytime day / night generally when sun gets up they will go deeper and hide more and you can get them down and work them slow.

I mostly stick to edges and snags as you cover more ground as for deep you have to find structure on sounder and that take time.

when I go up to Glenbawn dam. I do fish deep sometimes becuase there's heaps of sructure.

I'll be heading up there soon G/Bawn. thats a whole lot different. and better. your welcome to come up if you like . surface strikes up there scare the shit out of you at night

Thanx for the info STEVE biggrin.gif ,

As for Glenbawn,sounds great,just give me a PM and i'll be there.

Just have'ta be careful the better half is only 4weeks from due :o .

But if we time it right ;) laugh.gif

BTW thats a gr8 Bass!!
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